From the perspective of the current election situation in the United States, Trump's second term may become a reality. When the "US priority" comes again, it will be a problem if the Labor government is willing to pay for it will be.

Unlike the treacherous treacherous situation in the United States and France, the election situation in the United Kingdom is much more clear.Since the British Labor Party has ended the local parliamentary election in May last year, it has already possessed a solid foundation for victory in this year's election. The fate of the Conservative Party seems to be as sad as Sunak's weather on the day of the election.End.

Welcome to a doomed "victory" is indeed a happy thing. After the long -lasting long -term wild cycle, the Labor Party leader Stam can finally lead his colleagues into No. 10 Tangning Street.However, for the current Labor Party, winning the winning campaign should be the easiest thing to start in the process of governing the cycle.

Once the Conservative Party accepts the identity as an opposition party, it will criticize the Labor Party, just like the Labor Party in the wild.At present, Labor Party's vagueness of the future government's specific policies in the country has become the focus of the Conservative Party's attack during the election.It can be believed that such criticisms will continue to exist during the Labor Party's ruling cycle.The election situation currently appearing in the United States and France has brought severe diplomatic problems to the Labor Government, that is, a left -wing (although the Labor Party in the Stammer's period should be as mild as possible with the image of a mild left -wing force).The United States led or restricted by right -wing forces interacts with Europe represented by France?

In the complete European Parliament elections and the ongoing French National Assembly elections, the rising right party has fully showed its huge social influence.In the Foreign Policy goal of the British Labor Party, the restoration of British and European relations will be the focus of Britain to play a greater international influence in the future, but Europe, which is dominated by right -wing forces, will not only make Europe more tear, but alsoIt will increase the difficulty of restoration of British relations with Europe.

An important impact of right -wing forces is to impact on the "consensus" existed in Europe, that is, populism emphasizes "national interests", which has weakened the concept of Europe as a "community", and the British this is the British.For countries that have been separated from the European Union, they will be more resistant.The fragmentation of the "community" and the vanguard of populism will all hinder Britain's process of restoration of relations with European relations.

British -American relations were reshaped during Trump's first presidential term. Although in the Bayeng period, the United States had restored the ally -ally relations, but the impact of "U.S. Priority" was not completely cleared.The Sunak government has increased military expenditure and providing military assistance to Ukraine. Although it is regarded as a reflection of the security relationship with European security, it is also difficult to say that it is not to please its American allies.

Compared with the Trump period, the Bayeng government's requirements for British allies are undoubtedly more likely to get British understanding and support, but from the current election situation in the United States, Trump's second term mayBecome a reality, and when the "U.S. priority" is coming again, it will be a problem whether the Labor government is willing to pay for it.

Faced with the challenges of these external environment, the British Labor Cabinet Foreign Minister David Lammy emphasized on multiple occasions that the future Labor government will take a practicalist attitude in foreign policy, butIs this really the case?

On the issue of ideological "left" and "right", pragmatism may be effective, but for foreign decisions, the behavior of claiming to make decisions with a "pragmatism" itself is just a decision -making decision -makingThe reaction of stress actually reflects the diplomatic pressure that Labor has encountered in the current and future.

The author is an assistant researcher at Chengdu Sendong Research Institute