China ’s speech review mechanism has contributed to the birth of more and more political words with political secrets, such as“ reversing ”and“ Run ”.In recent years, there are two more words that are often visible: "rushing tower" and "acceleration".

First introduce "Chongta", which comes from online games.The defense tower in the game is strong and strong, and the defense firepower is strong. If the hero controlled by the player rashly impacted, it is almost doomed.However, when a soldier enters the range of the defense tower, the firepower of the tower is attracted, and the hero can take the opportunity to step forward.Sometimes, many players can charge the heroes together, take turns to withstand the firepower, and eventually push the tower down.

The word "Chongta" is spread on the Internet, and the significance is constantly generalized. Now it is used to refer to the words and deeds who have obviously violated the red line when there is no good environment and opportunities.For example, when someone publishes political sensitive remarks online, there will be comments such as "XX rushed!" "XX rush the tower!"

The term "Chongta" also has a derivative vocabulary.When the leaders of the opinion are risking the danger of being blocked, they use the main number to make sensitive remarks, known as the "big rush tower"; if the review mechanism suddenly tighten, and even start to check the previous remarks, it is called "Tower Chongren"Essence

Talk about "acceleration" again.The source of this word is the "accelerationism" in political science. After evolution on the Internet of China, it is quite different from the original intention of the academic level.

The "Acceleration School" believes that when the system or route cannot be shaken, it will continue to make criticism and help repair and make up for it. It will continue to watch it.process.A few words that "accelerated factions" often say: "Before things are getting better, they must be worse enough" "God wants to destroy it, it must make them crazy first" "long pain is not as good as short pain."

When the speech space is tightened, or a policy of retrogression is introduced, some netizens will commented with ridicule: "Accelerate, accelerate!"Officials of this policy are nicknamed "accelerated division".

"Acceleration" is often questioned.Some critics believe that the "acceleration faction" lacks courage and belief, especially some of the intellectuals, because they feel weak in reality, find excuses for evading their social responsibilities; some critics have pointed out that if the historical process really follows "The idea of ​​accelerating "acceleration faction" must be very miserable. This hard landing transformation is not a good thing for the country and the people.

It is worth mentioning that sometimes netizens standing at different positions are looking forward to "accelerating".Taking the Taiwan election early this year as an example, some people of the mainland "martial arts" are happy to see the Democratic Progressive Party continue to govern, thinking that "Ming independence is better than dark independence" and "early Taiwan independence, early liberation".Unity; some people who oppose the mainland regime also hope that the parties of the Taiwan Strait issues will show off as soon as possible, forcing Beijing to start war early. Whether it is defeated or overwhelming after the victory, it will disrupted the pace of China's rise.

"Chongta" and "Acceleration" fully reflect the creativity of netizens.The popularity and evolution of these vocabulary have limited influence on reality and politics, but they are also a viewing perspective worthy of observation.