Source: China News Agency

Reporter: Pang Wuji

A meeting of the Central Political Bureau of the Mainland Government Holding on April 30 pointed out that it is necessary to combine the new changes in the supply and demand relationship of the real estate market, the people's new expectations of high -quality housing, and coordinate the policy and measures of digesting existing real estate and optimizing incremental housing.Hurry up to build a new model of real estate development and promote high -quality real estate development.Among them, the expression of existing real estate and incremental housing was mentioned for the first time.

Analysis believes that the overall consideration of incremental and stock issues means that the regulation of the property market will focus on systematically planning, balanced supply and demand, and reflect the current three key trends in the real estate market.

From the "incremental era" to "the era of stock"

In recent years, the Chinese real estate market has gradually entered the "stock era" from the "incremental era".Behind this conversion is some long -term variables, such as changes in per capita housing area and population age structure.

Li Yujia, chief researcher at the Housing Policy Research Center of the Guangdong Provincial Urban Rule Council, pointed out that at present, in many cities, the trading of stock housing has become the main body, and the number of second -hand housing listing and transaction volume are larger than that of new houses.In recent years, the proportion of second -hand housing transactions in Beijing and Shanghai has exceeded 80%of the total transactions of the local housing market.

This means that the priority of the stock and incremental housing market needs to be re -positioned.In an interview with China News Agency reporters, the chief economist of the Zhongliang Liangliang Federation said that it is expected that the real estate industry will continue to adapt to changes from the era of incremental to the era of stock, from expansion to existing, digestion, and digestion and digestion, andThe combination of incremental quality and quality and optimization.

From the inventory of second -hand housing to the new house excellent structure

New houses and second -hand housing represent the main part of the incremental and stock housing.In the future, there may be two efforts in opening up the "memory cycle" of the house.

First of all, the second -hand house is inventory.Since last year, the number of second -hand housing in many places has increased significantly. Many people need to wait for more than half a year to sell old houses. The chain chain is delayed. The demand kinetic energy from the second -hand housing market is also difficult to transmit to the new house market.

Li Yujia believes that the potential for buying a house at present is very large. The key is to connect second -hand house destocking with new house sales. This is the key to stabilizing the market and stabilizing the industry.

In terms of opening a second -hand housing cycle, more than 30 cities explore the house "to change the new with the old".In many places, "real gold and silver", such as: Hai'an, Jiangsu, Suzhou Xiangcheng District, Zhengzhou, Lianyungang and other places directly acquired old houses by local or developers.

Followed by the new house market excellent supply.This means that the supply of high -quality plots and high -quality housing is expected to increase.Recently, Lishui, Zhejiang, said that it was necessary to make "customized" low -density residential plots, and the plot was transferred to the public.Shenzhen and Shanghai have also canceled the restrictions on the proportion of residential units in multiple plots that have been supplied in the near future. More "big houses" and "good houses" are expected to enter the market to meet diversified needs.

From the delivery of commercial housing to the opening of the housing supply system

This meeting proposed that it continued to adhere to the urban policy, compact the responsibilities of local governments, real estate enterprises, and financial institutions, and effectively do a good job in paying the house to ensure the legitimate rights and interests of the buyers.

From the "insurance delivery building" to the "insured house", Yan Yuejin, the research director of the E -House Research Institute, believes that the changes in policy expressions means that the policy will be more pragmatic from the perspective of protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the buyer.Pang Ye expects that the support of the insurance delivery will continue to increase the support of the households to effectively solve problems such as long and limited coverage and limited coverage of bailout funds in some areas.

More importantly, future policies or further open up commercial housing and security housing markets, which not only helps resolve risks, but also optimize real estate supply structure.

The Institute of Middle Indications believes that related measures may include government platforms to repurchase second -hand housing as affordable rental housing, repurchase housing companies without selling new houses as affordable housing, and active existing non -residential properties to ensure affordable rental housing.

李宇嘉说,建议将配售型保障房筹集与二手房去库存结合起来,以中央政府发行特别债券、组建基金等方式,贷款给央企和地方国企,收购市场上的存量二手房源,再Sell ​​at a lower price to those who need to be just needed or guaranteed housing to achieve closed loop of funds.This can accelerate circulation and stabilize prices, thereby stabilizing new house trading and starting.