Friends who have not retired often shared that after retirement, they may travel around the world, or to make grandsons, or to concentrate on health care and cultivate their hobbies.I have also heard that many friends and colleagues cannot adapt to the life after retirement, and the worst case even happen even family, friends, psychological and economic problems.Even if there is a detailed retirement plan, not everyone can implement it as expected.Life after retirement still cannot be separated from social and social activities, after all, it is the "rivers and lakes" that have lived more than half of their lives.

Assuming the average life expectancy is about 80 years old, you can divide your life into three periods before, middle and back.We were preparing for employment in the past 20 years, and the labor force was gradually improving.In the 40 years in the middle period, the decline has contributed to social development.In the later period of retirement, this labor force should be immediately zero.If it is represented by a side diagram of an elephant, the labor force is ascending from the tail arc, and the back of the elephant is up and falls, and then quickly slides directly from the elephant nose to zero.

Is there a part of the elephant nose, is it a great waste of labor?Is it neither waste, and can it be properly managed to apply this labor alternative?

The number of employees retired from the workplace should be very large every year, among which there are experienced and experienced personnel.As long as there is a legitimate occupation, regardless of the meritorious merit, the progress of society has been calculated.Such a large group of "meritorious and experienced" people are a valuable labor resources. If they can, they should be used appropriately.

Suppose there is a company, from the highest level to the lowest level. All employees hired, regardless of white -collar blue collar, or green collar "gray collar", professional and non -professional, it is best to even be a big boss.In theory, the company's total productivity is not much different from the general company.The retirement group mobilizes as a whole, manages self -management, and develops a new "retirement enterprise". Basically, any industry has a way to operate this model.

From the perspective of retirees, as long as health permits, if you feel embarrassed by "being" retired immediately, or you have not thought of any big retirement plan, or you can not adapt to the days without class, join this model of this model.The company, at least a few years and a half, will slowly adapt to it, and continue to contribute experience in their familiar fields.Half -job shifts can also allow employees to have at least half a day of transition time for full retirement planning, and also allow "workers to have their duties."Of course, if you join the consideration of commute time, medicine, welfare, etc., the return on net income (or salary) may be less than before retirement, but this should not be the main point of consideration.

In fact, you don't need to have such a "rough and extreme" model to apply this retirement labor, and any company can make some adjustments in personnel employment.Although many companies have obligations and continue to stay as employees to their legal retirement age, the implementation method needs to be considered.

The re -employment conditions after the legal retirement age are common. It is common that employees are required to leave their original jobs and positions to sign contracts such as new contracts, salary, medical care and welfare.Unless the employee's performance does not meet the standards, or the original position has been canceled, otherwise, it is actually a disguised salary reduction to abandon the original expertise and experience to study and new work.Furthermore, that is still full -time employment, and has not transitioned to the buffer time of a full retirement life.Another friend's experience is that although the company accepts half -job renewal, because there is no substantial hiring another semi -employee division of labor, the workload and pressure are the same as full -time, so retired employees are a re -employment of double losses.Logically speaking, a person's experience and productivity, unless you are healthy or if you have a problem, how can he immediately return to zero overnight?

Occupations who have worked hard in the workplace and society for many years, if they want to continue their work after retirement, there should be a place where they should continue to contribute with dignity.The work environment and employment conditions, etc., can be specially arranged for design.On the one hand, you can use this (will be) idle labor force to increase social productivity; on the other hand, you can also prepare high -quality retirement life for them and enhance social activity to eliminate social problems that cannot adapt to the sudden "retirement".Essence

The author is an electronic engineer