For many years, Li Xianlong's leadership ability has been closely observed for many years, so that I believe that the reason for promoting his political services throughout his life is how he understands how special his country is, and persistently to keep this country special.Not only for his generation, but also for future generations.

When I saw him in Li Xianlong's office in February 1993, he was fighting cancer.Due to the treatment of lymphoma for multi -round chemotherapy, his hair was gone.

He was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade and Industry at the time.I am a reporter and want to know what he has been diagnosed since October 1992.

The office is located on the 50th floor of the Treasury Building, which is said to overlook the entire Harbor.But the curtains were half -pulled that day, and the room was shrouded in the shadow, blocking the scenery out of the window.Cancer therapy makes his skin more sensitive to the sun, and other side effects include weakening the immune system, damage and nausea of ​​taste buds.

At this time, he has completed five of the six chemotherapy cycles, and each cycle lasts three weeks.Drugs are transmitted by inserting the tube of his chest.

Li Xianlong frankly describes how he adjusts the bathing habit to avoid wet tube.When I asked to see the tube extended from his chest, he agreed.

From that day, I regard him as a person with flesh and blood, not just a politician.The secure and courage hidden behind the reassuring smile.His attitude towards these issues is: "I can deal with it well."

He is only 40 years old, relatively young.For a leader who is accustomed to controlling the situation, in a sense, this is the most difficult thing -in the face of unknown situation, the result cannot be controlled.He told me without pity: "Such experiences will inevitably leave a person's imprint. But I think work must continue and life must continue."

Li Xianlong is no stranger to the crisis.In October 1982, his wife and 31 -year -old Huang Mingyang died shortly after giving birth to a heart disease, leaving a 19 -month -old daughter and a three -week -old son, and a sad husband.He told me: "This kind of thing happened from time to time. You don't have to choose, and you don't want it to happen to anyone. You must survive it."

After the visit, I impressed the courage and perseverance he embodied.

Before receiving my interview, Li Xianlong never talked about his anti -cancer process.His first political instinct was to strengthen people's confidence in the government and strengthen the leadership team.Publicly announced that Li Xianlong's then Prime Minister Wu Zongdong said in November 1992: "After suffering a major personal blow, Long can also care about national affairs, which shows a rare power ... He has not worried about himself."

In April 1993, after the cancer cells in the body were cleared, Li Xianlong re -put into work.When the Asian financial crisis broke out in 1997, he and his colleagues led the country to recover quickly.

In fact, although the impact of rehabilitation from cancer is far -reaching, deep in his heart, he is him -a person who dedicated to Singapore completely.Cancer has not changed this.This dedication spirit is so deeply penetrated into the bone marrow, so that it is not only the mind of mind, but also the origin of life.To understand him, we must understand his courage and perseverance, how to forge it in the fire.

Everyone facing crisis needs the courage to spend the difficulties.However, as a politician, Li Xianlong has a kind of courage that I think is higher and more exhausted: courage to bear the collective weight of the present and past, and focus on the future, no matter how uncertain the future is.

In Li Xianlong's political career, most of the decisions he did (if not all) were based on the events that he could not control: financial panic, great epidemic, terrorist conspiracy, geopolitical changes, and involving mistakes in making mistakes.Political scandals that are arguing with brothers and sisters and so on.These incidents rarely involve certainty, but involve possibilities, that is, what may happen, and what may be through.In the end, he still had to play the card in his hand.

Extraordinary Growth Experience

Li Xianlong may be better than entering politics together, and earlier realized the hidden dangers brought by politics.He grew up in a house in Ou Sili, and a group of people often gathered there to discuss the formation of political parties and the independence of Singapore.When he was a child, he followed his father and founding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew to participate in political activities, and everything he experienced was undoubtedly beneficial to him.

As the eldest son of the two men and women in the family, Li Xianlong failed to avoid the impact of political struggles.During the turbulent period of Malaysia in 1965, the father of the then Prime Minister of Singapore once told him that if he had any unexpected, he would take care of his family.Li Xianlong was only 13 years old.

After the separation of Singapore and Malaysia, Li Xianlong's parents moved to a safer Chanyi Cottage for about four months according to the Special Branch's suggestion.Children continue to live in the house of Ou Sili, so that they can go to school at the escort of security personnel, and only visit their parents on the weekend.The young Li Xianlong had been exposed to politics very early, which gave him a unique understanding of his struggle to Singapore and the sacrifice involved.

In some ways, the trajectory of sending him into the Prime Minister's Office is also unique.

Few people know that at the cabinet meeting of the Second Prime Minister Rajierynan, at the beginning of 1982, the Cabinet Conference discussed in political succession issues took the initiative to propose Li Xianlong's name for consideration.When I was writing the biography of Singapore's first foreign minister Raja Lenan and visited Wu Zuodong, I learned about it from his mouth.

