Only relying on supervision to improve relevant standards, this "paper measures" are often invalid, and may even be unable to achieve because of increasing costs, but will bring the opposite effect.

Recently, the news of "tanker after removing coal -to -coal -making oil" has aroused heated discussion among netizens.According to media reports, two tankers that have just unloaded coal -making oil, without washing the tanks, were successfully installed with edible oil.Essence

After heated public opinion, the State Council's Food Safety Office attaches great importance to it. It organizes the State Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Transport, the State Market Supervision Bureau, the State Food and Material Reserve Bureau and other departments to hold a special meeting to study it.Check the relevant issues related to the transportation of oil tankers.

It is necessary to strengthen supervision, but from a longer -term perspective, food safety, in the final analysis, is not controlled.

The characteristics of logistics in China are: small, loose, chaotic, and poor.This is the consensus of the official and industry. It is the national conditions of logistics and has not changed for decades.

The upstream of logistics, the logistics orders of the manufacturing industry are mostly small and multi -breeds of small and medium -sized manufacturing companies and traders. Without large logistics orders, it is impossible to have large logistics companies.Without concentration, there is no specialization and no standardization.Big trucks are overloaded and mixed with canned cars without cleaning, all of which are for the same reason.

The industry is scattered, the price competition must be fierce, the cornerstone of the logistics industry, and the income of truck drivers are not high.According to relevant data, a truck driver has an average monthly income of 7,600 yuan.The tanker's depth was cleaned by 600 to 700 yuan at a time.If you wash the cans 3 times in January, the money of washing can reach one -third of his income.

A while ago, there was news that in Europe, ordinary people could not afford air conditioning.The money to buy air conditioners is not expensive, but the money is expensive, exceeding the air conditioner itself.Why is it expensive, because there is a qualification, not everyone can install air conditioners.The installation workers are expensive because of their qualifications.

On the other side of the expensive, qualified people will cherish their qualifications and operate them carefully to avoid falling off because they have not followed the specifications, or if the air conditioner is not installed, and lose their qualifications.Assuming that China's air -conditioning master is difficult to obtain qualifications, and after qualifications, it will install 4,000 yuan of air -conditioning.So, do you think he will be very serious, rigorous, and fully follow the operating specifications?

So, can China be able to engage in qualification restrictions and mandate a special classification of cans?For example, it is impossible to install chemical raw materials for food. At the same time, drivers driving tanks have high qualifications and high income, 30,000 yuan a month.In this case, do you think he will take the risk of losing his work and adventure to cross qualification mixing. Is it to save 2,000 yuan a month without washing the pot?Obviously, he must not know.

But at the moment, it may be difficult to do this.This is why the relevant standards are not compulsory.

Limiting qualifications, after classification, it means that the probability of being idle and empty will be higher.Then the cost of single transportation will rise, which will eventually be reflected in the price of terminal consumers.

After giving qualifications, the salary must be higher, otherwise no one will cherish the qualifications, and the qualification will be meaningless.Then higher wages are also reflected in the final price.

Moreover, it is not easy to give canned car drivers higher.It is impossible for any society to return to the unilateral industry for rapid progress, and the chicken group is standing.Just like if you are a rider, for 30,000 months, then a rider has to send money to the platform to recruit recruitment in order to get this job.Just like entering a tobacco company, you have to send money.In the end, they will not get too much.

Actually, there are many similar things.Decoration, the workers did not follow the specifications and did not qualify, and smashed the load -bearing wall. When the child went to school, the teacher scolded the child to run down the 5th floor; to travel, encounter a black -hearted guide without qualifications.This is a manifestation of inadequate society and not standardized.There are factors for poor supervision, but a bigger level is that the level of social development cannot afford the professionalism and standardization of the society.For example, there are decoration companies that can be fully made in accordance with the norms, such as electricians, welders, steel bars, pouring, tilers, and designers are qualified, but this price is generally unavailable in the home improvement demand.

Society is a complex system. Any problem is caused by multiple factors.Therefore, "unloading coal and oil to install edible oil" is a comprehensive and universal defect.This means that no one deliberately risks to cross the track. Everyone is doing it in accordance with the convention, and then countless practice leads to a bad result.More importantly, the convention is actually a low -cost model, and the high -cost model cannot afford the society.

Only relying on supervision to improve relevant standards, this "paper measures" are often invalid, and may even be unable to achieve because of increasing costs, but will bring the opposite effect.Milkamine is milestone in the history of Chinese food safety.I wrote an article that the root cause is that dairy farmers are produced by small farmers.In fact, because of the standard of protein content, small scattered dairy farmers could not meet at all, and supervision could not keep up with too high standards.Close one eye.

So many times, in the face of various social phenomena, I will have a sense of weakness.Awe is very important.Because the sense of weakness is only after the reality, it is only after understanding the law.Only by fear of weakness can we respect the economic and social laws, and to solve the problem in response to the law, instead of giving a fierce medicine, attempting to have a thorough subversion to the entire industry.Specifically, according to the above -mentioned economic and social laws, it is not difficult to find that the measures to strengthen the tank or send edible oil for special cars can only be placed in large food companies, instead of expecting small and scattered logistics industries, hanging on the affiliation,The driver is done.Otherwise, the market will evolve, only 100 yuan, and the cleaning institutions passing through the field.In terms of transaction costs, this is also the simplest model -food companies are responsible for food safety. They bear this cost and get corresponding market compensation.

From a larger perspective, the fundamental way is to develop the economy.European air conditioners are more expensive than air -conditioning, and of course it has reached the extreme side of the extreme.But for China, it is a wealthy disease.We also need to continue to develop. We cannot be proud of a cheap and efficient, which is actually a comprehensive and universal backwardness.Only economic development, the level of people's demand is improved, market demand is strong enough, and the profit to the industry is sufficient, and the market concentration will naturally increase.The market concentration has increased, goodwill has risen, and its standardized and security is naturally guaranteed.

When I was a kid, my father and I went to the grain shop to buy rice, quantitative, 27 pounds a month.Sometimes the rice in the grain shop has a smell of kerosene, which was not a big deal at the time.The Chinese did not form a group of food safety concepts at that time.Therefore, only by adhering to the reform and opening up, adhere to the people's lives first, develop the economy, allocate more resources to the people's livelihood, so that the people have higher purchasing power to solve these problems fundamentally.Otherwise, no matter how much it is a clever woman, it is difficult to cook without rice.

Text 丨 FT Chinese Network columnist Liu Yuanju