Changsha City, Hunan Province, was rated as the most livable city in China last year and ranked among the 10 cities with the highest "happiness" of Chinese residents.(File photo)

Asia can achieve today's economic achievements, it is not easy, and it has also become the biggest engine to promote the development of the world economy.It is entirely possible to create the Asian century. The premise is that all countries must be far -sighted, the goal is consistent, not to allow internal contradictions to intensify, and have sufficient strategic determination, and is not shaken by various overturned and provocative attempts.

In the inauguration ceremony of Prime Minister Huang Xuncai on May 15th, he said firmly that 30 years of peace and stability in the Asia -Pacific region after the Cold War have ended, and it is gone.Today, we are facing a world of conflict and hostility.The great power is shaping a new and unsure world order.This conversion process highlights geopolitical tension, protectionism, and the rise of nationalism.This situation will be delayed for many years or even decades.

People once said that the 21st century was the century in Asia, but now it seems that this vision is suffering from unprecedented subversion.The US -China battle initiated by the United States has indeed changed the overall situation of the Asia -Pacific region. In addition to Northeast Asia, we are also facing the sharp heating up the two hot spots of the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait.At the same time, the inverse globalization and decaptering chain driven by the big country's game are in the ascendant.This is a great challenge for all Asian countries.

The Southern China Sea situation is a sharp turn after the Philippine President President Macos came to power. It completely changed the route of the Duterte period and refusing the United States to the United States., Frequent action.At the same time, the Taiwan Strait crisis also heated up sharply.In the inauguration speech, Lai Qingde threw the theory of the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China that did not belong to each other.

At the economy level, the United States and Europe jointly launched an economic war on China with the name of "overcapacity", which greatly improved imported taxes on green energy products such as Chinese electric vehicles, lithium batteries, solar panels.At the Seventh -way Group (G7) Finance Minister meeting held in Italy a few days ago, US Treasury Secretary Yellen also called for a market -oriented country to build a "opposition wall" for the so -called country -oriented industrial policy.This is naked protectionism and tariff barriers.

This approach not only completely violates the principle of free competition in the market, but also destroys the international multilateral free trade system.However, the fallacy of a strong country has its own power, and can decide whether to follow international rules according to its own needs.Faced with such a situation, especially when the confrontation of a strong country gradually runs up, where will many weak countries go from?If you don't choose the side station, what else is there?

The answer is that many small and medium -sized countries in the world can hold group heating, integrate armpits, and take the road of independence.This is also the self -improvement of Singapore's small country.Asian countries must particularly understand this, unity, control bilateral issues, do not lose great loss; if you cannot recognize the big goal and work together to achieve the Asian century, you will lose your arms. It is not only a great crime, but alsoIt will be stinky for thousands of years.

The current battle of the great power is full of the logic of the wolf in the Isso fable.The ideal or reasonable international relations should be a peaceful coexistence, but there is power that power is unwilling to do so. It is just to suppress the competitors, and for this reason, they come up with all kinds of excuses.This is what we disagree or unwilling to see it, but we are living.The impression of the party headed by the United States is aggressive. The Chinese being blocked have always wanted to make sense to the opponent, which is a bit like the controversy between wolf sheep.But we know that China today is no longer the weak sheep a century ago, and it will not be eaten so easily.For us, unfortunately, the fighting fights are our friends.

In the case where one side wants to put the other side to death and then fast, the most wise approach is to persuade and talk about talks, and it is by no means a side station.Do not choose the side station, in fact, it is to deny the act of exacerbating contradictions, and also deny the power politics that does not meet international law.The more countries holding this position, the more they can play a role in a certain international public opinion restraint, the more they can cool the hotspot to a certain extent.If you choose the edge stand upside down, it is equivalent to continuously intensifying contradictions and the possibility of promoting conflicts.

From this perspective, the current practice of the Philippines in the South China Sea is unacceptable. I think that there is a backing of a back side to be a passive pawn.Fire oil. "This also violates the overall diplomatic strategy of Asia.The Chinese have always said that they are playing a persuasion and talk role. In terms of bilateral subjects involving their own, do you have no room to talk about the Philippines?Some people are constantly guessing that the reason why Marcos will turn his face with Beijing, including whether there is any handle falling in the hands of Americans.In any case, everyone can see that his approach is dangerous.To avoid wiping guns, Asians and China should accelerate the pace of negotiations of the South China Sea Code.

In terms of the Taiwan Strait crisis, as the new presidents of Taiwan have adjusted each other's theory of each other to the table, the tension is intensified.If Beijing can't hold back, it is not only the two sides of the strait, but the overall interests of Asia.At this time, countries in the region are clearly necessary to cut with Taiwan independence.

On May 6 this year, Huang Xuncai, who was still the Prime Minister, talked about the Taiwan Strait's issue in an interview with British economists, clearly showed that Taiwan is not Ukraine and Ukraine is a sovereign country, but as far as Taiwan is concerned, the world is concerned.Most countries pursue a Chinese policy.Singapore has long adhered to a Chinese policy, opposed Taiwan independence, and even before the establishment of diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China with the People's Republic of China."This is a long -term position. We are very cautious when dealing with the relationship with mainland China and Taiwan. We must conform to a Chinese policy. We are not allowed to be used by any business that supports Taiwan independence."Morning Post)

From a historical perspective, the Taiwan issue is a problem left over by the Chinese civil war. Because of the intervention of the United States, the CCP's army could not continue to cross the sea after the Kuomintang was driven to Taiwan. Therefore, the current "status quo" appeared.The longer the time, the "status quo" becomes more complicated; different people also have different interpretations of the "status quo". The interpretation of Taiwan independence is that the two countries are not affiliated with each other.The "status quo" flickered.

However, some people think that the word "drag" is beneficial to Taiwan independence.A professor in Japan, Matsuda Kangbo, throws out the theory of "Chiang Kai -shek".He believes that if the "status quo" can be dragged into Xi Jinping to enter the old age, the danger period can pass.The so -called Chiang Kai -shek means that Lao Jiang had always counterattacked the mainland at first, but when he was dragged to the old age, he was very happy.Similarly, Matsuda Kangbo believes that when Xi Jinping enters the old age, he may not be ambitious in Taiwan.This theory may have a certain ideological paralysis effect on some Taiwan independence workers.This is dangerous.Therefore, it is important not to use the position used by Taiwan independence.After all, Xi Jinping is not Chiang Kai -shek, and mainland China is not Taiwan.

Economically, in addition to denying the practice of building a "small courtyard wall" in other countries, Singapore's actions should also be recognized and supported by other countries.On May 24th, Yan Jinyong, deputy prime minister and Minister of Trade and Workers, proposed a speech at the 29th Nikkei Forum. The traditional globalization model has not been able to work. As a result, the World Trade Organization must reform and change some old practices that are not applicable.Asia can lead the world to find new ways, establish flexible partnership with like -minded member states, and promote the development of important topics.This so -called poor change, change is also through.

Asia can achieve today's economic achievements, it is not easy, and it has also become the biggest engine to promote the continued progress of the world economy. Whether it is Asian, China, India, and Central Asia, there are unlimited development potential.It is entirely possible to create the Asian century. The premise is that all countries must be far -sighted, the goals are consistent, and the internal contradictions must not intensify. It continues to consolidate mutual benefit and cooperation and coexist and coexistence.Shake.

(the author is a former journalist, a former member of the parliament)