Source: Bloomberg

Author: Anisah shukry

During the three -day visit to Malaysia, the Prime Minister of the State Council of China, China and Malaysia promised to deepen economic and trade relations and promote the construction of major projects.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar's office said on Wednesday that the two countries have reached an agreement on the economic and trade cooperation plans, and the plan will continue until 2028.Anwar posted on the X platform that he and Li Qiang witnessed the signing of 14 memorandums and agreements, which marked the great expansion of cooperation between the two countries.

According to Xinhua News Agency, China expressed its willingness to cooperate with Malaysia to promote the construction of major projects such as the East Coast Railway.Malaysia is considering extending this "Belt and Road" project of RM50 billion to the border near the Thailand.

Xinhua News Agency reported that Anwar and Li Qiang also agreed that China and the relevant Asian safe country should independently and properly handle the South China Sea issue.Vietnam, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia and Taiwan have advocated sovereignty over the parts of the sea. There are disputes with Beijing on which valid issues that claim valid.

Li Qiang's first visit to Malaysia for the first time in 2015. When competition in the United States and China has intensified, Beijing hopes to deepen the relationship for the neutral country.Anwar's positioning of Malaysia is the destination of the US -China investment. When the global supply chain was reshaped, Malaysia promised to invest at least RM25 billion to support its semiconductor industry.

"Premier Li Qiang and I agree to further strengthen the importance of deep connections and friendship between our two countries," Anwar posted on the X platform, "I encourage more strategic partnerships on Malaysia and high valueInvestment.

In recent weeks, Malaysia has announced a series of technology -related investment commitments from the United States and China, including byte beating, Google and Microsoft.There are political differences between Malaysia and these two countries. They are claiming to the South China Sea with China, and the United States is in a conflict with the United States in Harahas.

The Anwar Office said on Wednesday that Malaysia and China will set up a joint working group to ensure seamless circulation of goods between the two countries.Other memorandums signed also include digital economy, green development, and cooperation with fresh durian exports to China.Officials also said they would further discuss visa exemptions.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia said China has been Malaysia's largest trading partner since 2009.Li Qiang's visit coincides with the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia.