A few hours after the end of the US election debate, Russian President Putin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said his boss did not have time to watch the TV debate.Peskov even laughed at Putin's idea of ​​watching the debate. He said that it is difficult to expect the Russian President to set up an alarm to watch the live TV broadcast of Moscow at midnight.He added that no matter what, the general election debate was the internal affairs of the United States.But from a round of publicity shortly after the end of the Russian TV station, Putin is indeed concerned about this.

For Russian leaders and China, the United States last week to clearly show the crisis of leaders in the world last week is a gift, providing an excellent opportunity for the two countries to reiterate the narrative of the United States that they have been promoting.By stimulating uncertainty about the global leadership of the United States, Putin believes that they can reshape the world order and increase their international influence at the cost of the United States.

As a Russian national television station, the first channel reported the debate in depth, describing Biden and Trump as "children in the nursery."As the TV station repeats the two candidates who controversy, who has played better clips to Russian audiences. The host predicts that as the United States "rolls from one large hole to another big hole", Americans' lives will become "An endless golf ".

Chinese comments are even more restrained.The Global Times quoted a unnamed American voters, saying that "this system must have a problem." Another voter claimed that the US democratic system was failed.

The US election debate provided fresh materials for it.From the perspective of China and Russia, it is not important to defend who wins and who lost that night.It is important to show that the US election in November this year will be a farce. Voters have been filed. They can only make choices among two candidates who are equally unacceptable.

This strategy may be effective in the short term.The American collapse prediction has exacerbated anxiety among the partners and allies in the United States.European leaders are bold all day long, for fear that the United States may weaken NATO under the leadership of Trump. They are not waiting to prevent the influence of Trump's ongoing on the stage when the European election is unfortunately ended in the United States.Industrial strategy, and considering whether to appoint an EU defense commissioner.Biden's second term is also its own safety risk. It is unclear whether he has the energy to lead the increasingly uncertain and dangerous world.

A deeper problem is inlaid in the doubts of opponents in the United States.If these two main presidential candidates have nothing to do, in addition to arguing that the golf is better, what does this mean for the world's perspective?Is the United States still a dazzling mountain on the top of the mountain?Or does its long -term political issues indicate the flames that have been burned in the interior?It is difficult to say from the outside.However, Moscow was igniting the wind and the United States, which led the world in the 20th century, made a gesture of being prepared to intervene at any time.

The United States has successfully recovered from its worst crisis so far.The civil rights struggle and anti -Vietnam war demonstrations in the 1960s had triggered a serious polarization in American society.After that, the water gate incident exposed the corruption and conspiracy of the core of US power.The rise in oil prices triggered the economic recession in the mid -1970s. The failure of the United States in Vietnam also brought a fatal blow to its global prestige. Many people thought that the United States would never be able to recover its vitality.

The Kremlin was convinced that the world was developing in the direction of its hope, and tried to expand power and influence to all corners of the world.The Soviet government is very enthusiastic about using the U.S.'s problems to use the high crime rate of the United States and the proliferation of drugs in the United States.In the words of a Politburo document in 1971, the Soviet policy was to break the reputation of the United States, "thereby destroying the status of the United States as a bourgeois world leader."

Yes, the United States is in a trough.No need to rely on Russia or other countries, anyone can see this.There may be darkest days in the future, there are no fast solutions, and there will not be even a smooth autumn election.

But history has shown that through its institutional constraints, accountability systems, and true and meaningful debates about the country's direction, the American system has embedded the ability to recover rapidly.When facing all these turbulence, the recovery of the United States is still possible or even reasonable.The United States, which is declining, is on the road of revival.

The author Sergey Radchenko (@Drradchenko) is a professor at the School of High International Research of Hopkins University in John, and is the book of to run the world: The Kremlin ’s Cold War Bid for Global Power.

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