Chinese people in Singapore need to understand Chinese culture and learn Chinese language well, and also need to learn English and understand the culture of witch, India, and Europe.With these capabilities, not only can improve thinking ability and self -confidence, but also more likely to integrate the splendid Singapore Chinese culture while improving economic and scientific achievements.

I am just a professional, doing the work of urban planning and architectural design.In the scope of work, I constantly feel that: understanding Chinese culture is closely related to work.In this text, I will talk about the past, present and future of Singapore Chinese culture with the feelings of a professionals.

The fate of the Chinese culture has started.This was a matter of 85 years ago, and the young people now cannot imagine the huge difference between that year.First of all, my parents were born in China. When they were young, they were influenced by Chinese culture and art, and then immigrated to Malaya. After the Second World War, they moved to Singapore.Therefore, my family education is quite authentic Chinese traditional cultural education.

When I was in elementary school and middle school, many Chinese literati and university professors moved to Xinma before the liberation of China.At that time, many of the teachers were university professors. In addition to teaching our textbooks, they also told the social situation and historical stories in China.At the same time, the living room of my parents often has a literati to chat. I am fortunate to listen, so I have a considerable understanding of Chinese history, characters, idioms, poems, calligraphy and painting, and art.

Later, I went to Sydney's New South Wales to study in college. In order to be able to understand Chinese architecture, the theme of graduation thesis was "the characteristics of traditional Chinese architecture".Through reading many books published in China, and the dialing of Mr. Fu Lei, my father and old friend, this paper has a great impact on my architectural design concept in this life.For example, from the perspective of urban landscape design, the Chinese courtyard courtyard, even in Beijing in winter, can enjoy the beautiful sunshine when entering the yard, not affected by the cold north wind.Scientific design concept.In view of this, although many ancient cities in China have the concept of mid -axis, they do not have a high -profile sense of perspective in the West. Instead, there are many layering and mystery of the courtyard.This also affects the way I later made urban landscape design and architectural design in China.

The profound impact of Chinese culture and the coexistence of culture

The characteristics and advantages of many aspects of Chinese culture also affect my planning method for the Singapore government from 1969 to 1992.

I do not allow myself to pursue European -style buildings, but to ask myself to understand the building needs and characteristics of the tropical climate, and at the same time respect and consider the urban environment and culture of the multi -nation.For example, we not only retain Chinese ox cart water, but also retain the Malays' Gannan Genan, the little India of India, and the European city of Europe and Americans.It is worth emphasizing that I think it is very exciting.Xinma's Nyonya culture should be the world's most unique culture.This is a combination of early Chinese and Malays, including clothing, jewelry, catering, and architectural design. They all have a unique aesthetic look, full of exquisite, delicate and colorful mood.

What I want to ask now is: How should we look at the environment of various diverse and traditional national cultures that are so rich and very distinctive.How to integrate these multiculturalism into life and thinking?We need to ask in this environment: What is Singapore Chinese culture?How to integrate Chinese culture and other cultures?Do I need to fusion?

Although many large countries have ethnic minorities, they have some common points after thousands of years of coexistence.Singapore has a short history. The four cultures: Hua, Witch, India, and Europe have a lofty position in the world and should not barely integrate.However, Nyonya culture proves that under the premise of mutual respect, the culture after integration is indeed both characteristic and very pleasing to the eye.

On the other hand, if the people of Singapore are sincerely looking for the culture and historical origins of various ethnic groups, and maintain a close relationship with the ancestors of the ancestors of all ethnic groups, it will not only enhance the richness and diversity of the cultural and artistic development of the Singapore people, but also bring a lot of many.The advantages of diplomacy, economy, science and technology, and culture.Chinese people in Singapore need to pay attention to our traditional culture and know our cultural value in the world to ensure and establish our self -confidence and self -esteem.At the same time, the Chinese must also carefully maintain and deepen the traditional culture of other races.This can not only ensure the harmony between each ethnic group, but also improve the diversity, richness and clarity of the values, thinking methods and culture of the Singapore people.

Promoting the Fusion of Multi -Cultural Cognition

When I served as chairman of the National Art Council of Singapore from 1996 to 2005, I actively supported the excavation and development of cultures of various ethnic groups.Whenever the Singapore Art Festival is held, colleagues are required to provide appropriate number of Chinese, witch, and Indian cultural activities in addition to welcoming performances from all over the world to share and show the characteristics and style of Singapore's multiculturalism with the world.

