After Hamas invaded Israel on October 7 last year, I immediately urged Israel to ask myself a question when thinking about how to deal with it: What do you want you to do?Then do the opposite.Iran and Hamas hope that Israel will enter Gasha -there is no plan, no Palestinian partner who can assist in the aftermath -unfortunately, Israel does this.

At this time for the United States and the Democratic Party, I want to urge President Bayeng, his family, and his party's leadership to ask the same question: your greatest enemy Donald Trump now wants you to do it.What?Then do the opposite.

Trump is looking forward to Biden to continue to participate in the election.In this way, he can play from now on the election day, with 15 seconds of TV and broadcast advertisements every day -of course, there are Mim on social media -the incoherent performance of the last week's debate to the last week,Every advertisement will ask: "If Russians, Chinese or Iranians attacked us, do you want to answer the phone call at three in the morning?"

This will be a campaign that the Trump-Republican cult is absolutely confident.I suspect that cults have always knew that Trump's leading reason in many key polls is that many potential voters in Biden are not worried that prices are not rising, but their age -Biden's age.If the Republican Party can turn this into a problem, the victory of the election will fall into them.

So what makes Trump can't sleep at three in the morning?My guess is that this scene appears: Biden asked for help from his family and senior advisers, and quoted a line in the musical Hamilton:

George Washington: I'm going to resign.I will not run for president.

Alexander Hamilton: Sorry, what?

Washington: Last time, relax, drink a drink with me.Last time.Let's take a break tonight.Then we will teach them how to say goodbye.

Yes, Trump is most worried now that Biden will teach this country how to say goodbye.

He is worried that Bayeng will show the leaders and political parties who put the country first in the first place and the leader and party who put himself first -Trump and the Republican -supporting Republicans -the difference.Although these Republicans know that many former consultants in Trump said that he is not suitable for public office, although they know that Trump tries to overthrow the last election, although they know, Trump except for all who opposed him and his followers.Except for "revenge", people do not formulate a real plan for the future of the country.

Trump is a villain who is unwilling to say goodbye in the big age, and even unwilling to admit that he has lost his election fairly and fairly in 2020.How can Biden be the most favorable to the country and the most disadvantage to Trump?The answer was not to scramble some of the panic donors aside, and supported it to November, insisting that he was just performing badly on a debate night.It is not to challenge the Democratic Party and see if it dares to remove itself.He should raise himself and the party to the entire dispute.

This means that he should announce the support of the representatives who have made promises -they will vote at the National Congress of the Chicago Democratic Party in August to make him a nomination ofAn orderly procedure allows the next -generation Democratic candidates to explain their position to the public, and the representatives of the conference will eventually select new nominations.(By the way, President Lincoln and two President Roosevelt were nominated through the conference voting -in the end they brought quite good results to the country).

If he is willing, Biden can choose to support Vice President Kamara Harris or keep neutral.But he should make it clear that nomination must be determined through public competition.During the six weeks before the Democratic Party conference and the conference, everyone in the United States will closely pay close attention to the hopeful vision of the best people in the next generation of Democrats.This will be in sharp comparison with the Republican Conference. The only program for the latter is the sudden imagination of their dear leaders.Will it be chaotic at that time?Of course.But now every alternative is confusing.

Biden can add to say that once the Democratic Party's alternative candidate is nominated, he will use his reputation and status -and this move will definitely be appreciated and admired by all the political factions that he win.Make sure they defeat Trump.

In this way, Biden does not have to worry about the offensive advertisement about his mental recession. Instead, he can bombard information through television broadcasts, refute Trump's lies, and remind voters that they areSo he chose him in 2020 because they knew that only by a person who united the people rather than the Avengers to lead the people can the United States maintain greatness.

For example, when advertising comes up, it can be one of Trump's most outer lies that Trump's debate last Thursday, that is, since Biden's entry into the White House, the US economy has been a disaster.Biden can say this:

Donald, I saw the news that you must compensate her $ 88.3 million because of sexual abuse and slandering E. Zhen Carol.I just calculated it just: If you invest 88.3 million US dollars on the Standard Pur Index Fund on the day when I swore to president, then the increase will now reach about 40%, about 35 million US dollars, Donald.It's a disaster!Think about how many lawyers can you pay for this money!

You can also quote Trump's remarks, that is, about how he cooperates with Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Biden can never do this.Biden can say this:

Donald, if Putin can vote in our elections, he will vote for you, do you know why?This is because he understands you: You can never organize to drive him out of Ukraine and curb the Chinese alliance, and I can.You will abandon these alliances because you can think of only transactions in the business field.Donald, a long -lasting alliance, is like a long -lasting marriage, not a transaction relationship.It is reinforced by common values.Your allies are like they are all shoe shops that do not pay enough rent in the lobby of the Trump Building.Not only are you talking nonsense in our allies to Ukraine (they have actually made a lot of contributions), and you don't know how much they enlarge the strength and values ​​of the United States.

This refutation to Trump will be the best parting gifts that Biden can give him and all Americans.

The author of the President's scholar, the author of Picking Presidents, pointed to me a few days ago, "In 1783, when George Washington announced his appointment to his appointment, King British King of the United Kingdom, the King of Britain,George III -the monarch who destroyed the British Empire -once said that if he really gives up his appointment, 'He will become the greatest person in the world.He gave up the presidential position, and he could have easily become a lifelong president.For the most serious threat to American democracy, Joe Bayeng can follow Washington to consolidate his political heritage.

Biden is not only a good person, but also a truly influential president.He deserves to be remembered because he saved the United States in 2020, led the United States to get rid of Trump's leadership, led us to the dark period of the new crown epidemic, and passed the important legislation of the reconstruction of the United States, restored the dignity of people's work, Promoting the transition to the green economy -and in the end, he knew when and how to say goodbye.