On July 2nd, Dr. Victoria, Minister of Foreign Affairs, answered an important question in Congress: What is the threshold for Palestine's independent country?In other words, what conditions must be met before Singapore admits that Palestine is an independent country.

One of the emphasis on Weiwen is: When making a decision, all countries must consider whether there is an effective government or leader who can represent all Palestinians, at least to effectively control the West Coast and Gaza Strip, and have the foundation of public opinion.And power can negotiate on behalf of the Palestinians and the Israelites.

These issues are currently unknown, so Singapore's time point to acknowledge the Palestinian State can only be uncertain.However, in this response, Weiwen also made an important political statement, that is, Singapore's preparation acknowledged Palestine as an independent country in principle.This means that Singapore is standing on the side of international public opinion.On April 2 this year, Palestine requested the United Nations to re -consider its qualification application for member states, but in the voting of April 18, the Security Council was unable to support the relevant applications because of the permanent member of the United States and the United States.In May, the United Nations held a special conference to ask the Security Council to re -consider Palestine's application, and Singapore voted to support the draft resolution.

Weiwen said that this move means that Singapore's preparations recognize Palestine as an independent country in principle.But he also added that we would do so when appropriate.The implication is not the right time.However, this statement shows that the government realized that major changes in international public opinion have undergone major changes, and the international community must also work hard to reverse the situation that is almost hopeless at present, so that it will return to the goal of the two countries in the North Korea.Although Singapore's own attitude is insignificant, the collective power of the international community cannot be ignored.

From the answers of Weiwen, it is difficult to cross the threshold, and the conditions required are currently not sufficient.The Palestinian national power institutions are neither governed by the Gaza Strip, and the war of Gaza's war is also stopped.In this case, admitting that the Palestinian State has real problems, because there are two governments in Palestine, and although Hamas has received support from most Palestinians, it is also unacceptable to most countries.

How can Palestine solve the Hamas problem so that all Pakistani negotiations can be on behalf of all Pakistan people, although it is a family affairs that Ba people must try to handle, but as far as the current situation, the international community can work to promote Harda to stop fire.Avoid worsening humanitarian disasters.Needless to say, in order to achieve the ceasefire, we must have the common will of both the two parties.Israel obviously has no such wishes, and there is still the United States that can exercise veto in the United Nations Security Council.The increasing pressure of public opinion in the international community, whether it can eventually achieve the ceasefire, is still difficult to assert.But we believe that neither of the Harbin side can completely put on international pressure.

The Gaza Strip is now almost a ruins, but the international community seems very weak.One of the reasons is that Israel's far -right faction not only opposes the plans of the two countries, but also places Gaza in military control. It will continue to expand the occupation land and implement the isolation policy on the West Coast. This is helpless but helpless.At present, 143 countries have acknowledged Palestine, and almost all countries have agreed with the plans of the two countries. The international community must show greater determination. On this basis, Gaza ceasefire is promoted to increase humanity assistance, and at the same time provide peacekeeping forces.

At the same time, the international community should also follow the positive practices of Singapore, not only to exaggerate or wait, but to help the Palestinian national power institutions accumulate governing capabilities through actual actions.Since 2013, Singapore has assisted Palestine's national power institutions to enhance the ability of Palestinian ethnic power by strengthening technical assistance supporting (ETAP) and prepare for the final founding of the country.Supporting Palestinian personnel to provide sponsorship, go to Singapore to participate in research visits, and participate in the ability training course under the Singapore Cooperation Programme.The supporting facilities also provide scholarships for the potential Palestinian power institutions, allowing them to take graduate courses at the University of Singapore.More countries should help Pakistan with such practical actions.Of course, we also expect that the Palestinians can unite as soon as possible, strengthen self -improvement, and determine to get rid of the tragic fate.