The footsteps of the Singapore election are approaching again, and the reports of the parties in the workshop are increasing.This year is a rare election. Except for the United States, the European Parliament and many countries have held or are about to hold a general election.About half of the world's population is voting, at least reflecting the mainstream of the election system on the political stage of the world today.If considering around 1900, there are only 10 democratic countries around the world, and more than 120 countries have implemented multi -party elections in more than 120 years later. Elected politics can be described as the biggest consensus of human modern civilization, and it is also the general trend of world development.

After a television debate between the US President Biden and the former President Trump, there were many taunting the election system in the Chinese world.Affected by centralized ideas, even if they are in a democratic society, some people will be interested in collective power and hate democracy.The tangible geographical barrier disappears, but the psychological shadow is still lingering.

I cherish my voting opportunities abnormally. Although the two votes at home are only molecules above the huge denominator, it is the joint force of each individual that it determines whether the election of Singapore members and presidents will also allow the government and the people to haveCommunicate directly.A vote seems to be as light as hairy, but it is the will of many scattered people that brings together the consensus of the times, so it is heavy.

It is often criticized that some voters are not rational enough, voting according to personal preferences rather than national futures.There are a lot of criticism of the election system, because ordinary people, including myself, inevitably have a lot of irrational, wrong, and impulsive voting decisions.As mortals, we are also vulnerable to the mercy of public opinion and politicians, and even confuse, making the election politics into a tool for gangsters to vent their emotions.Even so, personal irrational behavior, when the sample is large enough, offset each other, will still represent the will of most people.The true significance of the election is that it prompts politicians to start to be truly responsible for the people and establish a timeliness of government decision -making accountability mechanism.Only by continuously adjusting and improving the level of public services and satisfying the people and leaders of the people can get the opportunity to be elected and governed.Political figures have never been naturally humble, but they will always succumb to the will of people with votes.

The violence of several people's heads instead of the past, and the huge disaster brought about by the end of periodic political destruction is the true manifestation of modern political civilization; it also allows any political sophistry, false interpretation and deliberate politics of democratic forms.Criticism became pale and weak before a vote.

Although the election system may be damaged by the efficiency of society, in several social and time periods, it may also make populist ideas prevail.However, compared to collective oligraphy politics, it will not be unable to vent due to power monopoly and people's sentiments, resulting in the dam -losing embankment of collective emotions, causing social order to disintegrate in the short term, and cause large -scale violence to bleed.Although centralized power can flatten all social obstacles and concentrate their strengths, but the probability of brewing major bad things after the year and long -term increased infinitely increasing.Through the candidate process to regularly release the pressure of public opinion and change government decision -making with public opinion, it is the great institutional design for the regular decompression of society.

Look at the secondary violence cycle of the dynasty in the end of the dynasty, many scholars lament that the entire rule will collapse in an instant, and very small events will cause the fire to devour everyone.Finally, no matter whether or not, all levels of officials and people are always burned.Even a few victors who were cruel struggle were eventually devoured by power.The destructive power caused by no constraints has always existed. Only by elections every few years can this huge destructive power eliminate regularly.

In a centralized society, interpersonal relationships are not equal.The interests of the lower levels have been trampled by wanton, and they can only climb to the high position to trample on others.Therefore, in the case where power is not restrained by votes, the result of a vicious struggle is that everyone has become a loser.To change destiny, it can only be resolved with violence, and eventually become a victim of concentration and violence from top to bottom.

For ordinary Singapore people, election politics not only puts forward high requirements for participants, but also requires self -political education for each citizen.Citizens should not only actively participate in national politics, but also understand and practice diverse and inclusive democratic values.Through political exchange dialogue and rational voting, Singapore's challenges can jointly explore and achieve better political solutions.This process requires citizens to have high quality and participation awareness in order to effectively promote social progress and democratic development.Churchill once said: "Democracy is the worst government form, but other forms are worse." Of course, criticism of election politics always seems reasonable, because it is still constantly developing and improving.But very lucky, all Singaporeans chose this most bad political form.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher