This is a magnificent and complicated project. No one else in the Communist Party of China has such a spirit, courage and perseverance.This is an important reason for Xi to be invincible within the party.However, this model has a series of problems and difficulties in the form of national conditions, world conditions, and the trend of the times. If it is not good, it will hinder China's rise and the revival of the Chinese nation.

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is scheduled to be held on July 15, at least eight months later than the normal meeting period.This is rare after reform and opening up.There are many speculations at home and abroad. The theme of the conference that has been announced in this article: "Focus on further research to further deepen reform and promote the modernization of Chinese -style modernization."

"Comprehensive Deepening Reform" is the highlight of the fifth -generation leader of the Communist Party of China.In November 2013, the "Central Leading Group for Comprehensive Deepening Reform" was established, and in March 2018, it was upgraded to the "Central Comprehensive Deepening Reform Commission". It has been 10 years and six months.During the average monthly calculation, 126 meetings have been held, and thousands of reform measures, plans, planning, decisions, etc. have been considered and approved.It can be said that reform has been actively promoted.Why should we "further deepen reform" now?

Here is a basic judgment: the main theme of the party building since 2013 is to repair Leninist rule model, that is, the pioneer party centralized and unified leadership.One of the main features of this model is the dependence on ideology.The "conservation innovation" of the highest leader in ideology has always been the reason why the party adapts to the new situation without randomness and maintains vitality (Gorbachev innovates but does not keep the positive, abandoned Marxism, and the result is the death of the Soviet Union).EssenceNow it is proposed to further comprehensively deepen reform, which is related to "Chinese -style modernization"

.The word has summarized at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Now it is launched again, either gives new meaning, or a more systematic summary sublimation to form a new theoretical system.It seems that ideology is a focus of the Third Plenary Session.

Constructing ideology buildings

The exploration and innovation of ideological aspects, from the "Xi Jinping Series Speech" after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to the official proposal "Xi Jinping's thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era".It is a continuous process; the Third Plenary Session is its continuation.This is a lengthy and adjustable process.From the beginning of resolutely returning to Marxist orthodox and establishing "ideal beliefs" to the introduction of a large number of Chinese culture traditions, trying to connect with Marxist to match the theme of "the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation"; "Chinese -style modernization" and related "new productive productive forces"It is the latest development.

There is a brief picture behind this.After decades of "crossing the river with stones", many successful experiences have to be summarized, and many problems have accumulated, such as corruption, the decline of the central authority, the rise of the interest group, the discipline of the party discipline, the differentiation of the rich and the poor, etc.; anti -corruption, etc.Hedu building is to solve these problems.Internationally, in the troubled times of the "Centennial Change", we must also find a sense of direction for human beings, draw a blueprint for the future, and make new contributions to the history of world history.This ambition is not unprecedented -China's "two major miracles": long -term economic growth and long -term social stability.Looking at the West: Growth is slow, and the financial crisis is constantly; social tears, political extremes, and no sense of direction at all; infrastructure, public safety, debt issues, racial religious contradictions, social pathogenesis -drugs, violence, poverty, hunger, no, no noHomes can be returned, and the hope of solving is constantly worsening.Xi Jinping said: The scenery is unique.

Under such circumstances at home and abroad, if China can revolutionize disadvantages in time, it will form an effective system. Under the correct guidelines, policies and strong leadership, "unified thinking, unified will, and unified action"Uniform), the setting goal of the toward continues to advance is a huge advantage that allows China to go through this troubled world smoothly, take the lead in climbing to the other side, and then create the glory of the nation.

The basic assumptions of the Leninist party model is the advanced nature of the Communist Party members: it consists of a conscious communist. They have firm beliefs, loyalty to the party, strong discipline, and noble morality. They can make an example for the masses.——Mao Zedong said: "The power of the example is endless."The Lenin Party continued to overcome difficulties, moved towards the established goals, and finally achieved communism.However, its tasks at different stages of history are different, and there are different, staged guiding ideology.So we see Lenin's imperialism and one country

Revolutionary theory, Stalin's planned economy, Mao Zedong's proletarian dictatorship continues the revolution, Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up, and socialism with Chinese characteristics.Now enter the new period of Xi Jinping's thoughts.A doctrine, a party, and a leader is the characteristics of this model.

Reconstruction Leninism model

American political scientist Huntington believes that the Pioneer is the most successful form of political parties, especially during the turbulent period of transforming society.The history of the Communist Party of China fully illustrates this: Under the leadership of Mao Zedong, it overcome difficulties, defeats strong enemies, seizes national regimes, completely reverses the situation of poverty and weakness in modern China, a dish of scattered sand, and changing the spirit of the nation.Successfully changed China from a backward agricultural country to an industrial country.Deng Xiaoping led the whole party to the period of reform and opening up, realizing the economic take -off and becoming the world's second largest economy.Deng is very confident: As long as there is a party leader, you don't have to be afraid of all difficulties, and you don't have to be afraid of capitalist restoration.Indeed, this strong leadership forces are rare in other countries, and they have achieved glory in various periods.Use a good party to bring a good country, this is Leninism.

