This year's Labor Day rally has special significance.Premier Li Xianlong's last speech attended and delivered as Prime Minister was undoubtedly an important farewell speech.In addition to tracing back to the government and his personal and unions, it is more important to explain the righteousness of governing the country and how Singapore should respond to future challenges and uncertainty.

Prime Minister's choice of this important speech on this important worker holiday has a strong political meaning, which also highlights his emphasis on the close relationship between the workers and the government and the government.He believes that both have fulfilled their commitments to Singaporeans and improved their overall life.In fact, from the moment the founding of the country, the ruling party and the Workers' Games have concluded the so -called symbiotic relationship, which is a relationship of interdependence, support and trust.Based on this relationship, the unions representing the workers have full confidence in the government. They believe that the government will be able to serve the interests of workers, and the government will never forget the original intention to ensure that workers can continuously share the results of economic growth and improve their lives.

As the General Secretary -General Huang Zhiming pointed out, due to this mutual trust, the government can let go of policies that are beneficial to workers and management.This can also form a model of Singapore's unique cooperation between labor and government and government.At the rally yesterday, the speech of Prime Minister Huang Zhiming and Li Xianlong has repeatedly emphasized the importance of the cooperation between the three parties of the labor and government and government. This seems to be a common talk. In fact, this is the keyThe factors are also the specific performance of Singapore's unique spirit.

After the rotation of the three generations of Prime Minister Li Guangyao, Wu Zongdong, and Li Xianlong, the government and employee movement always maintain a solid symbiotic relationship, which itself is enough to illustrate the importance of the relationship between the two.On this basis, the government can obtain the support and trust of workers, and therefore can take various effective measures to respond to crisis, so that Singapore successfully spend every crisis, even if some measures will temporarily hurt the interests of workers.However, workers know that after the crisis, economic recovery growth, workers will be able to share the better results of growth.

There is no doubt that the representativeness of the union is also extremely important in this symbiotic relationship.If the vocational school cannot keep keeping with the times and constantly strengthen its representativeness, then its role in symbiotic relations will weaken.Over the years, Singapore ’s economy has experienced many transformations, and the workplace has experienced great changes. For example, the current majority of white -collar professionals, managers and executors (PME) have occupied the majority, and the situation of blue -collar workers at the beginningVery different.At present, as many as 45%of the 58 affiliated unions and seven subsidiaries are PME.It shows that the performance of the general representatives keeps pace with the times, and extensively represents workers in various fields, including labor groups that appear with the zero worker economy.The total number of members has reached 1.3 million, and the goal of reaching 1.5 million in 2030 is not far.More and more industry workers have joined the union, indicating that unions can fight for their benefits.

The three -generation coordination model has been carefully operated by the three -generation Prime Minister. The foundation can be said to be very solid. Singapore has successfully responded to the sudden crown disease epidemic, indicating that this collaboration model can stand the test.The fundamental strategy of planting new challenges.With the change of the Prime Minister, the relationship between government and employee movement will open a new chapter again.We are convinced that taking over the Prime Minister Huang Xuncai will continue to consolidate the relationship between the government and the union and move towards the future on the original basis.

Faced with a more turbulent world, the cooperation between the trilogy of labor and government and government is even more indispensable.The Prime Minister pointed out at the conference that the world has changed, and the future is full of challenges and uncertainty. Singapore must also be flexible, but some hardships are constant.This includes: social cohesion, long -term planning, and political stability and trust.These three are actually causal.A society with cohesive power has stable politics, and with stable politics to make long -term planning.One of the key functions in it is trust, mutual trust between labor and government and government, and mutual trust between the people and the government.These are also the key to Singapore's continuous development of prosperity in the future.