"Playing Middle School" has been popular for a while, and many educators know that the game will bring benefits to children's learning.However, some teachers either do not know where to start, or the multiple considerations of safety, hygiene, and educational significance, which leads to the opportunity of real and profound learning that teachers and children cannot really enjoy playing.

Many parents and teachers treat "play" and "learning" in dual division.If the child refuses to study hard, he deprives the child's right to play as a threat; if the child completes his homework, he will reward them for a period of time to comfort or adjust.

Greek philosopher Plato believes that games are the highest form of self -expression of children.Chen Heqin, the father of Chinese early childhood education, also said: Children take games as their lives.In short, wise men in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign countries agree that playing the importance of children's development and learning.The Convention on the UN Children's Rights even clarified that children's game rights must be recognized and respected.

How can I play?Some games that seem not like playing, such as playing games, seemingly noisy or troubled. Many adults see two children in a ball and will definitely separate their children or blame them.As everyone knows, playing the game with the opportunity to learn and use physical strength and self -control for children.Just like a cub in the animal world, you must practice fighting or hunting skills by playing games to improve their survivability in the nature of survival of the fittest.

On the other hand, some so -called educational toys or games seem to be able to educate and enjoy it, but for children, those educational toys may not be real. Instead, they feel like it is.Missing.The definition of playing, for children, must be fun, meaningful and imaginative, they are willing to be autonomous and active.Therefore, after the child may take away the toy gifts that the adults are given to them, they put their expensive toys aside, and are interested in playing with the boxes of playing with toys.

In 2023, the “Project Zero" research center of the School of Education of Harvard University in the United States shared eight years of research results -Pedagogy of Play, which proved that playing can indeed support students' learning.When the student wants to do, it is what the teacher wants to do, and the "playful learning" is complete.Analysis and creative thinking will naturally develop in fun. Students will pay more attention to and care about what they have learned, and the results can achieve the effect of deep learning.

Loris Malaguzzi, the founder of REGGIO EMILIA, said: The purpose of teaching is not to create learning, but to create learning conditions.The role that teachers can play, in addition to providing the time and materials of playing, is to carefully observe and record. In the process of children's fun, the opportunity to capture learning, and then "small things", explore in -depth with their children, promote the child to discover problems.And solve the problem together.During the entire process of playing, teachers can guide children to have meaningful dialogue and writing activities in a natural, authentic and pleasant context.

The study of

"Zero Plan" also emphasized that playfulness is the center of "learning".The mentality of playing can transform all activities and experience into the positive factor of playing to achieve the best effect of learning.In my opinion, this part is a direction that Singapore's parents and teachers can work hard.Because, when we talk about "playing middle school", we have given the mission that is too heavy to play. It is always a serious talk about the benefits of playing, and how to ensure that children have some knowledge and skills through games.With less fun, how can I play and learn with my children effectively?

Parents and teachers who know how to play can cultivate children who know how to play.When playing, you don't have to be too deliberate, nor should you be tied up with too much worry.The teacher feels interesting and interesting, and it is suitable for children's ability. You do n’t need to be too utilitarian. You always think about how much benefits of a certain game can bring children to the child's learning.

Don't be too heavy.How long does it take for a long time, please unload the heavy burden and stretch the deep lock, and make a good laugh with the children.

(the author is a local educator)