Considering from the perspective of people's dignity and economic benefits.I hope that in the future, the Chinese in Singapore need to improve the dialogue and writing ability of Chinese and English to the world level. At the same time, they have a deep understanding of Chinese culture, history, heroes, and idioms.This will bring great benefits to our outlook on life and career, because improving language level helps to deeply think.Understanding the historical heroes can bring inspiration and motivation; the outlook on life inherited by history will bring high levels of human beings, personal will and achievements.For example: Idioms not only help language expression, but also provide many principles, volunteers and values ​​that are living in life, and help the shaping of behavior, thinking, work, and life attitude.

Furthermore, I discuss from the perspective of life and professionals.The Chinese culture in Singapore should indeed take Chinese culture as the main axis, and at the same time integrate into the local cultural culture.To do this well, I worry about two issues: First, the language level of our Chinese and the lack of awareness of the history of Chinese culture; second, the values ​​tendency of Chinese people in Singapore is still mainly Western culture.

Although it has been independent for 59 years, I often ask myself, when will Singapore really get out of the thinking and value of the colonial era?My intuition and personal experience, if the government can deliberately improve the traditional language and cultural level of China, Witch, India, and European race, we will not only become a very practical and rich country, but also expected to really get out of the thinking and thinking of the colonial era andValues.So, what is Singapore Chinese culture?Even if this subject is complicated, it is still necessary to plan and actively promote it.

It is worth mentioning that according to the current trend, China will definitely become a world economic power in the near future.The understanding of Chinese language, history, and culture has greatly helps Singaporeans' business communication and mutual understanding.This must be economic value and my personal experience.Most of my urban planning and architectural design projects are in China.On the one hand, because the Chinese government is fully promoting urban development and responding to the needs of farmers entering the city.On the other hand, I can quickly grasp the key points of the customs and historical backgrounds of various cities in China; I can also understand the vision of urban development in various governments in various governments.Therefore, communication can achieve consensus smoothly.I think this advantage can also play the same role in other industries.

Cross -cultural influence makes people far -sighted

I was fortunate to talk to Founding Prime Minister Li Guangyao many times while working in government departments in the 1970s and 1980s.Although his family Chinese background is English, through media reports, I learned that he not only worked hard to learn Chinese after becoming the Prime Minister, but also often asked questions about Chinese culture, studying and understanding Confucianism.These factors, coupled with his high level of English and strong thinking ability, have launched many very reasonable but different policies of governing the country with different Western values.For example, experts from advanced countries at that time opposed high -level public housing, and in order to implement the house policy in all aspects, he asked to build a high place, and encouraged the people to buy instead of just renting.Reasonable populationProportion.

I have been fortunate to have worked for urban planning in government departments for 23 years. I also feel that Chinese language, culture, history, and modern technology in Europe and the United States have a huge impact on my work.Many people asked me how to plan a decades?I put forward the three centers: the hearts of humanities, serving people and land; the brain of scientists, designing living machines; the eyes of the artist, falling in love with the land.It can summarize very complicated planning issues in three sentences, and it must be attributed to the influence and clear thinking and language expression ability of Chinese culture.During my work, I highly respect the living requirements of Singapore's diverse races and the embodiment of architectural culture.

I think good urban planning is a symbol of urban civilization. Doing planning and urban development will win the world's respect for the people of various cities.Behind these thinking, I think it is inseparable from the Chinese culture and various other cultural factors when I was a kid.

Today, even if Chinese in Singapore are in the era of global economic development and high -tech era, it is still necessary to deeply understand Chinese culture and learn Chinese language.Living in Singapore, it is also necessary to learn English and in -depth understanding of the culture of witch, India, and Europe.With these foundations, it can not only improve everyone's thinking ability and self -confidence, but also more likely to go out of the thinking of the colonial era. While improving economic and scientific and technological achievements, it integrates the splendid Singapore Chinese culture.

In the future, Singapore should pay equal emphasis on science and technology and multiculturalism in accordance with a comprehensive educational policy.Although the country is small, Singapore should be based on the world's large countries, showing its own cultural characteristics.The achievement of this achievement should be expected by all patriotic citizens.

The author is the founder and chairman of the Mo Rui Design Office, who was the chief architect and executive officer of the Singapore House Construction Development Bureau

This article was originally contained in the Singapore Zongxiang Guild Hall and the Double Moon Source 167, the original text was deleted