(Beijing/Shanghai Comprehensive News) As Chinese private real estate companies have withdrawn from the land market, the low -key coal bosses are active in seeking opportunities for investment in high -quality property assets in various places.

According to the Economic Observer, the Chinese real estate market has intensified liquidity risks since 2022, and some real estate companies that have not yet been trapped have begun to sell core assets.A private coal enterprise in charge of abroad introduced that coal bosses from Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia are actively acquiring these assets, such as Jinmao Beijing Westin Hotel, Yajule Qingshui Bay, Shanghai COFCO Sea View Apartment, etc.

It is reported that the Chinese coal industry entered the era of demand capacity in 2016, and the coal owner of Inner Mongolia and Shaanxi gradually emerged.Due to the high cash flow of the coal business and the industry's production capacity policy in recent years, many private coal mines have been merged by state -owned coal mines or state -owned enterprises, making coal bosses have a lot of cash in their hands.In the current environment, coal bosses do not have high requirements for capital return, but they pay more attention to cash liquidity. Therefore, high -tech industries and scarce property assets have become the main direction of their capital allocation.

First Financial reported that some experts said that China's real estate is currently in the stage of stalemate and game, and the market is still building the bottom. This provides enterprises in the coal and drinking industries with the opportunity to use high -quality assets.

But Bai Wenxi, chief economist of IPG China, pointed out that if non -real estate companies want to enter the border involved in real estate development, they must fully consider market competition and project management capabilities, and companies that lack relevant experience may face greater risks.Therefore, when decision -making, enterprises need to comprehensively evaluate market risks and their own capabilities, and make careful decisions.