The Prime Minister's swore ritual and the new cabinet's inauguration ceremony was successfully held on Wednesday (May 15) in the presidential palace.Born Prime Minister.As Premier Huang Xuncai pointed out in the inauguration speech, this time the friendship is not only the alternation of the leadership team, but also the alternation of generations.

What new changes will the new leader bring?This should be a question that many people pay attention to.Premier Huang has clearly stated that he will not be satisfied with the status quo.As a post -70s Prime Minister, due to the different growth experience, his political style and political concept are definitely different from the top three prime ministers.This is as different as Wu Zongdong and Li Xianlong's style.We can expect that the new Prime Minister can be closer to the ideas and desires of the younger generation of Singaporeans.In fact, through the FORWARD SINGAPORE movement, which began in June 2022, he has mastered many feedback in this area. It is believed that on this basis, he can update the social contract with the Chinese people.

But some of the fundamental principles of governance in Singapore are unchanged.Premier Huang emphasized that in the process of growing up, he and the young minister witnessed the values ​​that promoted Singapore's road to success -integrity, only use, diverseism, justice and peace.These principles are deeply inscribed in their hearts.They fully understand the importance of good leadership, political stability and long -term planning.They are also the beneficiaries of the founding and imaginative policies formulated by the founding of the founding of the founding of Singapore.However, when the world is easy, their leadership style will be different from previous generations.

The new generation of leaders must have a new vision.Premier Huang said that they will build a more fair, fair and equal society, and take care of the elderly, vulnerable groups and special demand.The government will also support all Singaporeans to improve themselves in order to live a fulfilling life, whether the starting point, age, or ability of their lives.He hopes that Singapore can be more tolerant, elegant and more tolerant."We must be a society that cherishes every Singaporean, and we must become a country that every Singaporean cherishes."

These ambitious goals, I believe that they will get the recognition and resonance of most people, but to achieve the goals, there are no simple formulas to be applied, and there is no ready -made model to follow.Discover new solutions, and open up new paths and formulate new imaginative policies.This is a difficult challenge in itself.

In addition, Singapore's ahead is also full of internal and external challenges.In the country, with the continuous changes in objective conditions, the crescents of science and technology, the rapid aging population, and more diverse interests and opinions in society, new challenges will follow.Politically, Premier Huang also pointed out that the day of the Li Guangyao's unique party no longer exists, and the ruling party must face an increasingly severe situation in politics.How to continue to maintain the unity and cohesion of the people in this case, and avoiding political differentiation is a great challenge.It is only more than a year since the next election, which also means that the new ruling team must be fast, because they show the governance style and performance, and there is not much time to establish mutual trust and tacit understanding with voters.

The challenge from the outside may be even greater.With the increasingly fierce game of great powers, the situation of the world camp is becoming more and more obvious. After the Cold War ended, the 30 -year stability and peace enjoyed by the Asia -Pacific region have gone back, and they are replaced by conflict and hostility.The competition of great powers has caused geopolitical tensions, and protectionism and nationalism have also looked up in various countries. Such a turbulent situation will continue for many years, even for decades.In the process, how Singapore, which depends on international trade, continues to develop in a more unfriendly geopolitical environment, must be a question of thinking about thinking about thinking.

Over the past 60 years, Singapore has only witnessed the change of Prime Minister three times, which is the best manifestation of political stability.Premier Huang inherited the achievements of the former Prime Minister Li Xianlong poured in his life and bowed his work.As President Shang Daman said, Li Xianlong's assets should adhere to and consolidate the standards and standards of the consolidated politicians.Premier Huang vowed that he would serve the country and the people and continue the good political traditions of Singapore. However, to achieve new visions and overcoming many front roads, the new ruling team must also respond to the call and work together.