In the process of reporting this incident, the most surprising thing for some media is that although the leakage of oil pollution involves multi -layer problems, such as environmental pollution, the health of the people, air and food quality, etc.Units, but so far, various departments have not held press conferences.

The Barbon made some fuel leakage incidents in the collision of pier ships, and the oil pollution cleanup was progressing smoothly. About a week later, some of the previously affected public parks such as the east coast had no obvious odor.Most Singaporeans hand over the work of removal and pollution monitoring to relevant official treatment, and continue to live with peace of mind.

Some people also embrace gratitude, seeing the cleaning worker team wearing vests on the social media platform, and trying to clean up the work of cleaning up.Essence

However, one day after the oil leakage incident, the news of the oil pollution of the black Shengtao Island coast was spread on Saturday, and many people were quite surprised and panicked.Many people also have questions about why this happened and did not reduce the scope of oil pollution in time, or they wanted to do everything to make the situation improve as soon as possible.

The so -called care is chaotic. On some communication applications such as WhatsApp, it is full of inaccurate information that people forward.Lazarus Island, the south, a jadeite, full of black oil throughout the body and that the picture that cannot be taken on the Internet is reprinted on the Internet, more people are also worried about whether the surrounding waters and coastal ecology will be seriously affected.

Although this is not the first time that the oil leakage of ships in the waters of Singapore, the first affected by the incident is the most noble seaside luxury residential area in Singapore and the tourist destination of Sentosa.Some scholars also said in an interview that the obvious oil stains on the public beach made the "visibility" of the incident higher.

However, this incident is worth exploring that while the Singaporean government attaches great importance to showing high efficiency and maintaining the image of the country, is it because of its own role in crisis treatment and information control.And sacrifice some opportunities to make citizens more active?

Of course, to a large extent, because the initial work of cleaning the coast involves risks, the public must have hidden safety hazards in contact with oil stains directly, and handed over to the professional team for treatment or the best solution; but on the other handIn the rare environmental pollution accidents, especially if the people who care about environmental governance are completely isolated, it seems that they can't help everything, and they will feel helpless.

In this regard, a friend put forward a very interesting observation after the accident.He pointed out that in fact, after a three -year crown disease epidemic, Singapore's decision makers have better control how to effectively manage cross -departmental communication skills when the major crisis occurs, and it is also reflected in this incident.He further described that the lessons that the Singaporean government learned from the epidemic period must maintain the relationship between the people must maintain the relationship between the people.Role.However, this occasionally makes people feel that if the government is leaving, or feel that "participation" does not have a great significance, the enthusiasm of the people's participation over time may weaken.

Taking this incident as an example, after the contaminated news on Saturday was overwhelming, many people actively contributed to expressing their descriptions and expressing their wanting to help.Registration.Out of curiosity, the author also provided personal contact information on the form and received a notice in less than a day.The email said that the cleanup work is underway, and the situation is controlled. The cleanup work continues to be responsible for the cleaners appointed by the State Administration of Environment due to safety and health risks, but the public can participate in the "park patrol" work.There is no specific responsibility for patrol in the email.

Perhaps this is a worry, but the author believes that the gradual shrinking of citizenship is often not a natural phenomenon, but for a long time due to the reduction of the "investment" of citizens' participation in the cultivation of citizens for a long time.In Singapore, we rarely bring the head of "we have citizen responsibilities". Many times the government treats the government as a service provider. I feel that the government is the answer to our finding products and high -quality services.When people ask the government and hope that the government can answer and explain, if the sentence is often in exchange for "the government will deal with it" or "everything is controlled".Space.This is a pity.

Of course, in addition to the relationship with the people, when the Singapore government is in contact with the media, it has become more and more dominant, indirect control and shaping of public opinion.In the process of reporting this incident, the most surprising of some media peers is that although the leakage of oil pollution involves multi -layer problems, such as environmental pollution, people's health, air and food quality, etc., it is also related to multiple units, but so far all departments have so far in various departments.No press conference was held.To a large extent, the release of many information is a joint statement coordinated by multiple departments, or the minister's social media post.When tracking questions, reporters are often required to directly refer to the published information, or the content of the unit's response will not deviate from these public information.

In the exchange with the media, we often lamented that in Singapore, young journalists have fewer good examples of learning and imitation to better play the role of intermediaries and supervisors.On the one hand or due to the lack of its own resources, the entire media industry is related to the leading role played by the government.

From the perspective of the government, it may want to maintain the dominance at all times to ensure that it can accurately pass the information to notify the public, but it must also be vigilant, and it should not weaken the media and citizens in society to participate and play in society.The space of utility; especially for the media to do its best, interviews and reports in the way of justice, objective, and adherence to professional ethics and standards to enhance the quality of news and establish trust with the public.

The author is the deputy director of the editorial department of Eco-Business, the editorial department of regional environmental media and consulting companies.