The world situation has changed. Due to political needs so that they can obtain more funding from Indonesian rich Chinese and the support of Indonesians. In order to obtain international recognition, the "anti -China" Plabowo has changed the change.Become "pro -Chinese".

On April 22, the Indonesian Constitution Court reviewed the case of the presidential election on February 14th, referring to the insufficient election cheating evidence proposed by the defeated presidential candidate (Anis group and Gandhar), and sentenced Plaboor—Gerblan was officially elected as the President of Indonesia.The defeated group finally accepted the judgment of the Indonesian Constitution Court.

Plabowo's family world

72 -year -old Plabovo is a pretty politician.His father, Sumitro, was a Java noble. He had been studied in the Netherlands and later became a famous economist in Indonesia.When he was studying in the Netherlands, he knew the nurse of Christianity, and later became Su Mitro's wife.The Sumitro couple had four children.Two daughters converted to Catholicism, ranking third and fourth is the son Plabovo and Harchie, who followed the religion of their mother.In fact, before Suhado came to power, Indonesian paganization was quite common; after marriage, they kept their religious beliefs, and their children grew up to choose religion.However, in the Suhado era, the forces of Muslims looked up, and the pagan marriage was hindered.Non -Muslims must convert to Muslims to marry Muslims.

Sumitro is a professor of Indonesian universities that advocate the free economy and worked as a finance minister before Sucano ruling.In the 1950s, he joined the Ruins of Su Island and Surawesi to resist the central government with the left -wing tendency led by Sukano.The rebellion failed, and he and his family (including Plaboava) were exiled overseas and continued to oppose the Sucano regime.He lived in Singapore first, and later moved to Malaya and Bangkok, Thailand, and often went to activities in Western European countries.Plabowavo studied in the British school in Malaysia and later studied in the UK.After Sucano stepped down, General Suhado became the president, and the whole family of Su Mitro returned to Indonesia.He was reused by Suhado and successively served as Minister of Trade and Research.

Plaboor entered the Magelang Military Academy after returning to Indonesia as his father returned to Indonesia. He met Suhado's young girl Titiek and married in 1983.At that time, Plabowa converted to Muslim.Because his father -in -law was the president, he climbed quickly in the army. He soon became a general and served as the commander -in -chief of Jakarta. He was stationed in the capital.Suhador is a very wrist soldier. In order to control the overall situation, he was separated from the military into two factions, namely Muslims and Non -Muslims.In the army, Plabowavo represented the "Green School" forces, which was compared with the "red and white flag faction" represented by Catholic general Benny Murdani.This kind of restraint strategy makes the soldiers unable to unite to deal with Suhando.

Plabowo engaged in politics

It is reported that Plabowo was young and strong at that time, rude temperament, and often hit people.It is also said that before the steps to step down in Suhado in 1998, Plabovo had abducted young leaders who opposed Suhado, and hosted the May atrocities behind the scenes to organize mobs to attack the Chinese industry and kill Chinese women.But he denied.Later, the military department investigated the incident of killing the student and found that he violated the military regulations and lifted his military position.As soon as Suhado stepped down, Habib, who succeeded in his successor, also accused Plabowovo's observation and intentionally forced the former to hand over power.However, Plabovo also denied it.

Somehow, Plabovo also divorced Tydi after the steps stepped down in Suhado, began to exile in the Middle East, and did business.In fact, the Plabovo family already has its own business.His exile was not long. He returned to Indonesia in early 2000. At first, he was active in the Gorca Party. Later, he organized the Grenndra Party (Gerindra) with supporters.President, Meijiaditi was a presidential candidate, but lost to Youdo Nino.In 2014, Plabowo and the radical Muslim Angelic and Prosperity Party (PKS) alliance were all overcome to participate in the presidential election.The party leader of PKS once said: Although Plaboor is not a very devout Muslim, he knows the Indonesian Muslim forces. If he is elected president, he will definitely share power with the Muslim forces.

Plabowo played with radical Muslim cards. In the 2017 Jakarta's chief election, Arabians, Anis, to defeat Chinese Christian Zhongwan.However, he used radical Muslims to do it in the presidential election.He was running for president twice (2014 and 2019) with Zako, and both failed.In the end, he and Zoko's enemy were friends, not only joined his cabinet, but also invited Zoko's eldest son Giblan as the vice presidential candidate in this year's presidential election.Although Sockei remained neutral, the people seemed to see that he supported Plaboor and Giblan.

