Recently, Indonesia, President Plabovo, was interviewed by the media. When talking about foreign policy, the new Indonesian government will maintain an open diplomatic policy and "will not choose a side team between China and the United States."China, the United States, Japan, South Korea and Europe invest in Indonesia.

Malaysian Prime Minister Anhua also said on March 18 this year that he was not interested in "Choosing Border Stations" between China and the United States.This is the third time he expressed such a view in the past month.

Why did the two countries repeatedly emphasize that they are unwilling to "choose" between China and the United States?Personally, there are several main reasons.

The most important thing is economic factors.China has maintained the status of Indonesia's largest trading partners for 11 consecutive years and ranked second largest investment country in Indonesia.According to statistics, the trade volume of China and Indonesia in the past two years has reached more than $ 130 billion (about S $ 175.4 billion).In addition, there are some infrastructure investment, such as Jaca reached the Vanlon's Yawan high -speed rail.

In recent years, Indonesia's economy has developed rapidly. Earlier this year, Plabovo introduced the development of the economy as the main goal of the term of office and proposed to increase the GDP of Indonesia by 8%. By 2045, Indonesia will become the world's number one worldwideThe four major economies.

In April of this year, Plabovo visited China, which was the first visit country after he was elected president.This trip broke the convention. Before I was in office in Indonesia's history, they visited abroad and used China as the first president of the country.It is not difficult to see that Indonesia wants to continue and expand its economic and trade volume with China. It also sees China's huge economic interests to Asia's detailed economic benefits, so they are unwilling to offend China.

On the other hand, China has also become Malaysia's largest trading partner for 15 consecutive years.In 2023, Malaysia's bilateral trade volume 450.8 billion yuan (about S $ 129.3 billion), Malaysia and the United States trade with a trade amount of RM250.2 billion, about half of China.

In the foreseeable future, China may not necessarily replace the United States to become the world's largest economy, but it is definitely the largest economy in East Asia and Southeast Asia.China is the largest trading partner for many countries in Asia, and it is difficult to change in the short term, and even have a strong trend.This is what the United States cannot do.

In addition, choosing to stand in the United States may not bring actual benefits to Ma Yin, but it may be tied up together by the United States and become cannon fodder against China.The Philippines is the best example.

China and the Philippines have been arguing all day due to the South China Sea issue.Although the United States supports the Philippines on the surface, it is more like the Philippines pays "protection fees" to the United States every year.Although the United States has four military bases in the Philippines, unlike Japan and South Korea, the United States does not have much garrison in the Philippines.If the Chinese military occupation of the dispute islands and reefs without attacking the Philippines, it would be difficult to say whether the United States would involve in military.For so many years, the Philippines is like constant consumption between China and the United States. The economy has not improved much, and it has not achieved any benefits from the rise of China. Instead, it seems to be bound by the United States.The role of the horse's predecessor.

If it really annoys China, the Philippines may be "learned" by China like Vietnam in 1979. Although Vietnam also had Soviet support at that time, just like the United States behind the Philippines, but would they fight with China for the younger brother.It's hard to say.It is estimated that China was also at that time, and then dared to fight against Vietnam military, which led to huge losses in Vietnam and economic stagnation for many years.This horse seal should be seen clearly.

In addition, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia and other places also get a lot of benefits in the process of getting friendly with China.Especially in Thailand, in order to boost the tourism industry in the country and vigorously attract Chinese tourists, this year, China Thailand is exempted from visa -free, and it has made a lot of money.Sullen up a fortune. "How can these not to let the neighbors of Ma Yin look at it?

In addition, the recent situation in Pakistani, the United States has always supported Israel, even if the Gaza Strip has already occurred in a serious humanitarian crisis.This has made Southeast Asia's largest Malaysian country Malaysia and Indonesia extremely dissatisfied, especially Malaysia, and even the people have begun to resist the United States' KFC (KFC) and McDonald's.Although the officials of the two countries dare not say about the United States, they certainly do not want to be close to the United States and use the "unwilling to stand in the Sino -US station team" to express their anger for the United States.Therefore, Malaysia and India said that they are not in the Central and American station teams. In fact, for China, they have won.

The author is Hong Kong journalist