When humans entered the AI ​​era in the 21st century, this kind of confusion and fatality of new knowledge based on big data and AI, no matter from which angle or danger,It is far better than the previous century.

Whether we are willing or admitted not, or not, whether we are ready to welcome this new generation, the era of artificial intelligence (AI) has arrived, and at a unique speed, iterates are updated.The most terrible errors in the AI ​​era are cognitive deviations. Once we have a bias, we will either be abandoned by the times, or we will fall into a deadly crisis again.

The author believes that the so -called cognitive deviation should mainly include two levels: First, the deviations caused by the unknown understanding of the quality changes in the AI ​​era, so that they are still looking at and cope with traditional vision, thinking that it is nothing butA upgrade on the basis of traditional computing power is just like the Microsoft window automatically upgrade.For example, the most ambitious and innovative BYD boss Wang Chuanfu, the most ambitious and innovative ability in the Chinese automobile industry. At a financial report exchange meeting in April last year, the FSD (Full Self-Driving, that is, a completely unmanned driving system) to be promoted and applied to Tesla's upcoming application.Sneeading, and scolding: Unmanned driving "is a new outfit of the emperor", and his head is flickering.In the meaning of words, assisting driving is the main direction of the future car.

He may not fully realize that the FSD was an epoch -making leap in the automotive industry in the automotive industry, which means that a automotive industry revolution has come.Take the current upgrade to the V12.3 -end -to -end version, but no longer rely on traditional rules code, but depends on neural networks and data drivers completely.In other words, FSD is a set of neural networks. The entire computing process only costs 80 milliseconds, and the fastest response of people is about 150 milliseconds, and the response speed is almost almost doubled.There are eight cameras, just like people have eight eyes without dead ends, and always observe every move in driving.Therefore, this artificial intelligence driverless technology will definitely become a new technology that completely crushes traditional cars.

It is just like steam locomotive or gasoline cars in front of the four -wheeled carriage. It is based on this technical confidence and advantage. ThereforeThe month, it also announced the official launch of ROBOTAXI (unmanned taxi) on August 8 this year and realized commercial applications, thereby changing the essence of human travel and transportation industries.This will definitely make Musk a comprehensive leading world in automotive artificial intelligence and throw all competitors in the rear.Therefore, all auto manufacturers, whether they are still trapped in traditional fuel vehicles so far, or are Chinese new energy vehicle companies that are raising against the world's auto market. On the occasion of AI, a cognitive deviation should not be first.Otherwise, it will be destined to be ruthlessly crushed by the wheels that have been driving in the times.

The most typical of the cognitive bias of politicians is the battle between Russia and Ukinea that Russian President Putin opened two years ago.As Indian Prime Minister Modi bluntly criticized in person, the 21st century was not a century of war, but a century of division of labor cooperation and high science and technology.Especially in the current trend of the population of the Asia -Europe mainland, people are really valuable, and what is really worthy of science and technology is the development of science and technology; Putin ignored the battlefields that have no smoke such as global economy and scientific and technological competition in the 21st century.After being behind the European and American generations, it was even thrown away by China.This is destined to be completely asymmetric on the battlefield. One party continues to use traditional combat methods and weapons during the Cold War period, and the other side has quickly used modern technology -assisted satellite navigation, drone attacks, smart missiles and precise air defense defense defense.Equipment, so as to have almost unparalleled battlefield perception, precise strikes, and defense capabilities that are almost dripping.

When we see the tank armor that came from the sky from the sky, the tank armor of the UAV drone from the sky, the tank armor that wants to attack the Russian army is like an unmanned state; when we see a beam -like ship, oneThe expensive S400 air defense system and a aircraft that has made the Russian army proud of it. When the combination of electronic interference, drone and missile is turned into ashes, we should be soberly aware that AIThe way of war in the times has changed.Just as in the early 20th century, he still expected to resist or attack the armed Mark Qin Machine Gun and tank aircraft as pitiful and sad with the traditional big knife, spear, muskets, and cavalry.

Not long ago, the House of Representatives from the United States had passed the Aid Act Act and vowed to defeat Russia's heavy news.I wonder if Putin, who has always been in the information cocoon room, has realized that history left him and Russia, and there is already a few days left?

Another level of cognitive deviation is that because of excessive superstition AI, not only is it again caught in a trap that it is once again caught in the theory of technology (rational wisdom), but also the danger of AI may bring the entire human destruction in the future.Regarding the latter devastating errors, many top scientists including Hawking and Musk have issued different degrees of warnings.Speech version; what does the AI ​​era mean? December 21, 2023).Not long ago, Musk warned people not to teach AI to lie, and not to let AI deliberately distort the facts to cater to the fact that Americans' political correctness.However, almost at the same time, the official announcement of OpenAI has hinted that humans have reached a brand -new ability level on the road to General Artificial Intelligence (AGI).This once again indicates that the rapid development of AI has been thrown far behind ethics and security.Maybe we are not ready, and AGI has arrived, which is really worrying.

But the cognitive errors on the previous only scientific and technological theory (reasoning wisdom) are rarely discussed.In fact, this cognitive error is the most fatal threat of human beings.Because humans have broke out in the 20th century, the terrible disaster called "fatal and negative" by British political scientist Hayek.In his opinion, since the era of enlightenment, although the natural science and technical use have achieved the upside -down changes, it is in these shocking progress that a huge potential danger is implicit, "that is, every one is every one, that is, every oneThe achievements in the scientific field are constantly forming a threat to the freedom of human beings, because it has strengthened a hallucination of human beings in judging its rational control ability. "The knowledge of knowledge, a attempt to realize the grand plan for the entire society, although it is out of the noble motivation, it eventually proves that it is just a "deadly self -responsible".

When humans entered the AI ​​era in the 21st century, this kind of confusion and fatalism based on new knowledge based on big data and AI, from the perspective of which perspective or danger, it is obviously far better than thatIn the last century.This new self -negative will not only lead to all scientific theories, but even all AI is from, so that the traditional culture, religious beliefs, ethics, and humanistic spirits that have been under the impact of modern technology are in the danger of being in danger or even separated from analysis.The ground, and will once again encourage the "philosopher king" or "science and technology madman" to obsessed and attempts to use the new technology to plan the entire society and the economy to re -renovate the overall planning, which will definitely repeat the rules of the deadly and negative.This is what humans can not help but think of abstinence!

The author is Beijing scholar

The English Electronics Magazine "ThinkChina" (ThinkChina "