The author advocates studying China, Japan and South Korea from Asia, and South Korea. It is not necessary to build a Northeast Asian version of the Asian fine security mechanism, but to learn the concepts and beliefs of regionalist regionalism behind Asia.Ya'an is a successful case of regionalism with low evaluation.

The China -Japan -Japanese and Korean Summit was held in Seoul after a lapse of four and a half years on May 27. It issued a widespread joint statement, which means that the restart of cooperation in Northeast Asia is worthy of welcome.At the same time, we can also see different analysis of the background and achievements of the summit.Some believe that the restart of cooperation between China, Japan, and South Korea is the need to alleviate the pressure of the United States in Northeast Asia to attract the pressure of the alliance, while others think that although the summit is held, the security issues have no progress.On the night of the summit, some international media reported that North Korea launched suspected missile flights.

Northeast Asia can be said to be the most ironic region in today's international relations. On the one hand, China, Japan, and South Korea are the second, fourth and 13th economies in the world.About 1.08 trillion yuan); on the other hand, the security issues represented by the Korean Peninsula have long been troublesome, and the cooperation between the Three Kingdoms is often affected by the turbulence of bilateral relations. The degree of mechanism in Northeast Asia is very low.In the context of the current United States' strengthening of the Alliance system against China, how to explore Northeast Asian regionalism, which promotes Sino -Japanese -Korean cooperation in adversity, is a urgent issue for developing sustainable new kinetic energy.The author believes that this requires China, Japan, and South Korea to continue to study with Asia with an open mind.

Some people think that the differences between Northeast and Southeast Asia are obvious, and the two are not comparable. It is impossible for Northeast Asia to learn to build a regional organization of Asian Simpan.It is true that these two regions are not only different in economic volume. China, Japan and South Korea are members of the 20th Guard, and only Indonesia is Indonesia in Asia.There are a large number of garrison in Japan and South Korea, and there is no in Southeast Asia.However, the author advocates that China, Japan, and South Korea studying from Asians in Asia, not to build a Northeast Asian version of the Asian fine security mechanism, but to learn the concepts and beliefs of regionalism behind Yajia'an.I have discussed the logic of the weak people in Human Mainly International Politics more than ten years ago in the logic of the weak international politics: ASEAN and Asia -Pacific relations.The logic of "weak".Asian'an is a successful case of regionalism with low evaluation. To be integrated in Northeast Asia, it is necessary to continue to learn from Ya'an.

First of all, China, Japan, and South Korea are more accustomed to bilateral countries for a long time. Their multilateralist experience is developed under the education and leadership of Asia in Asia.EssenceDue to the Cold War, for a long time, the United States has constructed the bilateral structure of the center-Hub-And-SPOKES in East Asia. Japan and South Korea are the main ally.all.

After the Cold War ended, Asianian actively expanded the dialogue between China, Japan and South Korea, and led the establishment of the Ayana three framework in 1997. For the first time, China, Japan and South Korea realized the three -sided connection through indirect ways.In 2008, China, Japan and South Korea officially established a relatively independent three -sided cooperation framework.Over the past 10 years, the China -Japan -South Korea framework has often been frustrated because of the bilateral relations between the Three Kingdoms, and the three frameworks of the Asianga have always maintained the dialogue channel for the three sides.Asia in the concept and practice of seeking peace and development through dialogue and cooperation, Ya'an also reminded the three countries.

Second, the reason why Asian'an can become the most successful regionalist example in the world except Europe is not because of the duplication of the European Union model, but to develop a path that is different from Europeanism.The characteristics of Asian'an are often summarized by people to emphasize the "Asian Simpan" such as negotiation and informal, but the author believes that the biggest feature of the Asian fine peace concept is mutual respect and tolerance.This concentration is reflected in the approach to the safety issues of Asian security.Asianan did not establish a collective defense system like NATO, but did not exclude member countries to maintain bilateral defense arrangements with large countries outside the region.

The diversity of Southeast Asia means that the security cognition of various countries is also diverse. Some countries threatened the internal instability in the process of national integration, and some of them originated from social instability after economic development.If according to the NATO model, a collective defense arrangement of an imaginary enemy will not only cause further tension in the region, but also cause misalignment of national limited resources.Therefore, Asianan refused to engage in collective defense arrangements from the beginning, and the Southeast Asian treaty organization, previously dominated by the United States, ended in failure.At the same time, Asianan also respected some countries to retain the position of bilateral defense arrangements, such as the United States and Philippine Alliance Relations.This is realistic to Northeast Asia. The bilateral defense arrangements formed by the history of Japan and the United States and South Korea and the United States can be retained.Big regional unstable.

Third, the success of the Asianian regionalist regionalism also benefits from the long -term focusing on the domestic economic development of leaders of various countries. It is necessary to actively seek the existence of the intersection of the stable strategic cognition of the region.Many people believe that the purpose of the establishment of the Asianan was to fight against Communist Party in the Cold War. In fact, the leaders of the founding member of the Asian Security clearly knew that the real security threat was the political and social turmoil caused by economic backward poverty.After the establishment of the Asianan, there was no war between member states, and there was no development between member states because of the development of other member states, so they worried that they would threaten themselves.This has actually reached a certain level of the level of security community.

The achievements of these achievements are due to a regional environment of peace and stability.In the current Northeast Asian relations, the security predicament between North Korea and South Korea, and the threat cognition of China in Japan, have made real regionalist progress slow.China, Japan, and South Korea are facing challenges such as young childization, aging aging, and technological revolution. Focusing on economic development, it should become a multinational consensus that the three countries can achieve.To effectively respond to these challenges, we need to maintain a stable regional environment in the Three Kingdoms.

The author is an associate professor in International Relations of Niigata University in Japan