Sino -US climate talks have new news, and it is said that some new progress has been made.However, some analysts believe that instead of what specific results may be produced in this talk, it is better to fulfill the promise of regular high -level contact reached when the Sino -US dollar meeting was met in November last November.In other words, both sides are in a state of state.Jennifer Turner, Director of the China Environment Forum, Director of the China Institute of Inspection, Woodro Wilson International Scholar Center, said that the potential results may be concentrated in the field of "no geopolitical conflict", such as cooperation in methane reduction, the advancement of carbon capture technology, etc.Essence

But what is a field without geopolitical conflicts?Who should define this?Is new energy vehicles related to the conflict of geographical strategy?Is China's garlic conflict with geographical strategy?Before the United States said "Yes", no one would expect that it would be a problem if it would be a problem.If China has achieved rapid development in methane reduction and carbon capture technology in the future, will the United States and the Western world target China again on the grounds of other unexpected excuses such as "overcapacity"?This is really hard to say.

The author has previously pointed out that under the current atmosphere of China and the United States, it is difficult to cooperate between China and the United States and the East and the West.The reason is that the United States looks at everything in China with the Cold War's thinking and vision, and has geopolitified everything related to China, which hurts the global hard -to -war warms.The consequences brought by this "attachment damage" are almost irreversible to the earth that humans live.

The climate talks between China and the United States can be discussed very small, but the two parties still insist on contacting and seeking cooperation.Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology of Nanyang University of Technology in Singapore, judged this that if Trump won the election this year, China and the United States in the field of climate change will be greatly affected, so China and the United States are in the front.First determine this cooperation from form.But in my opinion, this meaning is really not much.The Paris Climate Agreement was signed by the Obama period. Does Trump have been abolished as soon as he came to power?Moreover, how effective is this talks in the United States in the Biden period, if it lacks substantial cooperation with China?It can only be the empty consumption of time and energy, and it has no supplement to the solution of global climate issues.

The current Biden government, both on the Gaza problem or the climate issue, sent a signal to the outside world.As the Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said, the car arrives at the intersection, are you lighting red, green, or yellow light?If you lit at the same time, how can the car know which direction should you drive in?It is relatively gentle, and some are more politely bluntly saying: Many methods in the United States are like "schizophrenia".Today, the Biden government has made tariffs on the “new three” products, including solar panels and electric vehicles, while actively negotiating with China ’s climate issues.The contradictions of this "both ... and ..." have continued to appear in a constant time, and it is self -evident that the harm of the cooperation prospects of China and the United States in the climate and other issues is self -evident.

U.S. Climate Special Envoy Podista, an American Climate Special Envoy, also served as the White House Clean Energy Innovation and Implementation Senior Advisor.Although he is an expert in clean energy, he may not be able to make objective and professional judgments on China's efforts.Yelun is also a well -known economist, but she still ignores the common sense of economics and accuses China of the "new three" capacity of the "new three". In the global market, it is flooding and pose a threat to the supply chain of the industry and companies outside China.

If Podista also lacks a professional spirit like his peers, and confuse climate issues with economic and trade issues or even political issues, it will be the sorrow of the United States and the sorrow of the world;Things that happened.In fact, the biggest difficulties between China and the United States are here.The United States looks at China and has never been able to do "Caesar's return to Caesar, God's return to God". In this way, not only the space for any cooperation between China and the United States will only become smaller and smaller, but also seriously drag the implementation of global climate problem solutions.The end result is that it can only be comprehensively decoupled between China and the United States.Between the two big powers, once there is no intersection in any field, it is extremely dangerous to communicate.

If you think about it, if one party insists on "Caesar's who must be attributed to God", as long as it is logically not making mistakes, it is not possible to discuss the implementation of the climate plan to avoid the interference from geopolitics.; At least do not avoid the existence of such problems, it is meaningful.

For example, this talk is said to involve the topic of reducing forest cutting, but after the outbreak of the Russian and Ukraine War, in order to reduce the connection between Russia's energy in Europe, related countries bombed Beixi No. 2 gas pipelines and caused European energy tension. As a resultForcing some European countries to re -cut the forest to solve the need for lack of fuel. Can this practice implement the climate plan?

For more than, under the United States and West, the global electric vehicle market has slowed down. What impact will it have to reduce the emission reduction of greenhouse gas such as carbon dioxide?Although the climate meeting cannot decide or affect the structure of geopolitics, the two parties can at least reflect the consensus reached by the discussion to their respective government for their reference when decision -making, and to the public to attract media attention.

The author is a professor at Xi'an University of Science and Technology