Last week, State -owned Assets Li Xianlong wrote through Facebook that some people used deep forgery technology to make videos to forge him to comment on international relations, foreign leaders and other topics.He pointed out that the motivation of these deep -pseudo videos may have nothing to do with business interests, but malicious intentions are obvious.The people behind want to make these views look supported by him or the Singapore government.He described, "This is dangerous and may damage the national interests of Singapore."

Before that, the face images of the ministers and members of Congress were shifted and picked up, which was superimposed on obscene photos.The victims include Foreign Minister Wei Wen, Member Chen Youming and Xie Binghui.Chen Youming posted a video on Facebook and said with an anti -talk: "I don't want to guess who the master is, and I don't want to guess whether they are in Singapore or abroad. I don't want to guess why they are very important in Singapore.Do this at all times "

The moving flower of deep pseudo technology has long been there.However, with the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), fake videos of deep -fake technology producing celebrities are becoming more and more realistic and difficult to recognize.The production cost of fake videos is low, fast spread, and become a tool for fraud gangs to cheat.There are criminals who fake celebrities such as Li Xianlong and Prime Minister Huang Xuncai to sell "bag earning" investment products or trading platforms to cheat money.

It is worth noting that deep -pseudo technology is quietly breaking into the political field of Singapore.Singapore's election is imminent, I believe that more fake videos will appear in social media.Foreign experience shows that some of the fake news or fake videos during the election period are interest groups from home and abroad; some are spoofing to find happiness or fight for the attention of netizens.Their purpose is not to seek money, but to try to give play to the influence of politics or get political interests.

Singapore is a society of diversified race, multiculturalism and multiple religions, and there are many potential cracks.Race or religion is a highly emotional issue. False information or spoof may cause conflicts of ethnic groups, which is out of control.As the saying goes, the fire of the stars is enough.In the Internet age, information spreads fast and wide, and the damage caused by false information is even greater.

On the other hand, the differences in cultural and religious identity in multiple society may also make Singapore a soft goal for foreign interest groups to release false information.The Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Faculty, Shang Morgan recently quoted the public opinion survey of the Communications and the Ministry of News that different ethnic groups have different views on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the conflict of Harbin, and these differences may be incited, leading to conflicts within the ethnic group.

The development of

AI is irreversible, and deep pseudo -technology breaks into the political field unstoppable.Deep pseudo technology has gradually become a powerful carrier of political propaganda in many countries.Like resisting network fraud, Chinese people need to improve the level of digital literacy, distinguish the authenticity of videos, and avoid reposting videos of fake information or spoofing politicians.This is not only to protect yourself from being deceived, but also helps improve the political level of Singapore and national governance.

A US identification company recently investigated consumers from the United Kingdom, the United States, Singapore, and Mexico's views on deep pseudo technology and found that Singapore consumers are the most dissatisfied with the government's current supervision of AI, but I believe that the government has the ability to supervise AI AIThe ratio is also the highest among the four countries.In addition, more than 77%of Singapore consumers believe that they have the ability to identify deep -pseudo technology, which is the one with the highest confidence in investigating the country.

Fake information and deep pseudo videos break into the political field, which is far more serious than the fraud that earns money.In addition to calling on the public to be vigilant, the official officials need to strengthen the supervision of AI, make full efforts to curb the proliferation of deep pseudo videos, and crack down on the producers of political interests behind the scenes.

Singapore is at the forefront in the development of AI, and the impact risk of deep pseudo technology is even greater.However, the development of AI gives Singapore more superb technical strength and reduce the damage caused by deep pseudo -technologies into the political field.