President Biden's performance on the Atlanta debate has a disaster political influence. In the past few weeks or even a few months, many current and former officials and other people who have contacted him in privateNote that he became more and more confusing or burnout, or running questions in the conversation.

Like many peers, 81 -year -old Biden has had such a situation long ago: saying wrong, forgetting the name, and confusing some facts, although he can maintain keen and focus on most of the time.However, in the interview, people in the same room with him recently said that such a mistake seemed to become more and more frequent, more obvious, and more worrying.

This uncomfortable situation is unpredictable, but it seems that it is more likely to happen in the crowd, or when I feel tired after experiencing a particularly tired schedule.In the 23 days before the debate with the former President Trump, Biden flew over the Atlantic Ocean twice, met with foreign leaders, and then flew from Italy to California to participate in a grand fundraising event. He maintained a high -intensity work rhythm.Even a much younger assistant was exhausted.

The consumption of the continuous travel to Europe has prompted his team to shorten the original debate preparation time for two days, allowing him to rest in the home of Hobesbich, Tellafa, and then thenRehears on David Camp with the consultants.According to people familiar with the matter, the preparations lasted for six days, and they started after 11 am, and Biden had a nap every day.

White House spokesman Andrew Bates said on Tuesday that the president does exercise every day, and then starts to prepare before 11 am every day.Donning his performance in the debate on fatigue."I'm not very wise before," he said."I ran several times on the world, and I don't know how many time areas I have crossed." He also said: "I didn't listen to the staff, I fell asleep on the stage after I came back."

Biden's recent confusion moment caused concerns from consultants and allies.On June 6, he seemed a little confused at the anniversary of the Normandy landing anniversary in France.The next day, while meeting with the President of Ukraine, he mistakenly stated the purpose of providing a new round of military assistance to Ukraine.

On June 10th, he seemed to be stunned at the early liberation of Black slave anniversary celebrations.On June 18, at a immigration activity, his soft tone and the name of the Minister of Land and Safety could not be called, and some allies present looked at each other. Some people later said that they were "scared."Later, Biden woke up to God and called Alexander N. Mattacas.

Of course, he is not always so.A few days after the failure of the debate, his assistant and other people who had been in contact with him, including foreign officials, said that he was in a good condition -alert, clear, capable, and could participate in complex and important discussions, and to deal with the turbulent crisisEssenceThey cited examples related to major national security issues after another.

The assistants of the War Love Room described that Iran fired a large number of missiles and drones on the night of Israel.Essence"Let me make it clear," Biden said."If you launch a large -scale attack on Iran, you can only rely on yourself."

Neganiaho strikes back, claiming that it is necessary to return tooth with their teeth to prevent future attacks."If you do this," Biden said toughly, "Then I will quit." The assistants pointed out that Neitanahu finally reduced the scale of the response.

This report is based on an interview with the current and former White House assistants, political consultants, government officials, foreign diplomats, domestic allies and donors. These people have met Biden in the past few weeks.long.In most cases, they demand anonymous because of sensitive situations.

White House officials said that the president's state is very good. Although his performance in the debate is disappointing, this is only an abnormal phenomenon.The White House Doctor Kevin Oconn also said in February this year that although the president has minor diseases such as sleep and breathing and surrounding surrounding neuropathy, he "has the ability to perform his duties."He said the examination did not find the result of the results of Parkinson's disease.The White House refused to let Ocomen answer questions, and did not respond to the detailed questions raised by the New York Times on his health earlier this year.

On Tuesday, when answering the New York Times question, the White House spokesman Bitz said that Dr. Aconn did not find any reason to re -evaluate whether Bakinson had Parkinson's disease.I have never taken drugs or other drugs for treating the disease.

Bayon's assistant answered the question in this article, and asked several senior consultants to describe their interaction with Biden.

"He looks curious. Focus. He is clear and keen," said the president's domestic policy adviser Nila Tanden.At the briefing, she said, "He will ask you a tricky question, he will say, 'What does this have to do with ordinary people?' If you didn't think of it at the time, you must go back to him afterwards." President's land security adviser Elizabeth Sherwood Randar recalled the situation when he made anti-terrorism briefing for Biden on June 17 in the warrior."And visible" question.She acknowledged that Biden's performance in the debate was different."This does not reflect the situation when I am with him every day," she said.

But many people say that from the perspective of videos, observations and interviews, Biden is not the same as when he took office three and a half years ago.The Waiden's speech on the White House was correct. In these speeches, he often confused locations, characters or dates.A few days after the debate, Bayeng confused France and Italy when he talked about veterans at a fundraising activity in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

last week's debate prompted some people around him to express concerns, thinking that his recent decline trend accelerated.Several consultants who often meet Biden, but not every day or weekly, and current and former government officials say that Biden's performance in the debate shocks them, because this is the worst performance of Biden in their impression.One time.

"You don't have to sit in the oval office to meet with Joe Bayeng, and you can realize that he has become slow in the past two years, and it is obviously different," said President Historian Douglas Bollingley."On the one hand, I am surprised," Said Brillley, he has never seen the president himself for a year."President can shuttle around the country like that. But the White House may just show us the worship what they want us to see."

Since entering the White House for the first time, 78 -year -old Trump has also showed signs of going downhill over the years.He often mixes his name and details and is incoherent.His public activities were less than Biden and did not exercise. In the recent sealing fee trial, he seemed to fall asleep many times.His campaign team released a health situation with only three segments.The voters also expressed their concerns about his age, but less than Biden.

