In the early morning of April 30, a video uploaded by netizens attracted attention.According to Dahui News, a woman in the video claims to be a grass -roots worker in the tax system in a certain place. Grandpa and father are part of the tax family.Because of the influence of a strong tax atmosphere, it intentionally inherited the tax mantle in the family from generation to generation.This remark triggered widespread discussion among netizens.


The video shows that the self -described name is Pang Moumou. The reporter inquired about the local tax system's work dynamics. It did find that Pang Moumou's name appeared.In this regard, the local tax system staff said that it has been reported to Pang Moumou's video and understands it. In the future, it should be explained by the official.

"A three -generation tax person", in a coincidence of such a career, netizens questioned whether Pang Moumou used family relationships to enter the tax system, which is not excessive association.After all, in the fields of finance, tobacco, it is not such cases.The doubts of netizens are actually concerned about the fair mechanism behind Pangmoumou's "son -in -law".

Of course, this is not to say that Pang Moumou's work in the tax system must be greasy.Some netizens said: "Taxes are the national examination, the written test is divided, and the interview is two -way blind selection. It is impossible to enter the relationship." It is also persuasive under the current highly open and transparent public examination rules.Moreover, as he said, since he was a child, he was "influenced by a strong tax atmosphere" and was not surprised to engage in his familiar job when he grew up.

Regardless of whether it is questioning or reporting, it should be said that the views of the two parties have their own principles. This is determined by different positions, experiences and mentality.Local staff said, "Will give you an explanation", then we may wish to wait for official conclusions.

However, Rao is so, and it does not mean that such controversy, especially the sensitive response of public opinion, is worthless.The doubts of netizens point to the concerns of the "close relative breeding" of the public examination.More precisely, it is the deep anxiety of the solidification of the class.This mentality is the most noteworthy.

The current employment situation can be said to be very grim.China has more than 10 million graduates for two consecutive years. The scale of graduates this year is expected to reach 11.79 million, which is 210,000 more than last year.Such a huge potential employment crowd can imagine the pressure brought to the employment market.Many people have seen the stability and excellent conditions of the units in the system, and they are rolled into "testing" and waiting for "ashore"."The end of life is the test" is not a joke, it has become a serious reality.

In this context, any point leading to the wind on the system of the system will cause public opinion commotion, because it is related to the vital interests of everyone.The fact that "Pang Moumou entered the tax system" is not important in itself. Everyone cares about how she goes in; whether she is in line with norms; her three generations of peers have to use the rules of unfairness to squeeze off the rare opportunities of ordinary family children to rise.Essence

It must be acknowledged that in the case of poor employment environment as a whole, the rising channels of the public have narrowed and the difficulty has risen.Most people are ordinary, with congenital conditions, weak resources, and the rising reefs, full of uncertainty.Sometimes once a certain opportunity is missed, it is a regret of a lifetime.

Therefore, for every ordinary person, any opportunity to change destiny is extremely important.Most of the time, the only thing that can be rely on is the rules of their own efforts and fairness.They believe in the words of fate: fate is not taken for granted, nor is it determined by a hyper -trimmed mysterious power.Therefore, they hope to gain the rise of the class by personal struggle and the transition of life.Conversely, who has the suspicion of destroying the rules and who has benefited by the identity dividend, it is difficult to escape the impartial eyes.

Last year, there was a widely circulated article called the inheritance and watches of the three generations of tobacco people. The article itself is talking about the dedication and responsibility of a family of three generations.However, such propaganda turned over the car in the public opinion field, and was questioned by netizens as "close relatives breeding" and "cheap and sold well."

This is not necessarily objective, but it also shows that the "dedication narrative" like "a family of three generations" is more sensitive to pursuing fairness and more sensitive privileges.On the contrary, it will only stimulate the public's strong sense of deprivation and trigger the confrontation of class emotions.

Social resources are like a cake. When making big cakes, you must also divide the cake.The premise of dividing the cake is to ensure the fairness and fair implementation of the rules.Whether this "three generations of taxpayers" are in compliance with local investigations and responses.We also hope that in those public areas, talent selection can completely abandon human conditions and relationships, and treat everyone's efforts fairly and fairly, and use their ability rather than "reducing talents."

Writing/Beijing News commentator Wang Yanhu