Presidential elections on February 14th, Plabovo and Giblan defeated their opponents and were elected as President and Vice President.However, the failed opponents were dissatisfied and believed that the election was unfair. The government used the financial resources of state institutions and the country to bribe voters, control Prabowo to the Constitutional court, and requested that the court to judge that the election was invalid and must be re -elected.However, many national leaders close to Indonesia, including Malaysia, China, Japan, and the United States, after the March 20th Election Commission announced that Plaboopo and Giblan were elected and vice presidents, they immediately called for congratulations.Nonetheless, Plabowavo's "elected president" has not been completely legal, and at this moment, he was invited to visit China.

Plabowo and Chinese Culture

This time, Prabowo's visit to China, some newspapers said that it was a sign of "China -India Friendship", and even described Plaboor as an Indonesian elite who loved Chinese culture.What is the fact?Let us briefly analyze his purpose of visiting China.

As mentioned earlier, although Plaboor was elected president, the Constitutional Court has not announced the judgment when he visited China, and his "elected president" status has not been legalized.

There are no coincidences. At the end of March, Plabowavo visited China at the invitation of Chinese President Xi Jinping, and then visited Japan and Malaysia. There are mainly the following motivations: one is foreign recognition to legalize his "elected president".And temporarily resolve the contradiction with Zako.Secondly, he also took the opportunity to declare his free and independent foreign policy to the world, and he "pro -Chinese" is also "pro -Japanese"; Japan is an American allies.(See April 16, 2024 Lianhe Morning Post Speech Edition Edition)

On this premise, he knows that China needs friendly cooperation in Indonesia, and Indonesia also needs China's economic and technological assistance.He wants to make this visit to China a good results.At Xi Jinping welcomed Plaboor's dinner, Plabovo asked his private secretary Agung Surahman to sing Chinese patriotic songs and singing the motherland, which attracted the attention and appreciation of Xi Jinping and Chinese leaders, and gave the owner a profound impression.Even Xi Jinping also patted his hands, it was indeed a successful diplomacy.

Afterwards, Agung said in Indonesia that he was honored to sing Chinese songs in front of Chinese leaders.He was grateful to Plabowavo.He also said that Plabovo himself loves listening to Chinese songs, especially the majestic singing motherland. In addition to listening to himself, Plabovo also asked Agu to recite the lyrics, so he could sing at the dinner.However, before that, no one heard that Plabovo loved Chinese songs, and he had never talked about this himself.

In fact, Plaboava's Plabovo was considered an anti -communist general.Some observers believe that he is the main conspiracy to anti -Indonesian atrocities before Suhado stepped down, and is a figure representing the old forces and the Suhado family.However, after Suhado fell down, in order to cooperate with the presidential election in 2019, he delivered a long speech at a Chinese party in December 2018. He claimed that he would protect the ethnic groups if he was elected president and confess that he liked Chinese philosophy.Using the so -called Chinese proverb "Thousands of friends are too small, one enemy is too much" as an example.

In addition, at the same party, his ex -wife Tidy Suhado sang a Chinese pop song on the stage to represent my heart, and Plabovo stood beside him.It should be pointed out that the government of the Suhajo era eliminates the three pillars of the Chinese culture (ie, the Chinese school, the Chinese group, and the Chinese newspaper), and the Chinese language is completely banned from being used in Indonesia in Indonesia.Suhador's daughter sang Chinese songs in 2018, which is really ironic.

The world situation has changed. Due to political needs so as to obtain more funding from Indonesian Chinese rich people and Indonesian Chinese support, in order to obtain international recognition, Prabowo of "anti -China" has become a "pro -Chinese".In fact, we should re -understand Plaboor: he is a politician who can flex and stretch.After the presidential election was defeated in 2019, he reconciled with his rival Zako and became the Minister of Defense and unexpectedly.In the 2024 presidential election, he partnered with Zako's eldest son.But politics is this: there is no permanent enemy, no forever friends, only eternal interests.

Plaboor is an excellent politician.He transformed from the tantalkee to a kind old man, with a smile on his face and dancing in public. In addition, he transformed from the anti -Chinese anti -communist figures of the Suhajo era to the president of "pro -Chinese".Experts analyzed that these are his strategies for obtaining power, but some people think that he has been cleaned.What kind of character is Plabovovo?Look at his actions after he is president.

The author is a senior visiting professor at the Singapore Yusov Isaf Issa East South Asian Research Institute Nanyang University of Technology Radalon South International Research Institute