Recently, the author watched the Singapore's transgender female director, Quen Wong and the team shot by the film in Berlin Cinema.

The film tells the director himself as "Queer" (Queer, that is, non -heterosexual or / and gender identification of non -traditional men and women).The stories that show yourself, gain love, and the life and voices of other LGBTQ (homosexual, bisexual, transgender, and Kuer) group members.

The author is not "Queer" / LGBTQ. Gender identity and sexual orientation are mostly social factions, but after watching the film, I still feel it.Huang Qianyi and her companion, due to the specifics of gender identity and sexual orientation, survived as social margins for a long time.Decades ago, homosexuality and transsexual people were generally regarded as "sick". They could only hide their sexual orientation. For this reason, they had to marry the "opposite sex" without emotion and cannot evoke emotional desires.The gender identity that is true, in line with your own wishes.Many people endure the pain and concealing their hearts like this, and spend their lives in muddy.

Huang Qianyi is lucky.She was born in a relatively enlightened family, and her living conditions are also better.Even so, due to social pressure, she still had to hide her true gender identity and orientation for a long time.She did not have the courage until the age of 46, showing the true self -recognition to the people around.After that, she used the lens to record the journey of changing from physiological men to women, publicly wearing women's clothing, and entering the marriage hall with her lover.The love story of Huang Qianyi and her husband is particularly touching.

The LGBTQ group in Singapore has gradually moved from the edge to the public stage, from private space to public society, and bravely express his identity and demand.They hope that in terms of education, medical care, citizen rights, social welfare, etc., they can obtain the right and guarantee of substantial equality with mainstream groups.In the past few decades, Singapore's public and private institutions and the public have treated the LGBTQ group, which has become more and more inclusive.

After discussing outside the field, Huang Qianyi told the author that in Singapore, although there is no public institutional discrimination, the system and society treat LGBTQ, and there are still many invisible discrimination and pressure.For example, in some schools, the school's psychologist is unwilling to provide psychological counseling for LGBTQ people, and the parties are forced to seek expensive private institutions; when job hunting, they will also be rejected by conservative institutions.

Hearing these, the author knows that although Singapore is quite diverse and tolerant today, some special groups still face various dilemma.These dilemmas are often ignored by the official and the public.These ignores the lack of communication and understanding between people with social and cultural reasons, institutional reasons, and people with different identities.

The Chinese community has always attached importance to traditional concepts such as family, passing seizures, and prefaces of honor, and often uses the combination of a man and a woman as a destiny lifestyle.Such a culture really allows the Chinese to survive, inherit the culture, and endure.However, it also has a conservative side. It has differences and friction with the diversified society of the 21st century, respecting different gender identity, sexual orientation, lifestyle, new ideas, and new humans.

Under the collision between tradition and modern, order and human rights, the rights of the LGBTQ group have become more and more thoughtful.In fact, Chinese culture does not have a strong anti -homosexual and anti -degenerative person. Some emperors and celebrities in ancient China, such as the Hanwu Emperor Liu Che in the "Qin Emperor Hanwu", are bisexuals.History books frequently recorded the prevalence of the "male style" of the high society, which also refers to homosexuality.This shows that the Chinese are not exclusive to homosexuality since ancient times, but because of the rigidity of the system and the prevalence of science in the later system, the number of rigidity has increased, the freedom decreases, and the cultural form that suppresses different sexual orientation gradually forms.

The differences between the nation, religious beliefs, and political views are easy to lead to conflict disputes and even bleeding violence. The LGBTQ group just wants to have unique private life choices, discrimination against heterosexuals in public spaces, and can be more free to express identity.And hobbies do not want to fight against mainstream society (in fact, it is more to integrate into the mainstream society while maintaining their gender and sexuality), it will not cause a social security crisis.

Some people are worried about the LGBTQ group to impact the traditional family structure and social order.Not to mention that families and society must keep pace with the times. LGBTQ will not harm the existence and interests of traditional families, nor will it unintentionally destroy society.Instead of unreasonable restrictions on the marginalized people, and various discrimination, leading to resentment and dissatisfaction, it increases uneasy factors.LGBTQ is also part of the national, citizens, and people. It respects and maintains the dignity and rights of LGBTQ, which is conducive to the stability of the country and social peace.

Therefore, whether in Singapore or China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, whether it is a Chinese community or other ethnic groups, no matter the system or the public, you do not have to use colored glasses and alert or even hostile attitude.Kirate should be treated at least in the principle of non -discrimination.This is not only in line with the concept of modern human rights, but also in accordance with the free tolerance of freedom in ancient times, and it is more conducive to the diverse and harmonious society.

Singapore has achieved amazing success in the field of economic development and the rule of law, and has also achieved the harmonious coexistence of different ethnic groups such as Chinese, Malay, Indians, and European descent.These are all amazing and admirable. If you can have more progress and breakthroughs in the tolerance of a minority of sexual freedom in LGBTQ rights, it is even better.A harmonious society should tolerate every member of each person and society who has no intention of harming others and society, whether it is ethnic, belief, identity, or sexual orientation.

As a transsexual woman, Huang Qianyi has become a very dazzling artist and director in the world. He has also won a number of awards. It also proves that the LGBTQ group has the ability to achieve the achievement of heterosexuality.The country and the public should give more praise and encouragement for these strugglers who are on the verge of marginal but to show their own self.Those who obscure LGBTQ should not be indifferent and hidden discrimination.

The author is a writer in Europe, international political researcher