The most talked about Trump is the issue of immigration in addition to revitalizing the US economy.Because he realized that only on these two issues can all right -wing populist be highly unified; it is difficult to truly unify the right -wing populist on other social issues.

The Democratic Party ’s American political activist, Dede Galen's article, did n’t win the presidential election and published it on March 13.He believes that Trump cannot win in the U.S. presidential election in November this year. The core argument is "what makes Trump finally retire will be the population of the United States", because "during the 2016 and 2024 elections, there will be an appointment.20 million senior voters died, and about 32 million young Americans reached the age of voting. "

The biggest problem of

This argument is the "new and old replacement" that has occurred in the United States in recent years. In fact, both the two parties are all stained, not only for the Republican Party.As long as you ask himself, how many years of light voters will favor the old -fashioned Biden, which is clear.As Galen himself acknowledged, "many young voters dismissed both democracy and republics."

We only have to return to the policy of the two parties first, and do further comparison and analysis. Fang is more rational. We must not replace objective cognition with emotions and intend to replace factual analysis with the intention.Although emotionally, we can understand that they are not happy to see that Trump rolls back and enter the White House, but must be aware that reality is often not shifted by people's will.The best lesson in this regard is probably the 2016 American election.At that time, the vast majority of Democrats thought that Trump had no chance of winning, and as a result, it was surprising.

Their biggest problem is that they can't see (or they don't hear but don't hear it) from Europe to the United States.According to statistics from BBC (BBC) in 2016, the influence of the extremely right -wing parties in 12 European countries is expanding sharply.Austria and Germany, which counterattack the right -wing population camp, were not spared.In this regard, the author has published several academic articles around 2016, trying to reveal the characteristics and reasons behind European and American right -wing populism.Important sign of political revival.

Until today, the author believes that the reasons for the analysis of the year are still outdated, but it is better to get more and more intense.Therefore, the author believes that only by serious reflection of this phenomenon and reasons can we help us better understand this frenzy and find the way of resolution.

First of all, economic factors are obviously important.Luxembourg Research Center and New York University Economist Branko Milanovic in 2016, in 2016, global inequality with a large amount, Research on Global Real Revenue Change.Two of the data and conclusions are the most noticeable: First, the poor and the middle class of Asia have become the biggest winner of globalization, while the middle and lower class of the old -fashioned developed countries are the largest losers.Second, the world's richest 1%population has become a well -deserved winner, of which the highest proportion is the United States, followed by Western Europe and Japan.It can be seen that in the past 20 years, the gap between the rich and the poor within the developed countries has continued to increase, and it is obviously that globalization has intensified this change.

In summary, in this round of global campaign, emerging middle -class classes of developing countries like China, and the wealthy class of developed countries are the global worldwide in Fukuyama in February 2016 in Berlin, Germany.Winners.In contrast, the western middle and lower classes that have almost stagnated income are the global losers in Fushan.How could they have resentment about global sports?In the end, this makes the public not only deeply sympathize with left -wing populism such as Occupy Wall Street, but also favors the right -wing populism that resist globalization, exclude foreign culture and a large number of immigrants.

Therefore, economic factors are to cause them to completely shift to right -wing populism, and to reshape nationalism and be keen on authoritarian causes and motivation.Note.The slogan that best reflects this new type of political dynamics, and makes Trump's voices, is obviously "Make America Great Again again."In this election, Trump still re -puts this slogan.

Main challenges of immigration identity and cultural conflicts

In a word, it can be at least fairly to be fair. The economic factors are still, the main driving force of the right -wing populus rejuvenation.It's just that the middle class this time is unlike the strong dissatisfaction and rebound of unemployment and bankruptcy of the economic collapse before World War II, but it has a rebellious loss and disappointment of the global movement.

The second is the culture and security impact brought by the trend of immigration and the refugee crisis.With the rapid development of the post -war globalization, it has driven the large -scale flow of global personnel, and immigrants from all over the world have swarmed into Europe. Thousands of South American immigrants hovering on the US -Mexico border also have a strong impact on traditional American culture.In this regard, Huntington has expressed hidden concerns in the conflict of civilization.Although this argument has been attacked, to this day, we have to admit that the issue of immigration identity and cultural conflicts have become one of the main challenges in European and American society; especially when this contradiction is in cultural and values, that is, that is, that is, that is, it is also the values.It is time to form a serious political division in Europe and the United States, which advocates diversification, accepting refugees, and opposing foreign ethnic groups, and right -wing populism that refuses to diversify, oppose refugees, and defend the cultural tradition.

The minority groups that have not been able to integrate into the mainstream culture, express the way of protest and anger, and in turn will stimulate and promote the further rebound of most nations.Come and more support, eventually make European and American right -wing populist parties.It is also in this sense that the University of Michigan's scholar Ronald F. Inglehart and Harvard Kennedy College Pippa Norris tend to believe that cultural factors are the main driving driving forces to support right -wing populist parties.

Foreed Zakaria, a well -known American Indian journalist, current affairs critic and writer, wrote in a magazine in foreign affairs from November / December 2016 that Trump's political talent made him realize many awarenessRepublican voters have already dealt with the standard Republican Gospel (The Standard Party Gospel) such as free trade, tax cuts, and less supervision.NATIONALIST SENTIMENT) is more interested.所以,特朗普谈论最多的,除了重振美国经济,就是移民问题,因为他意识到,只有在这两个问题上,才能让所有右翼民粹主义者得到高度统一;在其他社会问题上,右翼It is difficult to truly unify between populists.

Therefore, Trump's success depends to a large extent depending on his supporters naturally put himself into the "white identity movement" camp.

In summary, the author believes that the difficult choices in front of the mainstream political elites in the West should not only be highly vigilant and calmly analyzed by the phenomenon of right -wing populism.Identification, flexible and pragmaticSo as right.Because the fierce opposition of the Western right -wing populist, whether it is the increasingly uneven from the rich and the poor in the process of globalization, or the influx of immigrants (refugees), is the most tricky and most urgent focus of the West.It is worthy of in -depth reflection, reflection, and urgent need to change.

Unfortunately, to this day, not only can we not see what practical and feasible ways of the Democratic government led by Biden, but we have witnessed the more and more farce on the US -Mexico border.This is probably the deep reason why Trump returned to the White House today.

The author is Beijing scholar