Source: China News Agency

Chinese officials were reported to the three "tigers" from May 16th to 20th, showing that the work of anti -corruption was not reduced and the scale was not loose.

On the 16th, Lou Wenlong, a former member of the Party Committee and Deputy Governor of the Agricultural Bank of China, was investigated; on the 18th, the official weekend reported "Tiger", and Tang Renjian, secretary of the party group and minister of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, was reviewed and investigated; on the 20th, on the 20th,Wang Haoguan, a member of the Party Group and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC of Jiangsu Province, was declared up.

Reporter sorted out the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and found that since 2024, the number of cadres who have been investigated in the investigator has reached 26.In 2023, a total of 47 central management cadres were dismissed.

Recently, the official five -day played three "tigers". Among them, Wang Hao and Tang Renjian were both offered.Public information shows that Wang Hao, 59, has long worked in Jiangsu for a long time, during which he has worked in Xuzhou, Suqian and other places.Last month, he led a research team to Nantong to inspect the marine ecological environmental protection and restoration project.

Tang Renjian, 61, has worked in Guangxi, Gansu and other places, and has been the "leader" of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs in December 2020.According to reports, he also appeared publicly on the 15th of this month to attend the National Rural Talent Working Conference and spoke.

Lou Wenlong has worked in financial institutions for many years. In 2017, he resigned as an executive director and vice president of Agricultural Bank of China.He appeared publicly after leaving, and attended the event as Dean of Zhejiang Enstein Industry and Financial Research Institute and delivered a speech.

It is worth noting that in the past few days, the official densely reported the progress of financial anti -corruption, including the former party committee member of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Zhang Hongli, the deputy president of the China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, was severely disconnected from the party.Yang Zhiguo, deputy general manager of the original data center, was investigated.According to incomplete statistics, in 2023, more than a hundred cadres received disciplinary review in the financial system.

The reporter sorted out and found that the recent investigation of "Tigers" and many of the people who have been investigated before have work intersections.In July of last year, the former party secretary and chairman of China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., the official announcement of the official announcement of the China Everbright Group Co., Ltd., was once the boss of Lou Wenlong.In April this year, Tang Shuangning was prosecuted by the procuratorate for suspected corruption and bribery.Cai Esheng, a member and vice chairman of the former China Banking Supervision and Administration Commission, who had been charged with more than 500 million yuan and the first trial was sentenced to death, was a platform for the old departure of the old minister to go downstairs in 2019.

The outside world noticed that Wang Hao was the secretary of the Suqian Municipal Party Committee, and he also served as the "leader" in Suqian, Zhang Xinshi, and Miao Ruilin.

Some comments believe that investigating and handling cases is not only the most direct and effective way for anti -corruption, but also the most powerful and deeper supervision.On the one hand, it can make corrupt people pay a heavy price and release a strong signal of "reaching out to be caught", so that those who are lucky are discouraged; on the other hand, they can see the essence through the phenomenon, reveal the problem of corruption system and mechanisms and regulatory loopholes.In -depth reasons, deepen the results of the standard to treat the root cause.

After Tang Renjian's dismissal, on the evening of May 18, the party group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry held a expansion meeting, proposing to learn from the lessons of Tang Renjian's suspicion of serious disciplinary violations. ", Don't want to rot. "

In addition, according to deployment, 15 inspection teams in the third round of central inspections of the 20th Central Committee are conducting regular inspections of 34 economic work departments and financial units.Among them, the Tenth Inspection Team of the Central Committee inspected the Agricultural Bank of China.The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Team of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Discipline Inspection and Supervision of the Agricultural Bank of China recently stated that it is necessary to deeply check the misconduct behind the negligence of various types of risk events, illegal operations, and regulatory punishment, and find hidden corruption problems from behind abnormal phenomena.