Lian's Foundation and Bamboo Football Maternal and Children's Hospital in May 2022 jointly launched the "DAYONE" pilot program to provide supporters for children with special children.The two -year pilot plan is ending this month.In a report released by the two institutions on April 23, about 65 % of the caregivers need formal psychological health or social psychological support services, and current support in this area is not enough.

It is reported that about 7,000 children in Singapore are diagnosed with various development obstacles each year, of which about 70 % will go to the child development department of Zhujiao Hospital for help.However, the current nursing procedures mainly focus on children, and it is not common to provide parents with mental health and social psychological screening and support.In other words, we must also increase their efforts to provide support for the parents of special children to make up for the existing shortcomings as soon as possible.

In accordance with the "Dawn Parent -Child Assistance Program", when children who have obstacles are referred to the children's development department of the hospital, the staff will contact the child's caregiver for the first time to evaluate their mental conditions.Their psychological burden.The pilot plan found that parents who are willing to accept help are quite high; about 60 % to 70 % of parents agree to be referred to medical social workers, psychologists or psychiatrists for help.The anxiety or depression symptom ratio of the caregiver with moderate to severe psychological health needs to be reduced from 21.3 % to 10.6 % after receiving counseling, with significant effects.

A total of 626 parents participating in the above pilot plans, 439 of which are the main caregivers, and the remaining 187 are secondary caregivers.As a result, it provides the function of providing appropriate counseling and psychological support.For example, a mother had two sons with autism one after another, which could not help but have great psychological anxiety and self -blame, and even thought of suicide. After psychological counseling, he returned to peace.And take care of children.Based on this, the value of such counseling services and psychological support should be affirmed and further promoted.

In recent years, on the premise of shaping a more inclusive society, the government's efforts on taking care of special children's needs are obvious to all.Schools, provide higher tuition allowances for special -demand students, and add early infants and young children's early intervention service centers.However, it may not be able to keep up with the actual needs in progress.The support and counseling of parents are even more dazzling, and they need to double their efforts.

Under the current circumstances, parents of children who need children are not completely for help.Many parents actually know how to ask the hospital for help.The new coordinator provides support for the disabled, and the bureau has now become the first contact point for the disabled and caregivers to seek support services.In order to help disabled people and family members understand the aid they can obtain, the new co -organizer also launched a disabled service guide, which is a resource portal to provide information about disabled support such as care, treatment, training, and employment services.

In November last year, the new coordinated life and caregiver supporting the director Prema Govindan also revealed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that it is expectedThe institution and even the hospital can better help the caregivers of special children to seek assistance, especially in the early stages of children's diagnosis.

For this reason, the bureau has launched a pilot plan with the three social service agencies, SPD, Special School Rainbow Center, and Organization of Limited Restrictions and Imagination Capability Organizations (ABLE) to explore hierarchical assistance according to the needs of the caregivers.For example, after evaluation, if the caregiver basically cope with it, the staff can only explain to them only the existing assistance guidelines and resources; if there is specific needs, the staff will help from the side; encounter a complex situation in the case of complex situation;, Will invite relevant agencies to intervene.

The government has also formulated a blueprint for strengthening the disabled service in 2030 in 2030, and is committed to providing support for the stages of the lives of the disabled.This blueprint includes assistance to the caregiver.This shows that the official has also realized that it is not easy for children to take care of special children. Many parents are struggling and miserable.However, as parents or caregivers, they must continue to create a hopeful future for children.These parents and caregivers also need to get care, especially the comfort of the soul.Therefore, society must strengthen their understanding of children, and people respond to them in public and their caregivers in public.

Over the years, our society has become more tolerant, but there are many ways to ask for help. Some parents who need children who need children spontaneously establish mutual assistance and support organizations. Therefore, parents of children or caregivers need children.Feel helpless, but you should exclude psychological obstacles, be brave to ask for help, avoid silence and anxiety alone, or fall into a state of pessimism.