Author: Pang Wuji, Feng Lingling

In just two days, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen have adjusted the house purchase policy successively.Observation believes that the efforts of many policies are exceeded that the threshold for buying housing in the three major first -tier cities will be significantly reduced, which will help improve the activity of the property market and better meet the rigidity and improve the demand for house purchase.

The threshold for buying a house is significantly reduced

First -tier cities are the highest threshold for house purchases in China.This time in Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, they have relaxed the policy of restriction and loan restrictions, and significantly reduce the threshold for buying a house.

On the 27th, Shanghai released the new property market "Shanghai Jiu" to reduce social security or individual taxes required for non -Shanghai residents to purchase houses from the lowest 5 years to 3 years.At the same time, it is proposed that non -Shanghai singers can buy second -hand housing in the outer ring; two -child and above families can buy 1 suites.

Zhang Hongwei, the founder of Mirror Consulting, said in an interview with China News Agency that Shanghai's significant adjustment of purchase restrictions on this time will increase a large number of groups that meet the conditions of house purchase.Increased groups that are qualified to buy housing, and more demand for house buying to enter the market, other policies such as reducing down payment and interest rates can truly exert the results.

Guangzhou is stronger.The new real estate policy issued by Guangzhou on the 28th will drop social security or individual taxes required for house purchase restricted areas from 2 years to 6 months, which is the lowest of first -tier cities.Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Institute of Urban -Rural Development, pointed out that the direct reason is that there are many foreign population and a large proportion of the Pearl River Delta region where Guangzhou is located.The non -household registration population is also the potential of the current housing demand.

In the past, Shenzhen has optimized the purchase restriction policy to shorten the social security or tax period required for buying a house.This time, Shenzhen has also lowered the proportion of first -second commercial loan down payment, which helps reduce the threshold for buying a house.

The down payment of the first house in many places enters the "15%era"

Significant adjustment of loan restriction policies is also an important point for this round of real estate regulation and control policy portf boxing.After the "5.17" New Deal was released, the down payment ratio of loan purchase and mortgage interest rate was reduced in various places.

For example: After adjustment, Shanghai and Shenzhen have reduced the minimum down payment ratio of the first house to 20%.Guangzhou directly reduced the minimum down payment ratio of the first and second houses to 15%and 25%, and the lower limit of the mortgage interest rate was canceled.On May 29, Tianjin also reduced the first and two sets of down payment to 15%and 25%of the national lower limit level, canceling the lower limit of the mortgage interest rate.The reduction of the mortgage interest rate will truly reduce the cost of buying housing and monthly supply pressure.

Statistics statistics from the Central Plains Real Estate Research Institute show that over 80 % of cities in China have begun to implement the latest mortgage policies.Among more than 300 cities above the prefecture level, there are more than 200 cities with a clear down payment ratio of 15%of the first house, and more than 250 cities cancel the lower limit of mortgage interest rates.China has entered the "15%era" in the first house in many places in China.

According to statistics from the China Independence Research Institute, among the 30 key cities of the new mortgage policy after May 17, except for the Shanghai and Shenzhen cities, the remaining 28 cities reduced the minimum down payment ratio of the first home to 15%.

In addition, Guangzhou is still in the new policy of this round. The loan of the third suite has been allowed to have conditions for non -purchase areas.Li Yujia pointed out that this breaks through the restrictions on the "more than three sets of unable to loan".

The focus of affordable housing or follow -up policy

After the introduction of the New Deal of Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, people in the industry believe that Beijing will follow up.However, Zhang Dawei, chief analyst of Central Plains Real Estate, said that the regulation of different cities is different, and the high probability of Beijing's property market policy will be weaker.

Li Yujia believes that under the comprehensive role of recent policies such as reducing costs and reducing the threshold for house purchase, the market expects to be boosted, and housing prices have been adjusted in recent years.EssenceHowever, at present, the property market still has problems such as large market supply, weak expectations, and relatively insufficient ability to pay residential residents. In the future, taxation and affordable housing construction will still work together.

He said, such as the city government deployed in the new policy of "5.17" can organize local state -owned enterprises to acquire a part of the existing commodity housing as a policies for affordable housing., Stable price expectations and market confidence.