However, the challenges facing the market economy are essentially different from the armed revolution and the planned economy period.Disted material interests are comprehensive to the erosion of Lenin Party: from ideological belief to the authority of the central government, from the discipline of party members to the role of model leadership, from values ​​to power outlook, all of them have been completely separated from their original intentions.Corruption has reached the level of "anti -corruption party and not anti -corruption country";Xi Jinping was in this situation to start to chaos anyway.

First of all, to establish leaders' authority and win the hearts of the people with centralized power and anti -corruption; the intensity of the two has never been unprecedented since the reform and opening up; followed by removing the influence of western liberalism, restoring the Marxist beliefs — the death of the Soviet Communist Party and the CCP’s from the Communist Party of ChinaLarge -scale corruption is attributed to the loss of faith, and proposed that "the ideal of revolution is higher than the sky"; then the construction of large -scale discipline, organization and system;The foundation, guide the thoughts and action programs, and re -achieve the best state of "three unity".

This is a magnificent and complicated project. No one else in the Communist Party of China has such a spirit, courage and perseverance.This is an important reason why Xi can stand in an invincible place in the party.However, although rebuilding the Leninist rule model is logical in the party and has strong support forces and legitimacy, this model has a series of problems and difficulties in the form of the national conditions, world conditions, and the trend of the times.With the revival of the Chinese nation.

Can the four major problems be overcome?

Fundamentally, this political reconstruction plan is from the direction of the Chinese market -oriented economy: it is collected on one side on the leading logic and putting it on one side.The Leninist parties only concentrate without democratic traditions.The ideal that closest to democratic concentration in the history of the Communist Party of China was the Yan'an period; Mao Zedong's vision at that time was "concentrated, democratic, disciplined and free, and unified will, and his personal mood was comfortable, lively, so one way, that would be one."Political situations" are still attractive to the CCP.However, practice has proved that there is no balance between democracy and concentration, and democratic centralized systems are unsustainable.

In the long run, the basis for innovating the market in the Marxist theoretical system, otherwise the market economy will always be at stake.The leadership of the party is both the advantage of the system and why it cannot really adapt to marketization.The Pioneer's constant potential is "Totalitarianism", that is, comprehensive control and micro -rule.The market -oriented reform has impacted this model, but as soon as the party leadership emphasizes the party's leadership, it will lead to the return of totalitarian power.The subject.

The second is theoretical difficulties.The New Science and Technology Revolution is not only pickyFighting the material dialectics of materialism, it also increasingly revealed the defects of Marxist theory: not to mention the future of the proletariat, even the prospects of human beings are not sure: Is there a pure creature after decades?The vitality of capitalism and the rise of the middle class were unexpected by Marx; and the proletariat dictates to the opposite side. The cadres fell from advanced elements to the privilege class of the people of fish, and they were eventually cast aside by the people.This is not the lack of "ideals and beliefs" to be explained, but the inevitable result of the system and power structure.The world's "century -old change situation" does not have a goal model. It is filled with "Communist Freshman ideal". I am afraid that there are not many people who can convince it, including most Communist Party members.

From the perspective of practical issues, the elimination of private ownership and exploitation, the dictatorship of the proletariat, class struggle, labor value theory, etc. These are the core concepts of Marxism, and it is not Marxism without any.However, they also conflict with the requirements of the market economy, making it unsafe in private enterprise bosses and high net worth talents. They always want to immigrate, no matter how many laws that protect private property, they are not used.It is just concealment rather than solving the problem.Sooner or later, the problem will come back and make waves.

The third is the issue of innovation vitality, which is the key to winning the era of the new technological revolution.The operating characteristics of the Lenin Party model highlight the word "catch".This word is abound in documents, reports, instructions, propaganda, and speeches in the party.The horizontal logic of the market is difficult to expand under the vertical potential energy of the word "grab"; the word "grab" is difficult to leave the room for independent innovation and vitality.The officialdom I currently see is not dare to speak, afraid of telling the truth, and lying down, inaction, formalism and bureaucraticism are all related.In addition, in order to maintain the highest authority, it is not allowed to "discuss the central government", and repeatedly emphasize "four consciousness" and "two maintenance": This is not a innovation system. In extreme cases (such as the Cultural Revolution), there is only one at the top of the top.Brain holes.How to generally establish an innovation mechanism is a major challenge to further deepen reform.

The fourth is that the problem of corruption is still unsolved.The corruption case exposed in the past two years has almost no difference in terms of quantity, level, amount, and nature, indicating that the top -down power anti -corruption effect is not good.Power and corruption have an inextricable bond. What really wants to solve is the problem of power rather than corruption.

In the great tradition of Leninism, have you solved these problems?Or does it need a paradigm transfer?If it is the latter, it must be innovation rather than embrace liberalism. The scale may exceed the cognitive scope of the collective leadership of contemporary leadership, but in the long run, it is not hopeless.

The author is a senior researcher at the East Asia Research Institute of the National University of Singapore