The National Donation Survey Report released by the National Volunteer Services and Charity Center pointed out that 32%of those who did not donate last year said that they would not donate because they were afraid of being deceived, an increase of nine percentage points from 2021.The conclusion of the investigation was in line with the survey of a non -profit social service agency earlier.The latter found that people were unwilling to help strangers because they were afraid of being deceived.This phenomenon is particularly common among older people.

Fraud cases have emerged endlessly. According to police data, more than 46,000 fraud cases reported last year, nearly 47%more than 2022. It was the most year since the collection of related data in 2016.In addition, joint research by non -profit organization Global Anti -Fraud Alliance and a data service provider pointed out that Singapore's per capita losses in fraud are the highest in the world.

Although the official has spared no effort to fight against fraud, the fraud gangs have everything, the news is heard from time to time, the amount of losses is endless, and everyone is in danger.Paradoxically, the anti -fraud agency has repeatedly called on the Chinese people to "don't believe it" to deepen the public's vigilance and distrust of strangers.

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the risk of fraud has increased, and the degree of public trust may continue to decline.Deep pseudo -technology moves flowers to pick up wood, and it is difficult for ordinary people to distinguish with falseness.Recently, there are illegal elements using deep -fake technology to forge the video of Li Xianlong, a state -owned government, and introduce the investment opportunities of "bagging".Li Zizheng pointed out on Facebook that this is very worrying, because some people may be deceived after watching the video.

This is not the first time he has been spoofed by deep pseudo -technology, and there are similar fake videos to sell cryptocurrencies before that.In addition to Li Zizheng, criminals also produced fake videos of Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Huang Xuncai to sell investment plans.

The scam gang is eaten in size, and the victims do not distinguish between race, class, old and young, leading to some people, especially older people who dare not answer the phone and do not want to contact strangers.In addition, the Internet is the carrier of fraud in the new era. In order to prevent fraud, some people would rather sacrifice the convenience and efficiency brought by technology and return to the safer traditional operations and lifestyles.

The three local banks launched the Money Lock function, allowing customers to lock the deposit in the designated account and cannot transfer it online to meet the needs of public fraud.This measure has improved the transaction costs of banks and customers, but also reflects some people lack trust in online transactions.

The more disturbing the public about fraud, the more fragile the foundation of mutual trust.This is not only pushing the cost of transaction, but also the risk of spillover.Fraud and false information are full of doubtful eyes and negative attitudes to people around them.This may lead to a decline in trust in the government, enterprises and the media.

International Consulting Company Edman's 2024 Global Trust Survey Report pointed out that among 28 countries around the world, 17 people in the world are not trusted to serve as the government and the people of 15 countries do not trust the media.If you grow up by this attitude towards all doubts, people are likely to fall into the vortex of nihilism, and the good customs of society will inevitably weaken, especially to help the virtues of strangers.

The people do not trust the system and mainstream media, which will exacerbate social differentiation, causing people to re -find a sense of security because they are afraid of strangers. Different ethnic groups return to the original tribal instinct and arise his hostility to strangers.This will provide breeding soil for fake news to create society, corrodes the mutual trust of the government and the people, and the populist emotions that encourage the anti -system.

In this regard, Singapore is more lucky.A lot of social capital has accumulated between the Singapore government and the people, and the trust of the government has higher trust in the government than other countries.This allows Singapore to get out of the crown disease earlier than other countries.However, this trust relationship is not taken for granted and must be continuously cultivated.Especially at the moment when the scam gang is rampant, if effective measures are not taken in time, no matter how deep social capital is taken.

Fraud incidents have become the norm, not only involving money losses, but also seriously corroding social mutual trust, especially the cooperation between strangers who constitute the cornerstone of modern civilization, increase the cost of transaction and corrupt the folk customs.In view of the destructiveness of fraud crimes to civilized order than violent robbery, in addition to anti -fraud to publicize the awareness of being aware of the awareness of prevention of the country, the relevant officials need to consider aggravating the punishment to reflect the severity of the crimes, prevent their rampant behaviors, exempt the public from exempted from the public.Living in fear and doubt.