On May 17th, the terrorist attack of the Johor Police Station made the people of New Malaysia tense.Although the incident is still under investigation, many details have to be clarified, in recent years, the self -radicals of adolescents and the corresponding unique terrorist attacks have caused global negative impact.

Although religious extremism and human civilization have always been accompanied, in the past when information and personnel have fewer cross -border flow, the self -radical phenomenon of adolescents is not common.With the advent of the era of globalization and information networking, the rapid development of new technologies has made extremism pervasiveness, and also penetrates into the life of young people. Children who have unconventional thoughts can easily become a sacrifice of extreme thoughts and endangers the entire society.

The changes in the media also played the role of promoting.In the past, reading was the basic way to obtain knowledge by humans. Children must study for many years to enter the world of knowledge.However, with the birth of the carriers such as broadcasting, television, and the Internet, the threshold for acquiring knowledge is continuously lowered. Children such as sex and violence should not be available at hand. Extreme thoughts and religion will also extend the tentacles into this vulnerable fertile soil.Essence

Once the ethnic differences in the society, the poverty of the class are accompanied by the occurrence, coupled with several families of the discipline of teenagers; when young people with strong energy and active thoughts come into contact with the Internet of radical thinking, it is easy to treat the family to the familyPersonal dissatisfaction is transformed into an angry vent of a specific population, religion, and class.

Compared with organizational terrorist activities, self -aggressives often lack organizational and financial support if they engage in terrorist activities, so they cannot cause large -scale complex damage; but at the same time, due to the randomness of individuals, they also make prevention and monitoring of prevention and monitoring.This decentralized terrorism is extremely difficult.Many adolescents are unable to integrate the mainstream culture, distorted personal identity, and the incitement of the nostalgia, which is easy to make an excitement in the drive of error values.

Self -radicals of local teenagers are also the product of the environment, so comprehensive response strategies also need to be comprehensive.First of all, behind the self -radicals, it is often accompanied by crisis in economics, politics, society, and family.For example, lack of love, academic and love frustration, encountering campus violence, and major changes in family changes, coupled with the catalysis from exogenous terrorism, it is easy to make young people who encounter spiritual crisis.Self -identity and value realization.

The era of globalization, coupled with the "victim narrative" deliberately constructed by terrorism, will have a sense of frustration of virtual identity in the world and rationalize terrorism.For example, after the conflict of Harbin, due to the intensification of the conflict between the East and the West and the east -west culture and the centripetal force of the Muslim society, it is easy to produce collective moral and indignant, and due to strong negative emotions, self -evolution is caused by strong negative emotions.

Therefore, how to maximize the people in the specific area into the unified national identity, become a difficult mission in many countries including Singapore.In this way, everyone in a specific society can reduce the difficulty and contradictions of identity switching between religion and ethnic identity and national identity.

We must also avoid the label of specific ethnic groups because there are a few self -aggressive elements.This will cause people's prejudice to these ethnic groups and become a "prediction of self -realization", thus falling into the vicious circle of continuous repeated proves.Singapore is a society that emphasizes tolerance. No matter what problems occur between all ethnic groups, communication and trust should be strengthened, rather than the opposite.Here, as the mainstream community, the Chinese also pay attention to the relative deprivation of minority groups.In many aspects such as social flow and procedures, a certain inclined to vulnerable groups is made to jointly build the collective identity and values ​​of Singapore's collective identity.

Even the self -radicals of the individual will definitely experience long -term brewing and ideological transformation, which will be manifested in life and work.Therefore, the joint surveillance of the social network and the guidance of the radical thinker around them through family and friendship, which is an important anti -micro -duration at the social level.

When the public media reports the terrorist incident, how to balance between reporting facts and not preaching terrorism politics and religious demands is also an important issue for public media and self -media to grasp the problem.We must not properly or unintentionally publicize because of a greater media influence.Therefore, only by building a overall defense system for self -evolution, can the potential threat of terrorism on Singapore to the greatest extent.

The author is a local literary and historical enthusiast and religious researcher