China has forced the Philippines that should have become partners to the United States through its own actions in terms of competition with the United States through its own actions.It can be said that this is a major mistake in China.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Tian Wenxiong visited the United States as a guest as a guest and held talks with President Biden.In order to realize the free and open Indian Pacific Vision (FOIP), the heads of the two countries not only reached a consensus on expanding and deepening the cooperation between Japan and the United States, but also committed to achieving the Indian Pacific Vision with the expanded partner country.The Philippine President President Macos was also invited to attend the first Japanese -American Philippine summit talks.

In this talk, the heads of the Three Kingdoms issued a "Joint Vision Statement", emphasizing the vision of sharing "free and open Indian Pacific Ocean and international law -based international order".So far, Japan and the United States have been advancing FOIP to fight against China to rely on strength and try to change the status quo.Statement means that the Philippines announced a series of cooperations led by Japan and the United States.

The "Joint Vision Statement" expressed serious concerns about China ’s sovereignty in the South China Sea on the Philippines sovereignty in the South China Sea, expressing that“ we have expressed serious concerns about the dangers and violations of the People's Republic of China in the South China Sea. ”The obstacles of the Philippine ships (called Renai Reef, and the Philippines, and the Philippines, the Philippines), have also expressed "serious concerns."In addition, in the East China Sea, for China to change the current situation of the Japanese Territory Jianye (known as the Diaoyu Islands) through its strength, the head of Japan and the Philippines also expressed "serious concerns" and "strong opposition."

In addition, Japan, the United States and the Philippines have proposed the policy of deepening the cooperation of marine security.In order to support the improvement of the Philippine's coastal guards, in addition to providing equipment such as inspecting ships, it also clarifies the policy of implementing the joint training between the Three Kingdoms Coast Guard.In addition, in order to modernize the Philippines, Japan and the United States have also issued cooperation policies. While implementing humanitarian assistance, disaster relief exercises and joint training between the three countries, they mentioned cooperation including expanding other partner countries.

In May this year, Japan, the United States, the Philippines and Australia held a meeting in Hawaii.At this meeting, the Four National Defense Director resolutely opposed the dangerous actions of the China Maritime Police Station of the China Sea and Maritime Militia at the South China Sea.Cooperation.The security cooperation framework of Japan, the United States, and the Philippines has also begun to deepen.

In order to achieve FOIP, the Philippines participating in multilateral cooperation is of great significance to maintaining the stability of East Asian marine order.In order to fight against the challenges of China, which is increasingly trying to change the status quo, and maintains the effectiveness of the marine law, Japan and the United States have built a framework of cooperation between Japan, the United States, Japan,, and Australia (QUAD), Japan, and South Korea.; So far, the security cooperation frameworks participating in Southeast Asian countries with FOIP have not existed.The Philippines not only participated in Japan, the United States and the Philippines, but also participated in the framework of Japan, the United States, Australia and the Philippines, so that the level of multilateral cooperation with FOIP became deeper.

In addition, the South China Sea is an important strategic area connecting the Pacific and the Indian Ocean. It is also a place where China is trying to change the status quo and extremely frequent activities.In the South China Sea, if the security cooperation of FOIP can be achieved with the Philippines, it can effectively improve the effect of suppressing China's violations of rules and implementing intimidation.First of all, in order to improve the Philippines 'response capabilities, countries such as Japan and the United States will improve the Philippines' ability to fight against China.

Moreover, strengthening cooperation with the Philippines in the United States can also enhance the position of the US military in East Asia.According to EDCAs (EDCA) with the United States, the Mago Government has added four bases including the five bases of the Philippines that the US military can use.In addition, the Philippine government and the Japanese government are accelerating negotiations for signing the mutual benefit access agreement (RAA) that facilitates the signing of the army.If you sign RAA, the Self -Defense Force and the Philippine Army's training and exercises will make great progress.

Former Philippine President Duterte government has adopted appeasement policies in China and has a negative attitude towards strengthening security relations with the United States.After the Little Macos government replaced the Duterte government, it attached importance to the maintenance of national sovereignty and international rules.A major factor that caused the Philippines to change its posture is the aggressive operation of China in China in China.Through its own actions, China has forced the Philippines that should have become partners to the United States in the competition with the United States in terms of international order.It can be said that this is a major mistake in China.

The author is the theoretical research director of the Japanese Institute of Defense