On a large level, protecting nature and not destroying nature are no longer belonging to the social responsibility category of traditional corporate social responsibility. From the perspective of risk assessment, these elements should now become corporate risk governance, or even evenIt is the core of opportunity management.

People currently give financial value to many assets.However, the return of nature as all human beings is often ignored.The economist began to make more careful estimates until four or five years ago, so that natural capital accounting was incorporated into many financial and economic decision -making considerations.

This month, he participated in the "Ecosperity Week" hosted by Temasek every year. It is found that many corporate leaders have begun to share. How they realize the damage of nature and have a direct impact on the company's income and profitability.They pointed out that especially after climate warming has led to a normal balance of natural ecology.

For example, the agricultural production of OLAM Group (OLAM Group, a comprehensive agricultural product and food ingredients in Singapore, has been harmed by a bee in recent years.From 2022 to 2023, Australia discovered for the first time to find Varroa Mite, which would lead to a large -scale death of bees.The explosive growth of this parasite has made it difficult for bee farmers to be spared, which greatly affects bee production.This also combates agricultural operations that rely on bee pollination.

Sunny Verghese, the founder and president of Zanlan Group, shared at the meeting that the group's single -quarter turnover fell by about $ 135 million (about S $ 184 million) at the time.88 million US dollars, it can be seen that the balance of nature is closely related to the survival of the enterprise.

The 15th meeting (COP15), the world's leaders gathered in Montreal, Canada, in Montreal, Canada, has been more than a year.At that time, they reached a key agreement to protect nature, agreed to set a series of goals to ensure that human beings can enable biological diversity to recover the road before 2030, and fully realize human harmony between man and nature.

Since then, many countries have made some progress in providing financing for natural protection activities.More importantly, private enterprises have also begun to realize that investing in natural protection and reducing natural damage is beneficial to them.

In addition, in the past year, a market-led and obtained support for the support of the United Nations, the Seventh-way Group, and the 20th Guoman Group, that is, naturally related financial disclosure working groupsReferred to as TNFD), the evaluation of risks such as natural environment and biological diversity has received a lot of attention.Some companies with more advanced thinking have begun to prepare for natural related disclosure.

At a large level, protecting nature and not destroying nature are no longer belonging to the category of social responsibility of traditional enterprises. From the perspective of risk assessment, these elements should now become corporate risk governance, or even opportunity managementThe core of the climate should be treated together.

Not only the healthy growth and reproduction of bees affect the production of crops, the so -called natural assets also cover more resources and order of the natural ecosystem.Like fertile land can avoid disasters caused by floods and desertification, dams built may hinder fish travel, migration, etc.

The famous British economist Partha Dasgupta, a well -known economic value that must be understood by economics, has pointed out that many "invisible" assets such as natural wetland, as well as smooth flowing and clean river water are the kind of water.It is difficult to obtain the correct valuation as a natural phenomenon.This has led to underestimation of the value of nature.To a large extent, whether technological innovation that can improve natural protection is affected by these price signals, many companies' last choices are destroying nature, rather than promoting technological innovation and protecting nature.

Speaking of the Ecological Prosperity Week, a three -day meeting, one of them all day discussions, focusing on promoting nature -based, it is rare.The theme of the entire Ecological Prosperity Week, "Spring, Renewing Our Vibrant Spring", is also quite novel.At the beginning, more people hoped to be a pioneer in this regard.

However, we must be vigilant that the relevant discussions of natural capital should not be separated from the most fundamental goal in the end, that is, to create the greatest benefits for nature protection, rather than just corporate profits.Governments of various countries must take action faster, set a framework, and carry out more comprehensive governance to ensure that enterprises do not drill related loopholes.

For example, like Forest-Based Carbon Credits in recent years, quality development has been highly criticized because many projects are not transparent enough or did not bring real forest protection effects.Natural -related bonds launched in the market, such as various creative financing plans such as rhino bonds, must obtain better management.

The gifts given by nature in terms of economy are more generous than we think.When human beings are pursuing development and prosperity, they should not forget the way of getting along better.

The author is the deputy director of the editorial department of Eco-Business, the editorial department of regional environmental media and consulting companies.