Trade protectionism has become increasingly turbulent. In the past few weeks, many countries in Latin America have followed the United States and Europe to impose high tariffs on imported Chinese goods, making their original harmonious relationships with Beijing.Mexico, Chile, and Brazil have raised tariffs on Chinese steel products, even more than doubled in some cases; Colombia may also take similar measures.China seems to be the main victim of this round of protectiveism, and the reorganization of the global free trade system is showing signs of "de -China".As the most complete world factory in production, this trend is not a gospel to global consumers.

After the United States announced its tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles on May 14, Canada stated that it was considering follow -up measures.Germany reported that it will soon decide whether to disable China's communication 5G equipment.Although the US -increased tax increase in the United States is regarded as the political action of the Presidential election in November, which symbolizes significance than the essence, this obviously has become a signal of the imitation of various countries.The Minister of Trade in Canada, Wu Fengyi, said on May 18 that he was "very careful research" and imposed tariffs similar to American -produced electric vehicles.Canada's current related tax is only 6%.The German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs support the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Ministry of the Interior. Based on national security considerations, Huawei and ZTE equipment are demolished.Germany has always been regarded as a country of friendly China in the European Union in trade issues.

China ’s trade protection measures for the United States did not take revenge immediately, but just filed a complaint with the World Trade Organization.This may encourage Latin America and other national east.However, the protectionist measures of various countries have also stated that China is increasingly becoming the target of publicity in export allowances, and the international situation is more isolated.The US President Biden recently pointed out that China's market -changing technology has forced western companies to transfer key intellectual property rights and violate the principle of fair and equivalent principles of free trade.China has repeatedly emphasized that Europe and the United States' protectionism of green products such as Chinese electric vehicles, solar panels and lithium batteries is not good for environmental protection, but it has not produced much persuasive.

Although the International Monetary Fund has criticized the United States on May 16 to significantly increase some tariffs on China, it will harm global trade and economic growth. The global free trade system has not completely reversed, but reorganization has occurred.Driven by Mexico last year, under the trend of near -shore outsourcing or Youtyan outsourcing, it replaced China to become the largest exporter in the United States.Vietnam also made a profit from it. Last year, its trade surplus to the United States was nearly $ 105 billion (about S $ 141.5 billion). On the US trade deficit country rankings, only after China, Mexico and the European Union.This is believed to be the reason why Chinese products diversion in Vietnam and Mexico exported to the United States.But this will also weaken the competitiveness of Chinese products and inappropriate end consumers.

Economic data proves that free trade can indeed improve the well -being of all humanity.From 1990 to 2010, the global poverty population decreased by half due to the improvement of free trade, and 1 billion people got rid of the absolute poverty.Therefore, the development of any adverse free trade is worthy of vigilance.A 2019 think tank report in the United States estimates that then President Trump launched a trade war in China in 2018, which caused US consumers and manufacturers to lose $ 51 billion in one year.This round of reorganizations for China's import and export and production chain is not without a similar price.The Chinese economy may be hit by a lot, but consumers in other countries must also face higher living costs.

China rejected the pressure of the United States and Europe on the position of the Russian and Ukraine War, but strengthened its cooperation with Russia, which led to the same tension between China -Europe economic and trade relations.The two sides are starting a new round of tit -for -tat counters for anti -dumping surveys. If it is not stopped, it is likely to upgrade to a comprehensive trade war.China ’s trade with Russia increased to a new high of US $ 240 billion last year, but China -Europe trade volume was as high as US $ 783 billion.Russia obviously cannot replace the importance of developed western markets to China.If Central Europe cannot avoid the contradiction between geopolitical interests and hurt bilateral trade, it is naturally not good news for the world economy.

The global free trade system is impacted by geopolitical games, and it is becoming more and more likely to split to exclude China's new trade arrangements.Western public opinion and public opinion that the continuous increase in China may exacerbate disconnection and reorganization of existing trade arrangements.If isolation or even excluding China's trend outside of the global free trading system, China will fall into Chu Ge, and the dividend of reform and opening up in 45 years will inevitably disappear.This is not good for the stability of the global population and the foundation of the world's prosperity and peace.