Both main candidates are not ideal, but they can only choose to eliminate that relatively unsatisfactory candidates.This is undoubtedly a major test and challenge for all voters and democratic systems in the United States.

The US 2024 Presidential Election, on June 27, Biden's first round of television debate live broadcast with Trump, officially kicked off the match.The debate has attracted most of the American voters to watch, and has also received widespread attention around the world.In the process of debate, Trump basically changed in constant remarks, but Bayeng's performance made supporters disappoint and let the opponents rejoicing.This is not an error in Biden's political aspect, but a problem with his health.

Before this round of debate, the results of the main public opinion tests in the United States showed that Biden and Trump had their own gains and losses in the campaign of offense and defense.Byden By strengthening the control of the illegal immigration crisis in the southern border, Bayon folded Israel's scale and intensity of the Hamas War; it showed the posture of respecting judicial independence and judgment in the case of son Hende Biden;Expansion is effective, etc., which has effectively recovered the disadvantages of Trump's previous period in terms of polls.

However, in the process of debate, according to statistics from mainstream media in the United States, Trump has a lie every 100 seconds, but Biden's response is slow, old -fashioned, and unclear speaking, which is equivalent to this round.The victory of the debate was given to the opponent.

At present, the Democratic camp where Biden is located has changed, and the footsteps are shaking, and the call will be overwhelmed.But there are three huge obstacles risks in the battlefield.First of all, if you do n’t change, in the second round of public debate with Trump in September, there is a similar state of physical and consciousness. The presidential election is equivalent to ending in advance, and Trump will win the voucher.Even though Biden finally defeated Trump's successful re -election, whether his physical health can be competent in the next four years is still a considerable question mark.

On the other hand, if you change the general, who can defeat Trump in Biden?What is the grasp of the Democratic Party in the end?If you are busy, the probability of winning in the end is not as good as Bayeng to play, then it is better not to change.This decision must also respect the wishes of Biden himself and his family, and resort to the inspection and appraisal conclusions of medical authority.

Where to go from the Democratic Party, it must be determined as soon as possible; since the risks of various options are not small, they can only take risks in the end.Trump and the Republican Party, because the Supreme Court of the United States recently had a decision on the presidential exemption of certain official behavior, a significant reduction in the risk of Trump's admission to a series of judicial prosecutions, and was in a more favorable position in the election.But does this mean that the ending of the election has been determined?It's hard to say.

The key decision right of this round of elections is mainly in the hands of the middle or independent voters when the supporters of the supporters are difficult to change.For more than 100 days before the election, many complex factors and interactions will decide the final result.

Two categories of voters divide civilians and elites

With the author's observation, aside from the basic unreasonable basic market for the candidates, American voters can probably be divided into two categories: civilians and elites.The main factors of the civilian class to determine the position of the election can be common sense drive or problem -driven; elite voters may allow knowledge cultivation to determine votes, or they may make choices based on capital interests and ideology.

Ordinary voters in the United States are based on working -class. Like the world, they care about their livelihoods and families every day.The preferences and choices of some media will also affect their understanding of information.However, the practical process and reform and development of the United States for more than 200 years have also created a major advantage of voters, that is, to make independent judgments and choices on things based on basic common sense, universal value and civilized guidelines.Such ordinary voters are also the vitality and credibility of American democracy.The major problem facing common sense at present is to make a choice between the old Biden Biden and the best Trump,

There are also some ordinary voters, mainly focusing on the series of problems and challenges currently encountered by American society, and then decide who to vote according to the good and evil of solutions proposed by different candidates.This choice is also a common sense, understandable.However, the choice of voting based on solving problems is sometimes caught in a misunderstanding of short -sightedness, short -term effects, and quick success.There are many problems in the world, and sometimes it is inevitable that it is worrying. I ca n’t wait to find a way to solve a quick knife and cut it.

