At the General Special Conference of the UN General Assembly on May 10th, a resolution was adopted with 143 votes in favor, nine -vote opposition, and 25 votes abstaining.The Security Council is advised to actively review the matter. "Singapore voted for the draft resolution, and Dr. Wei Wen, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, also explained this.

Singapore has supported the so -called two -country plan, supports Palestinians to build the country, and coexist with Israel, but so far has not recognized Palestine, but complies with the general positions that the two countries must reach consensus through negotiations between the two countries.Voting in the United Nations General Assembly in favor of Palestine's entry into the United Nations, it is equivalent to acknowledging the existence of the facts of Pakistan.This is inevitable that why not directly recognize Palestine?Therefore, it is necessary to explain the position of Singapore in detail.

This explanation does not have a consistent position, that is, Singapore supports the two countries through negotiations.The convening of the above -mentioned Special Conference on the University of the University is because the United States once again rejected Palestine's application for the formal membership of the United Nations at the United Nations Security Council in April, although 12 member states of the Security Council voted.The UN General Assembly Special Conference can only be re -considered by the Security Council through resolutions, but it is generally expected that the United States will still exercise veto; at present, the Israeli government, which has a very high position, refuses to the two countries.

Although the two countries seem hopeless at present, this seems to be the most supported solution to date.The key to the problem is that support is only verbal, and lacks practical actions.If the international community allows the two countries to die as it has been born in the past few decades, the day of implementation will inevitably be far away.Palestinian tragedy is difficult to end.

As early as 1947, the UN General Assembly decided to divide Palestine into Arabs and Jews.But from the beginning of this arrangement, this arrangement was not accepted by the Ba people and the Arab world. As a result, the two sides have always been in force.Each martial arts conflict and war ended with the victory of the Jews. In the process, Israel occupied more and more land, and even continued to build a shift zone in the occupation area and implemented the isolation policy to make it more complicated.

The United Nations Security Council No. 242 in 1967 demanded that the Israeli army withdrew from the Arab land occupied in the Sixth War of the Sixth War, and the resolution of the Security Council 338 in 1973 and then requested the implementation of the resolution No. 242.Later, one resolution talked about the plans of the two countries, but both became empty talks.This is undoubtedly a major irony of international law.

In 1993, the Israeli Prime Minister Robin and the chairman of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Arafa were the Oslo Agreement. It should be a major opportunity for the two countries to take the first step, but Laibin was unfortunately assassinated in 1995.The Palestinian national power institutions generated by the agreement cannot effectively control the West Coast and Gaza. Gaza later ruled by Hamas, which won the election to further weaken the legitimacy of the Palestinian national power agency.After 30 years, the Palestinian issue has been unsolved.

With the development of Gaza's war and the gradual changes in international public opinion, the United Nations International Court ordered Israel to immediately stop attacking La Fa; Camilim Khan, chief prosecutor of the Hague International Criminal Court (ICC) in the Netherlands, announced on May 20th.He was applying for ICC to issue an arrest warrant for Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu and the Minister of Defense Garant, as well as three Hamas leaders; the European, Spanish, Ireland, and Norway announced that they officially recognized Palestine on May 28, as well asThe United States, Europe and other places have successively burst into demonstrations that support Palestine. Israel is increasingly isolated internationally, and indirectly has hit the United States' international reputation.

The international community must persist in the development of the situation, and use the new development of the situation to re -push the plans of the two countries. Based on the position of opposing terrorism and trample on humanitarianism, the war will be talked about, and like Singapore, it will help Palestine to establish the establishmentGovernance ability.It must be said that the Palestinian issue is complex and multi -end, and the various forces behind them are wrong, and each has its own abacus.Among the 193 member states of the United Nations, more than 140 supported Palestinian countries have been supported by the United Nations. If everyone can be good, they should be able to make a difference.Of course, another key depends on whether the Palestinians themselves can find the way of self -strong solidarity, otherwise they may really be reduced to the Middle East abandoned children and cannot reverse the tragic fate of the nation.