The division and opposition are becoming more and more serious. The long -standing international organizational functions are weakened, and new issues such as technology and environment are becoming more and more complicated. If these situations lack effective response and treatment, it may lead to the unbearable consequences of small and medium -sized countries.It even severely damaged world order and international interaction, endangering the survival of small and medium -sized countries.Based on this huge change, small and medium -sized countries cannot wait for the negotiations of big powers to take the lead in maintaining the stability and prosperity of decades. We must take the initiative to deal with it, propose creative ideas and actively, improve their own situation, and maintain the pace of world progress.Recently, Vice Premier and Minister of Trade, Yan Jinyong, and Kazakh President Takayev's speeches in Tokyo and Singapore, respectively, have this era of significance and worthy of pondering.

Since the end of World War II, the world development pattern is mostly based on the order and rules formulated by political and economic powers, and gradually developed into globalization and rules -based economic and trade and international order.Many emerging countries have gained opportunities for development and prosperity from it, including Germany and Japan, which stood up again in the ruins of World War II.

However, the 21st century has come to this day, the deconstruction of global international order caused by the contradiction between political and economic contradictions between China, the United States and Russia, is obviously difficult to bridge.The process of reorganization is complicated and the suspicion is profound.In the process of considering their own interests, small and medium -sized countries must more cautiously identify their own interests and safeguard the well -being of the country and the people.The rules make small and medium -sized countries play a more powerful role in international organizations.

Yan Jinyong proposed the concept of establishing agile and flexible partnership, pursuing dynamic growth, and ensuring the inclusive development model in the 29th day of the Nikkei Forum.May take the posture.Yan Jinyong mentioned two examples in his speech: Singapore and Japan jointly launched a joint state -of -trade e -commerce joint statement initiative based on the pragmatic concept, allowing the like -minded WTO member states to advance in major affairs, but the initiative is kept open. Other member states can prepare for preparationsAfter that, we will join; the new day and some other Asian economies are also the main countries that shape and India's economic framework.

The above two examples actually reflect how small and medium -sized economies can establish an environment that is more in line with its own interests above the existing huge international organizations, while strengthening and even repairs the lack of existing organizational functions.This approach not only does not need to overthrow the existing international order, but also in the face of old and new topics, including scientific and technological development and standard specifications such as artificial intelligence and digital economy, measures for climate change response, and the formulation of green economy standards.In many areas, cooperation needs to be carried out by cross -border, and mutual trust needed for cooperation.

For decades, international free trade is related to the lifeblood of the prosperity and development of small and medium -sized countries. Therefore, small and medium -sized countries must pay more close attention and actively participate in the improvement of the trade system to prevent international organizations from disabled and international order out of control due to division or struggle.As a result, the interests of small countries are fully damaged.In addition to actively looking for a more flexible cooperation strategy, how to ensure the use of manpower and other resources inside the economy in order to maximize the benefits and benefit the people of the country is also a subject that leaders of all countries must actively think.

Toccayev includes Singapore in the scope of "medium power" according to the economic scale and other standards. He believes that we should not allow the world to polarize and split, and we must do more for promoting security and peace.Sincerity, this is not only the case in international politics, but also especially in economic and trade issues.After the World War II world, more small and medium -sized countries were born, and today's world is more complicated and diverse.With the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, in addition to the new topic of the international community, it is necessary to face the threat of the old problems out of control.The old and new powers even touched and even bullied according to their own interests.Especially in the threat of regional warfare, small and medium -sized countries should unite, more actively emphasize the desire to solve problems peacefully, and repeat the alert to great powers.