From May 17th to 28th, every Tuesday and Friday, from the early morning to late at night, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan will stage a fisting drama, as many as 10 legislators are injured, and even some people need ambulances to take the hospital urgently.Demonstrations outside Congress also assembled on Qingdao East Road.Interestingly, the organizer believes that the network algorithm specifically reduces the touch rate of keywords such as Qingdao East Road.

This focus is the Congress Reform Law announced by the Kuomintang of the Blue Camp and the White Power Party.Let's try to understand the content of the bill and the reason for the people.

the problem of overcoming the president's exemption

Although Taiwan is directly elected by the people, it is theoretically responsible for the people.But in fact, how to be responsible, how voters are responsible for the president is a technical problem.Although the president (deemed to the Prime Minister of France) appointed by the president, although it is responsible for the Congress, there is no direct public opinion, and is usually only regarded as the senior chief of the president.President's will and preferences may have policies, but the problem is explained to Congress.

The relationship between improving this kind of power and responsibility allows Congress to better clarify the presidential policy of governance, which is one of the reasons for the bill.After the amendment, the president must propose a national information consultation to the Legislative Yuan each year, and the new president must submit the state intelligence statement within two weeks and report to the Legislative Yuan within one month.

The crux of the symptoms is that after the presidential report, when facing the question of the legislators, is it a matter of questioning or answering?Lan Bai supports the latter. This is why the green camp people criticize, and believe that this law is quite disrespectful to the president.Ironically, Ke Jianming, the current general call (party whip) of the Democratic Progressive Party's Legislative Yuan, has called on Ma Ying -jeou to be president and urged him to let go of his scruples and bravely face Congress inquiries about "asking and answering."

The greater controversy lies in the right to hearing and contempt for Congress.According to the New Law, investigating members established by Congress have the right to read and hold a hearing. Relevant persons involving public affairs and interests must provide testimony and information.The crime of contempt for Congress is aimed at civil servants and ministers, the absence of hearing, refusal to provide information, and the response to the scope of the inquiry. It can be punished, including a fine.Among them, the most serious contempt is false speaking or perjury, which can be sentenced to one year in prison.

This kind of bill is not uncommon in democratic countries, and gives Congress to independent investigation, which allows policies and investment cases involving public interests to be tested by Congress.For example, former US President Trump's former lawyer Kon and former Austrian Prime Minister Kurtz were sentenced for perjury in Congress.

The situation in Taiwan is that the vaccine contract has been sealed for 30 years, and even the contract for imported eggs will not be opened to the public.Although the blue and white members asked government departments to provide information at that time, officials could take responsibility because there were no relevant supporting measures.Su Zhenchang, the former dean of the Executive Yuan, even scolded the legislators "What is there?" "Noise to death" and so on.

With this method, the intention is to hope that the attitude of officials can converge and cooperate with the legislators to inquire.However, the Green Commission's criticism of this law is the expansion of the Blue and Bai camp, which allows the legislators to play the role of the judge. It exceeds the authority of the Supervisory Institute and the Justice of the Justice, which destroys the constitutional chaos.

This method seems to only target officials, why does it arouse the people so much anger?

Jade Bird Contempt in the Blue and White Camp

First of all, the protests believe that the discussion of this bill is too hasty, and it voted without fully discussing in the Legislative Yuan committee, violating the procedure justice.Then, Jade Bird believes that this kind of expansion will let Congress summon any people at will, and even "framed" these people, or let them eat meals, so someone shouts "I am a high school student, I despise the parliament" ridicule.

However, although the hearing of Congress has the right to call the public, only those involved in related cases must attend; the punishment for refusing to speak or perjury is lower than officials.What are the true concerns of the people?

Friends participated in the Jade Bird's rally many times. After asking the purpose of the demonstrators, they found a commonality.They believe that Lan Bai was anxious to pass the bill after being instructed by the Chinese government.They accused the Kuomintang Party's general summoning Fu Kunzheng and many other blue committees to visit Beijing last month and meet with Wang Huning, chairman of the CPPCC National Committee. Therefore, there must be a greasy.

If you believe that there is a hidden agenda in the pro -China faction, the bill proposed must have a problem.Then further infer that the worst conclusion is that pro -Chinese people must not participate in the election or serve as a public office.Because any official with such a background may endanger Taiwan.

Bluebird's discussion ignores people with different positions within Taiwan, and the absolute view of the absolute opposition will not help cross -strait recruitment.One fact is that even if the Jade Bird Action has called for 100,000 people to participate, the latest polls show that 57.5%of the people support the passage of contempt for contempt, which is exactly the voting rate of the President of Blue and Baihe.It can be seen that this kind of discussion is only fermented in the same temperature layer. What Jade Birds despise is not pro -China or blue and white camp, but a diverse Taiwanese society.

The most severe criticism this time was the general call of Bai Ying calling Huang Guochang.During the 2014 Sun Flower Study Games, "Teacher Guochang" called on the public to return the committee to return to the committee for review.Jade Bird charged him with the spirit of the sun flowers and became the puppet of the blue camp.

Blue and White Propaganda Politamental Parliament is not effective

In fact, since the establishment of the new Congress in February, public hearing and reviewing this amendment have been held for this amendment. It has exceeded four hours at a time, with a total of 1513 minutes.Because the Green Committee refused to review one by one, the bill could not be discussed in detail, but Lan Bai had to bear the abuse of the people.

The biggest problem of Lan Bai in this incident is that when the people gather and use the Internet to attack, it takes a week to fight back all kinds of rumors."Teacher Guochang" is a live broadcast response to various public opinion attacks.In the process, it seems that this blue and white bill is not seen, and there is the same force in publicity.

When the DPP uses its power to accuse the bill, the Blue and White Camp did not explain that this is actually a "empowerment Congress", so that Congress has better tools to check the government, and it has not explained the necessary bills of Lan Bai does not reflect on the way of cooperation with each other, it is thought that most Congress can pass various bills, the support rate will inevitably lose more under the fierce attack of public opinion in the future.

The author is a political graduate student in Taiwan University, a Malaysian current affairs commentator