There is a very interesting phenomenon here. In many people in the outside world, the United States is the boss of the world and the international police, and the accusations of the United States have become the United States and hegemonism.However, the United States has different perceptions of the democratic system within the United States, especially the Democratic Government, which has a different tendency to be liberals, is often regarded as weak and inefficient, and it is difficult to achieve clear flags and stunies.

Trump is actually a typical representative of this kind of perception inside the United States, so we see that the policy orientation he claims is to discuss less arguments., Culture, Society and other all -level areas, they cannot show weakness and hesitation.Trump popularized supporters determined that only this can only be "re -enables the United States".

In terms of political operations and procedures, compared with the "efficient" of the "efficient" of the dictatorship system, the characteristics of the democratic system do have the characteristics of "slow work".Moreover, various public disputes or even fighting in democratic decision -making are often regarded as a topic of laughing and criticism by autocratic society. This is a typical principle of "the necessary tension" that does not understand what is "necessary."Only multiple diversification will generate precious necessary tension, and because the autocracy is a single pole, there will be no tension.The necessary tension is the key prerequisite for overcoming the shortage of desire and realizing stability.

Trump's word of mouth in the elite class is low

If you can break through the thinking barrier of specific events and look at problems from a larger pattern and vision, you will find that the slow work of the democratic system can often achieve a healthier and balanced problem solving effect.Bring longer and long -lasting interests and happiness.Of course, it is unrealistic to require ordinary voters to have a long -term perspective.However, at least common sense should be added, and the universal value should be added as the criteria for judgment, and the surface pain or listening to the surface of the solution is not the only criterion for judging.

U.S. elite voters, some are judged to choose things based on their own knowledge literacy.For example, the reputation of Trump's popularity in the American intellectual, judicial, and cultural reputation has always been low. It is generally believed that his character is more vulgar, and it is difficult to communicate in communication.It is difficult for Trump to meet the standards.It stands to reason that Trump, born in New York, has been a president, at least he should have strong popularity and good reputation in his hometown, but unexpectedly, first of all, the state where the Judicial sticks of Trump will be litigated.It was New York, and the result was unprecedented to judge that he was guilty.

At the same time, the American elite also has voting choices guided by capital interests and ideology.It is not difficult to understand that campaign and politics requires funding blessings, and ideology and politics are inherently solved.The problem is that the correct choice of money may not be the correct choice of politics. The choice of some ideological original teachings may not be a favorable arrangement under democratic politics.The democratic system is to neutralize the negative effects and influences of the two through the publicity and supervision of the sources of campaign funds, the separation of politics and finance, and the criticism and judicial supervision of extreme ideology.

During this US election, international issues and diplomatic and security policies are of course highlights, but the main people who follow these aspects come from the elite class, and ordinary people are in the United States.Some things concerned about the interests of the interests are more concerned.Trump himself is basically a layman on international issues, and it is easy to look at and deal with problems from the perspective of narrow and simple business interests, but the professional national security and diplomatic team he rely on must not be underestimated.The main composition.In this way, even if Trump himself may advocate strategic contraction and isolationism in diplomacy, his eagle faction will still make him change his mind and obey, and you may wait and see.

In short, in terms of the current situation, the US 2024 election will be a fierce competition of physical will and strategic wisdom.Neither of the two main candidates are ideal, but they can only choose to eliminate that relatively unsatisfactory candidates.This is undoubtedly a major test and challenge for all voters and democratic systems in the United States.During World War II, there was also a physical disability President Roosevelt for three sessions. He led the United States to defeat fascism and died on his tenure.Today, the world is at the key fork of the times, and the leadership role of the United States is the key.

Here is a quote of a famous American filmmaker, director and actor Tom Hanks, and a period of expression made in an interview with the media recently as the end of this article.When asked how to think of this round of the presidential election and support, he replied: As far as the current election seems to be difficult to solve, I advocate to try to exclude the impulse and hustle and bustle of the hustle and bustle of noise, and make to make it.My calm judgment and sober choice.In the long run, short -term problems will eventually pass. I have confidence and hope for the United States of democracy, constitution, and freedom.

(The author is an expert in international cultural strategy in the United States)