Russia is a friend of China, a comprehensive strategic collaboration partner of the new era, there is no need to doubt it.The Russian and Ukraine War also caused trouble to China. With such a large geopolitical conflict, all parties have lost their parties. China ’s losses are relatively small.

▲ On February 24, 2023, China released a Chinese position on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis.Proposal to respect 12 points such as respecting the sovereignty of various countries, abandoning the Cold War thinking, suspension of fire, and starting peace talks.China's efforts to promote the political solution of the Ukraine crisis have been welcomed by both Russia and U -Kuchi and the recognition of the international community.

The Russian and Ukraine War has dragged down China's relations with the United States to the West to a certain extent, but this is what China can control, because at this time in the United States, the United States requires a stable attitude of China.Their upper limit of their target is to make China as close to their position as possible, but they must keep the lower limit of the target, that is, not to make trouble with China and forcing China to the opposite direction.Therefore, China's neutrality is what they should also accept.

Some people have emphasized that Russia has hurt China in history, so China should be friends in the United States.This is too naive and simple.At this moment, the United States was suppressed by China ’s comprehensive strategy today. It was the United States that engaged in China on issues such as Xinjiang, Tibet, Hong Kong.The alliance, and the ambition to suppress the development of Chinese technology is also the United States. And the first reason for the United States to do this is that China's power has risen in an all -round way. How China dealt with differences with the United States, including how we treat Russia, are the third and third place. Sino -US relations cannot be fundamentally changed with China's damage to Russia. Sino -US strategic stalemate has been doomed. China and Russia to build a new era of comprehensive strategic collaboration partnerships will help us play with the United States for a long time.Let Sino -US relations go the worst and be able to live.

Sino -Russian pragmatic cooperation has achieved great achievements. China has become Russia's largest trading partner for 13 consecutive years. In 2023, the trade volume of the two sides reached a record of US $ 240 billion.Russia said that Sino -Russian trade in 2030 is expected to reach $ 300 billion.Mutual cooperation between the two countries has strong toughness and broad prospects.

In other words, China has had historical tragedies because of Russia, but the United States is creating our realistic threats, which is the current and foreseeable geopolitical urgency items in China. Today, China and Russia are a comprehensive strategic collaboration partner. This is determined by the change of the times. It does not transfer some romantic ideas.

Of course, Sino -Russian relations cannot cause China's exclusiveness with other countries, including relations with the West.In fact, China has been working hard to achieve a balance of diplomatic strategy.Both China -Germany and China and France have just realized the interviews of leaders. Sino -US high -level contact this year is very active. Japan, South Korea, and Australia are maintaining their exchanges with China.China does not have a traditional enemy in the world, but there are many in the United States. China is the country with the fiercest speed in history, the most milder posture, and the most important emphasis on cooperation with all countries.We must be confident that we must keep our routes and rhythms, and we cannot chaos under the external pressure.