Except for the United States, there is no way to persuade and pressure Israel to negotiate with Palestine and Hamas to promote the planning of the two countries. All the symbolic statements can be done.

Norway, Ireland, and Spain announced on May 22 that will officially recognize Palestine .Belgium, Slovenia, and Malta who have also revealed this intention will follow this step.

The Prime Minister of Norway said that the mild power on the Pakistana issue was defeated, and it was acknowledged that the Palestinian State was to support the gentle school, in order to help restore the Palestinian peace process and promote the realization of the "two countries' solutions."

It is conceivable that Israel is furious and criticized by Hamas, which is equivalent to condoning armed organizations from Palestine Flying Gaza, to hit Israel's terrorist attack on October 7 last year.Hamas broke into Israel and killed about 1200 people, took away more than 250 people, and in the end, he also won the international community to support the founding of the country.Israel's resentment is not difficult to understand.

After Palestine announced the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1988, it acknowledged that its country has gradually increased. However, as some countries have vaguely resigned, how many countries have acknowledged Palestine, and the statistics of various media have gone, about 140.In other words, about 70 % of the 193 United Nations member states around the world have admitted that Palestine is an independent country.

Although there are a few countries that do not recognize, they include the United States, Britain, France, and Germany, which have huge economic strength and political influence.In fact, they do not oppose the founding of Palestine, but they believe that the "solutions of the two countries" should be promoted by negotiations between Baza.

While thinking that the Pakistani country should be admitted first, to put pressure on Israel to face the voices; on the other hand, I insist on waiting for the consensus to obtain consensus, and then admit it to the Pakistani country.The two factions have their own opinions, and their strong camps in China are arguing, and they even blame the government.However, this dispute is the same as the status of the United Nations given to the formal membership of the United Nations, and it has no substantial help to promote the Palestinian peace process.

More than 70 % of the world's countries acknowledge Palestine, and most of those who do not admit that most of the "two countries solutions" are also supported, and the general ideas of the international community are clear.However, since the former Israeli Prime Minister Laibin was assassinated, Israel has not seen a trace of wishes to reconcile with Palestine in the past 29 years.

Palestine, who is already an observer -observed country, has never given up fighting for the "Entry Alliance".More chips that can be used to negotiate with Israel.Perhaps, Israel's military operation in Gasha and the Jewish settlement on the West Coast will be "aggressive" because Palestine has been recognized as a country internationally as a country, but the war will not stop.

With a century -old grievance between Pakistan, the two sides cannot be confident in each other.This is related to the life and death of ordinary people on both sides of the Baza isolation wall, not the outside world that can be resolved by the outside world acknowledged or does not recognize the status of Palestine.Even if all countries have decided to recognize Pakistan, they cannot decide on the border division, the ownership of Jerusalem, and the disposal of Jewish settlements on the West Bank.If these tricky problems are not resolved, Palestine cannot really be the country.

However, the announcement of Norway, Ireland, and Spain has once again made people clearly seeing social media and public opinion, which has an increasing impact on national foreign policies.

Israel did not proportically retaliate Gaza, causing more than 35,000 Palestinians to die, and Israel's oath at the expense of annihilating Hamas, and gradually exhausted the viewers' original sympathy for Israel.The voices of supporting Israel's self -defense right have been covered up by the warning of the Gaza Humanitarian crisis.

More and more people have called on their government to take action to pressure Israel to end the war that lasts for more than seven months, and it seems that Gaza is beaten.To a certain extent, the governments of many countries believe that they have to take action to deal with their own domestic public opinion, including large actions to resort to the international court to prevent Israel or change the government's position for many years to recognize Pakistan. Regardless of whether these actions are true, whether these actions are true trueeffect.

This actually shows the pessimistic prospect of the Pakistana problem.Except for the United States, there is no way to persuade and pressure Israel, negotiate with Palestine and Hamas, and promote the planning of the two countries. All the symbolic expressions can be done.