Unless Trump withdraws from the election or during the long appeal process, he can overthrow the guilty ruling in time, and you have seen countless American voters who have seen countless strange things.president?

At the end of last year, the author once made an article in the "ancient" US election and the "most bad" democratic politics (Joint Zaobao December 15, 2023). Talking about this year's American election is unprecedented: the oldest in the two historyThe candidate continued to compete very unfriendly after changing the digit; one of them was also unprecedentedly linked.Now, Trump, who is about to be officially nominated by the Republican Party, was ruled by the New York District Court on May 31 after several court trials, and committed 34 so -called felony.Former President.It seems that this year's American politics reality show is "the most strange, only more amazing."

The United States has become a country with concepts. It is divided into two major judicial systems of the Federation and local and localities. It is quite independent. There are many decentralized checks and balances and procedures in the inside. There are countless lawyers' defense and media sting.Most of the public prosecution cases agreed by a large jury composed of a citizen.After the trial, all witnesses and evidence must be explicitly explicitly refuted.As for the jury during the trial, it is also structurally conducive to the defendant: the defender can easily veto any of the jurors during the selection;When voting after the trial, the opinions must be consistent to determine; so "it is better to put it for three thousand, don't be wronged by one person".Trump has played many lawsuits for many years, and has a first -class huge defense lawyer group.But this time it is estimated that he was caught and walked away; the public thought it was felony.Sincerely walks around the river, it is inevitable to get wet.

Unless Trump's withdrawal from the election or in the long appeal process, he can overthrow the guilty ruling in time, and he has seen countless American voters who have seen countless strange things, or have a new problem that is incredible: choose a criminal as a president?

People are not surprised that the president will also make the law and lose morality. It is even more unusual to make fake accounts for the sealing fee.However, a felone who was caught by the prosecution must be the president or shock everyone's bottom line.

The Constitution has no restrictions on criminals as president

It may be incredible that the United States, which is as good as that of the law, does not have a presidential candidate qualification regulation.The conditions for who can be the president in the Constitution is extremely simple: Jumei at least 14 years old, 35 years old citizen.

It is really an open sea election leader, and everyone can be president.

For more than 200 years, there are many people who have run for the President of the United States; but the candidates of the two major parties have officially nominated, regardless of their political opinions, they are proper elite successors.Not only have ambitious and eye -catching achievements and achievements, and extraordinary origin and accomplishment, but also show impeccable cultural accomplishment, moral sentiments and outstanding talks.Since entering the television era more than 60 years ago, tall figures, dignitaries, and celebrities have become necessary.

Numerous candidates are ashamed of a scandal of a little bit of private life and misappropriating, and they will be ashamed of being ashamed, consciously withdrawn the election, and do not make the White House.It is not said that being convicted, just being investigated and prosecuted by judicial, generally it is no doubt that the re -election is undoubted.

There are also the pervasive media, many lawyers who have crossed the river, and the collective blessings of the opponents who are working hard. The long election process seems to naturally eliminate all kinds of candidates who are not decent and shameless.EssenceIn the election campaign, the mutual melancholy and evil words are facing each other. As soon as the election is over, it is generally transformed into a congratulatory winner who is willing to bet and lose.The gentleman -like political culture of the European nobles and the head of the Angloe gentleman continued, which strongly supplemented the boring and simple text regulations, and the system and culture were complemented.For example, John Adams, one of the US father, wrote in 1798: "Our constitution is developed for the people with morality and religious beliefs."Selecting Junjie in each time may not necessarily be more reliable to choose a president with average quality in all aspects.

Worried about the constitutional amendment of the lifelong president

There must be a sparse of all hundreds of secrets, there are exceptions in everything.More than 70 years ago, it was not enough to realize that the founding of Washington, which founded the two presidents who had pioneered the two presidents.The Franklin Roosevelt, who was able to do the people's hearts and was at the time of the national difficulties, re -elected as the four presidents, without legal obstacles.There may be a lifelong president in the United States; the "wise leader who cannot replace" is the taboo of democratic politics.The Congress quickly formulated the amendment to Article 22, stipulating that the president can only be a maximum of two sessions.

By 2020, unexpectedly another exception of "non -American" occurred: after President Trump was defeated in the reign, he announced his opponent cheating and manipulating the election (but there was no credible evidence so far), and he resolutely did not admit defeat.The inaugural ceremony of even the president will not attend.Of course, he still left the White House after paying rights in accordance with the law.His hardcore fans made great troubles and tried to overthrow the results of the election and even judicial cases.

Numerous saliva war is still flooding a common sense problem: Why is it in the wild party rather than the ruling party that can control 160 million voters in each state?Due to the loss of a person's election campaign, he questioned the entire election system. It was a bit like a brand losing and lifted the table, at least not enough traditional gentleman style.

What's more, the old president who did not admit defeat immediately ran for the election again, becoming the first time in more than a hundred years.What's more, the Republican Party, who has always advocated the law and order, does not seem to care that Trump is a bunch of criminal and civil lawsuits, and successfully advances him as a candidate.Even more, he became the first presidential candidate in the history, and may further become the only man who was shocking.Who said that there is no new thing in the sun?

There are many rights to restrict regulations in the United States and even prohibit the various rights of fellar criminals.Even the record of light criminals is a major obstacle to job search, especially when I want to eat imperial food, but there is no provision that is not allowed to run for the president.It is estimated that the legislators have never considered such a "disrespect" issue.Now, in the face of this dazzling legal loopholes, Trump's running opponent Biden, although he has the power to law enforcement, can only call for voters to use votes in November.

When a popular candidate is constantly gambling, at least orally never accepts losses, does not care about any face, and ignore the outdated gentleman's clicks and decent deities;If you do n’t refund the election, insist on leading the people to change the day, the “ancient” and “most bad” democratic rule of law in the United States faces a new challenge that has never been thought of.

In the next four years, will there be a criminal president in the United States? It depends on whether voters choose to protect or shake the United States' judicial system, maintenance or abandon the gentleman culture of top politics;For campaign opponents, I still believe that Trump will never give up "selfishness", in fact, because he needs to campaign and raise funds to cope with judicial and financial trouble.

After the shocking hustle and bustle, after careful point of view, the probability of the US political system will still survive this unusual challenge, and some election regulations may also be examined and improved.After all, the tree of democracy and the rule of law always needs to continuously challenge and nourish and nourish it.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States