In addition to the official wrestling, such as the WHO Annual Meeting, there are still many pragmatic methods in Taiwan. It can play a truly influence on the international community in the international public health and medical field.

International politics is very realistic, and the interests of "national sovereignty" are higher than that.Especially on the issue of the Taiwan Strait, because of the difference between the awareness of political and values ​​on both sides of the strait, Taiwan has always made Taiwan an operating chess piece. Whether it is Beijing's consistent position, the confrontation of people in Europe and the United States, or the debate of Taiwan itself,Many times the focus is placed on the surface of the name, not the in -depth discussion of the benefit of the people.

The 77th World Health Organization Annual Conference is about to be held in Geneva, Switzerland. After the Taiwan Government is in power, Taiwan is based on the "1992 Consensus" foundation.Nothing to attend as an observer is allowed.For more than 23 million residents living in Taiwan, whether or not it really causes substantial benefits, but according to the Charter of the WHO, health should be basic human rights and universal values.Or social situations are treated differently.

According to the articles of association, to become a representative of the WHO, the prerequisites must be a member of the United Nations.Taiwan's withdrawal from the Federation of UN General Assembly with the resolution of the United University, and naturally could not continue to stay as a formal member.However, the cross -strait relations were slower during the Ma Ying -jeou government. Under the consensus of the "1992 consensus" of that year, Taiwan could still attend the conference in the name of the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the Olympic "Chinese Taipei".

As a member of the international community, Taiwan is very unrealistic about the role of epidemic prevention during the epidemic period of the crown disease and the role of medicine and medicine on the global supply chain. It is very unrealistic.Mainland China knows this. The information that Beijing officials want to release are very simple. Taiwan must accept the resolution of Lian University No. 2758 and participate in the WHO Annual Conference.Under the "1992 Consensus" framework that the government agreed, Taiwan was able to attend.A spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council made such a consistent position statement at a press conference on May 14.

Is the WTO Annual Meeting so important to Taiwan?It should be known that the United Nations annual activities such as "Bye Bye" are more meaningful in formalism. Most of the final resolutions have been reached in the previous working team to discuss and consensus consensus.For example, after the Asia -Pacific Economic Union also held many senior official meetings, it only staged the annual leadership summit, allowing leaders or representatives of various countries to express their opinions with a symbolic manner, and performed an annual drama required for a multilateralist mechanism.

Unable to participate in the World Health Annual Meeting, some Taiwanese officials described "it will become a great medical break", or that Taiwan will "suffer high risk" in the global epidemic because Taiwan will not be able to master first -hand information.These concerns may be too exaggerated.Once once a year, it will not be marginalized by the international community because Taiwan does not participate.

The decisions and resolutions of the World Health Conference are public information. Even if there are no documents that are not disclosed to the public, they can obtain relevant content through other member states.If it is really listed as a "confrontation" by the World Guard Annual Conference, it is not something that any member state can be read at will.Therefore, in recent years, Taiwan has promoted the participation of the World Health Annual Conference. In the name, it is to safeguard local health rights. In essence, the DPP government hopes to improve Taiwan's visibility on international occasions and evoke the so -called "pro -American Front" to China.The awareness of collective defense conspire from the interests of international politics.This is also the view and suggestion of the US think tank CSIS: Taiwan needs to establish more allies with similar "diplomatic stances" in order to play a more flexible function in the real environment of the rise of mainland China.

For Taiwan, at least it helps to consolidate public opinion and consolidate votes internally, actively connect AIA to the outside world, and states that "pro -beauty".These are all acts of public relations. Allied allies that are friendly with Taiwan will be willing to make remarks to support Taiwan's participation at the World Health Annual Conference, thereby "stepping on" the bottom line of Beijing.

According to the statistics of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan, during the World Health Annual Conference in 2023, there were 12 AIAs with the identity of WHO, which proposed a bill inviting Taiwan to participate in the WHO as an observer.Outside the scene, more than 70 groups, including government departments at all levels, medical organizations, academic circles and non -governmental organizations, etc., in different ways to speak for Taiwan.In addition, this year's "Formosa Club" in the European and Indo -Pacific regions, members of Congress from dozens of countries, strongly support Taiwan to participate in the WHO meaningful, not only the joint name of the joint name,The chairman of the Health Organization, Tan Dezai, was sent to important people such as the chairman of the European Council Michelle and the chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin.

In addition to the official wrestling, such as the World Health Annual Meeting, Taiwan actually has many pragmatic participation methods. It can play a truly influence on the international community in the field of international public health and medical care.Although the annual WHO Annual Meeting, Taiwan missed the meeting due to political factors, the WHO hundreds of various activities and forums each year. Taiwan can actively participate in and conclude substantial bilateral and multi -sides in both officials and folks.relation.Furthermore, Taiwan's medical team and foreign aid organizations have long been deeply cultivated in various public health fields to assist developing countries to implement sustainable development goals. Even Taiwan -funded medical enterprises and foreign trade associations directly set up factories and economic and trade activities.These are the meaningful contributions that Taiwan can make in the development of world medical and public health progress. The accumulation is the manifestation of Taiwan's soft power, allowing most developing countries to know and be willing to establish a substantially reciprocal relationship with Taiwan.

Politics is after all politics. After the new government in Taiwan came to power, pressure from Beijing may not increase.In the next few years, Taiwan will inevitably have to attend the WHO Annual Conference as an observer.This is an ideological pair, but Taiwan's contribution in medical and public health will not stagnate because of this.The health and well -being of Taiwanese residents can still maintain substantial interests and guarantees through different and elastic ways.

The author is the United Nations Advisor of the Information Technology Department