According to Wu Zongdong's description of the cabinet meeting, then the then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew had hesitated and said that it was his son.The cabinet did not make any decisions on the advice of Rajayanan's invitation to politics in politics.At the end of 1983, when Wu Zuodong, then the Minister of Defense, remembered this incident to Li Guangyao, the latter believed that his son would not accept it because he had just lost his wife and was trying to rectify his family.Regarding Wu Zuodong's insistence, Li Guangyao responded: "Try it." When Wu Zongdong invited Li Xianlong in early 1984, the young man promised to consider and then accepted the invitation.

Li Xianlong, who served as a prospective for armed forces in Singapore, subsequently accepted strict selection procedures that all people's active party candidates must go through.This includes interviews from two ministerial committees.Rajierynan said: "When I was informed by the Prime Minister, I took the initiative to ask the two committees to consider using Xianlong as a possible candidate." He said, "Because I have known him since I was a child. He is outstanding.The academic achievements, perseverance, and brilliant military career are obvious to all. "

The first interview was hosted by former Minister Lin Jinshan, and the second interview was Rajierynan.Li Guangyao avoided this process and did not attend two interviews.

After Li Xianlong's entry into politics caused a tape and the rise of the Li's dynasty, Rajielean would publicize the selection process."There is no chance to engage in a skirt relationship at all. Even if someone attempts to be a relative, facing these strict selection procedures, it will not be able to do it. If he finds that the ability of Xianlong is insufficient, he will be quietly abandoned, no matter what he is, he is whether he isNot the son of the Prime Minister. "He pointed out in Petir, a DAP in September 1984 that Li Xianlong would eventually have to face voters and prove himself in actual operations, and this is the real test.

The fact is that when Li Xianlong decided in 1984The identity of his father is because he has this aspiration.In September 1984, he revealed his thoughts in the earliest speech as a politician.

He said that a person will weigh the possibility of success and failure in political career before politics."If he succeeds, it may bring changes to thousands of people. If he fails, the price is to be frustrated by self -esteem and realize his limitations." It is impressive that he quotes it.A word in Shakespeare's work Macbeth: "But as long as you have the courage, we will not fail."

Keep Oath

For many years, Li Xianlong's leadership ability has been closely observed, which makes me believe that the reason for promoting his political services throughout his life is how special he knows his country, and persistently to keep this country's specialty, not only forHis generation is also for future generations.


When he was the Prime Minister in 2004, Li Xianlong swore his duties to "do his best, not to be biased, no, no hate".This vow requires him to be committed to the use of systems, democracy, rule of law, and good politics; he carefully fulfilled his oath.

As soon as Li Xianlong took office, he was not welcomed by those who suspecting his arrogance and toughness.In fact, one of the main problems in the hearts of many people at that time was whether he could fight with the people and let the people and him suffer.

Today, he is one of the most popular politicians in this country.He is a strong communicationman who can unite the people and consolidate a wide range of national consensus.Of course, some people criticize him.He made a mistake.No leader has a perfect success record when he steps down.

The limits bearing

Li Xianlong led the Chinese people to cross many crises, but for him, the most difficult may be when his father died in 2015.As the Prime Minister, he shoulders the responsibility of leading the country to mourn the founding of the country.Although he was extremely sad, he still stood strongly because it was exactly what the country needs.

He survived his perseverance and sitting.After Huang Mingyang's death, he began to try to sit.When he suffered from lymphatic cancer, under the guidance of a teacher, his meditation made better progress.On the morning of March 29, 2015, before Lee Kuan Yew's national funeral ceremony began, he sat next to the father of the Congress Building to sit quietly, which reflected his mood at the time.

Sometimes he must feel that he is about to bear.For example, after his father died, his brother and sister slandered him and government agencies, because as a prime minister, he could not satisfy their wishes, that is, to realize the desire of Li Guangyao to demolish the house of Ou Sili Road.If Li Guangyao knows that when he gives the house to Li Xianlong and at the same time, the other two children will become his inheritance executor, it will lead to serious family discomfort, stain his reputation of his and his family, and become a domestic critic.He will be very sad.

Li Xianlong avoided all the government decision -making process related to this historic house.He also sold the house to his younger brother, and each would donate the amount of half the market value of the house to charity, so as to give up any personal interests or impact on the final fate of the house.He had to take into account the dual identity of the Prime Minister and the son of Lee Kuan Yew, and once again, he placed the country on his own and family.

Recently, when he participated in the May 1st Labor Day rally as Prime Minister recently, he emitted a kind of leader's temperament.He did do it. When the attendee stood up for him, he could see this from his haggard body and moist eyes.

When Li Xianlong bowed deeply in front of them and tried to control his emotions, I remembered the day of 1993, when I looked closely at the person who was known by many people today as an outstanding leader.He was amazing, but it was his human nature that moved me.This is still the case now.

The author is a former reporter. From 2001 to 2015, he served as a member of the DAP Tannini Section of the People's Action Party

Originally carried the Strait Times

Golden Shun Translation