Russian media generally adopted a positive tone when Putin visited China in May.They emphasized that this visit is an important interaction of Russian -China relations under the current international situation, which is of profound significance for promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperation partnership between the two countries.

The Russian Tas Society pointed out in the report that Putin's visit to China was conducted within the framework of the annual interoperability plan agreed by Russia and China leaders.It is reported that in the current international situation, Russia and China are facing many common challenges and tasks. Therefore, this visit will further consolidate Russia and China comprehensive strategic cooperation partnerships and promote cooperation between the two countries in the fields of politics, economy, and security.Essence

In addition, the Russian media also emphasized the promotion of Putin's visit to China for the economic and trade relations of Russia and China.They believe that with the changes in the global economic situation, Russia -China economic and trade cooperation faces new opportunities and challenges.The visit will provide more opportunities for exchanges and cooperation between enterprises in the two countries and promote economic and trade cooperation to a new level.

American media show different degrees of attention and concerns.They believe that Putin's visit to China was carried out in the context of the continued Russia -Ukraine War and Western sanctions on Russia, so visiting may further intensify the international tension.

The US media also pointed out that Putin's visit to China may exacerbate the cooperation of Russia and China in international affairs, especially in the field of challenging the United States, such as network security and artificial intelligence.They believe that the cooperation between Russia and China in these fields will pose a threat to the United States' global strategy.

The French media interpreted the European situation and the Russian and Ukraine War. It was believed that Putin's visit to China was conducted under the pressure of the European Union's diplomatic pressure, showing that Russia's intention to find new partners on the international stage.At the same time, the report is also concerned that the visit may lead to more closely coordinating Russia in international affairs.

French media also pays attention to the impact of this visit on Russia and China energy cooperation.They believe that with Europe's dependence on Russia's energy, Russia may seek closer cooperation with China in the energy field to make up for the European market losses.

Japanese media pay attention to changes in security pattern in the Asia -Pacific region.They believe that Putin's visit to China may exacerbate strategic competition in the Asia -Pacific region. Especially on issues of the South China Sea and Taiwan, China and Russia may strengthen cooperation in the fields of military and security and challenge Japan and its allies.

Japanese media is also worried that this visit may lead to more close cooperation in Russia and China in the field of technology and economy, especially in the fields of 5G and artificial intelligence.They believe that this may pose a threat to Japan's technological development and economic security.

Although the interpretation of various media is different, they all agree that Putin's visit to China is a performance of strengthening cooperation under the complex international situation.However, whether this cooperation is really conducive to the peace and stability of the world, it is still the fuse of international conflicts, which is still a question worthy of in -depth discussion.

Putin's visit to China has undoubtedly attracted great attention from the international community.Reports by international mainstream media show diversified views and interpretations.The Russian media is generally optimistic about the promotion role of this visit to Russia -China relations, while the US media worry that it may exacerbate international tensions.French media and Japanese media are interpreted in combination with the situation in the European and Asia -Pacific regions, respectively, focusing on the impact on regional security patterns.

The author is a member of the Chinese Popular Science Writers Association