Trump seized the performance of Biden in the debate, and said that he was often confusing that night and lack of factual basis for the "greatest debate" in the history of the presidential campaign.

It can be seen from the recent interview with Biden that he is a stressful president -this is not uncommon -he tries to be in intense international partners and stubborn allies (it is right to ha.Mass's continuous war is against himThe second term caused another threat). He also had a family crisis. His son was sentenced to criminal charges and may be sent to prison.

Of course, this is an incomplete picture.With the growth of Biden's age, the White House limited his contact with reporters.Statistics compiled by Scholar Martha Kumar, a scholar who have studied presidential communication for a long time, showed that although Bayeng often stopped for a few minutes to answer one or two questions, as of Sunday, he had less interviews than any contemporary president.The number of press conferences is also less than any president since Ronald Reagan.

When Biden was temporarily intended to see reporters, the situation was not always smooth.In February of this year, his report on the special prosecutor's handling of confidential documents was greatly fire. In the report, the special prosecutor Robert Herr described Biden as a "good -faith, bad memory of the elderly."The president of the fire was defended by reporters and memory, but when answering the question, he called the Egyptian President Abdul Fataka Cecil as the "Mexican President".On Monday, the Republicans of the House of Representatives demanded that the Bayeon government provided him with Herr's conversation recording.

But historians may think that 23 days before Bayeon's onto the Trump on the TV stage of Atlanta is the most critical three weeks during his term of office, because Bayndon's opponent is not only him.The nasty person is also regarded as the threat of American democracy.The east to live to the Verade of more than 50 million viewers. Whether the speech without conclusions is just a bad night, the result of a exhausted month, or is it a bigger reason?If he did not run around the world so frequently, including leaving Italy, would he go to Los Angeles to participate in a fundraising event across nine time zones?

According to people who met with Bayeng, during the visit to Europe, he had a moment of confrontation at an important meeting, including a complex meeting on the use of Russian assets to assist Ukraine.At a loss at a loss.Sometimes, he looks completely at ease, and sometimes it seems lost.

At Norman, he met a group of veterans who took a veteran organization to France.According to an American who participated in the meeting, Biden sometimes did not know where he was.At the subsequent ceremony, when the army played, the president did not face the US flag, but turned around. He did not want to be rude to the veterans.Subsequently, Gil Biden and French President Macron also followed suit.

Later, there was an embarrassing moment. Macron first ensured that Biden went down the slope safely, and then returned to shake hands with all the veterans.And people originally thought that Biden would also leave hands.

The next day, in the meeting with Ukraine President Zeisky, Biden's voice was so small that he could hardly hear. He said that a new round of assistance aims to rebuild the country's power grid, and this is not the case.

However, when Biden delivered a speech on the day of landing on the Normandy, his speech became powerful and clear, paved layer by layer, and finally a powerful ending.This reminds us that in the state of the National Love Consultation at the beginning of the year, he was handy on a major occasion. Once the rhythm of the speech was mastered, adrenaline seemed to start secreting.

After staying in France for a few days, Biden flew back to the United States briefly to deal with the family crisis after his son was convicted.He held a concert to commemorate the June holiday in advance, and some people saw him standing stiffly when he was in a music performance.A man sitting beside the president said that in most of the activities, his expression seemed "confused and confused."The person familiar with the matter said that since a meeting a few weeks ago, Biden showed "violent degradation".

After staying in China for a few days, Biden flew back to Europe again.According to senior officials at the meeting, during the meeting, his performance was the same as before.

Two government officials accompanied by Biden to Italy said that it was normal for leaders to participate on the day of the day.They said that the corridors in the hotels of the Seventh -way Group Summit were in all directions, which made people dizzy, and it was crowded with 25 world leaders and their security personnel.However, according to these two officials, in several hours of meetings, Biden's mouth was clear and sharp.

When asked if I could imagine that Biden and Russian President Putin lived in a room today, a former U.S. official who helped prepare for this visit before was silent for a while, and then said, "I don't know." A former European Europe.Senior officials simply answered, "unimaginable."

Some White House officials resolutely denied that Biden was not good at dealing with tough foreign heads, and told Iran's experience of attacking Israel that night in April.Biden and his senior national security officials stayed in the war room for several hours to prepare for the attack at midnight.When Biden ordered the troops entering the area to start Iran's missiles and drones, he got real -time updated information.Throughout the response process, he kept asking questions to other leaders.

After the military operations were over, almost all missiles and drones were shot down. Biden called Neitanahu and persuaded him not to upgrade the operation.According to the two people in the combat room at the time, Biden said to the Prime Minister of Israel, "I will accept it if you see it well," he did not follow the manuscript, nor did he go to many notes he made before.In the end, Neitanahu chose a much smaller and more moderate response to effectively end hostile operations.

Since the end of the debate, Biden has always tried to show that he only encountered difficulties when he expressed his view that night, which did not mean that there was a greater problem.The next day, he delivered a strong speech at the election rally and participated in a series of fundraising activities, hoping to soothe the nervous donors in these activities.

"His speech was very powerful. He did not eat, his mouth was unclear, and he did not show confusion," said the former New York State Democratic Party Chairman Judi Hop Hip to participate in a fundraising event in Puton in the Eastern Han Dynasty on Saturday.Essence"He is still the uncle Qiao."

Hope attributed the president's performance to dense schedule."Do you know where he has been in the past seven days?" She raised her voice."He still maintains a schedule that I can't imagine, and young people can't eat it," she added, "I think we need to see if our expectations meet the reality."