Recently, many hawkers who have read the catering industry spit out. Due to the hot weather, wearing a mask for a long time is unbearable.Some stalls reported that the cramped space of the hawkers at the booth was cooked for a long time, and it was high temperature, as if in the Flame Mountain, hoping that the official official to cancel the mask order so that the hawkers could choose when to wear a mask.

How well the weather has been in the past few months.To be honest, the author will still feel the high outdoor temperature in the air -conditioning room. Whenever he goes out or go home, it will inevitably feel the heat when you come into contact with the outdoor temperature.In the past few months, if the author does not turn on air -conditioning, he will turn around. I can imagine that hawkers have been asking for life for a long time with vapor. Cool heat is no longer a problem, and it is inevitable to cover up half a face.

On February 29 this year, the Ministry of Health announced that starting from March 1, patients, visitors, and staff of the comprehensive clinic and general clinics and other clinic facilities no longer forcibly wearing masks.However, a mask must be worn in a high -risk medical environment, except for patients.After Singapore's level of disease response to the level of green for more than one year, the Ministry of Health issued a statement at the time that as the collective toughness of the local population has been strengthened, the official will gradually release the remaining crown disease response measures from March 1 and integrate it into Singapore into Singapore.Public health system.This is a good thing, the normal operation before the return of the epidemic.

Earlier this year, the Singapore Climate Research Center reported that Singapore and surrounding areas may be affected by global climate change.During the day, there is a time to face the challenge of heat stress.It can be imagined that we need to face more hot and aggressive days in the future.

On May 13 last year, the island nation experienced a recorded heat wave with a temperature of 37 degrees Celsius, which is the highest temperature record in 40 years.Facing the impact of parents' concerns on children, the Ministry of Education immediately took measures on high temperature issues. In addition to reducing outdoor sports activities during hot hours, schools also allow students to wear sportswear or school T -shirts to make students better can better better wayCopy at high temperatures.

Relevant departments have always been quite timely and properly in the face of environmental changes and modifying measures.However, why is there another other way in the hawker group in the catering industry?Since it is decided to coexist with the virus, the forced mask measures seem to be unpredictable.

High temperature not only makes people hot, but also causes heat stroke, cause diseases, or causes complication of other diseases.It is estimated that the weather this year will be hotter than last year, especially in April and May.The people can feel that recently, most people have been very hard to make the gas, and it is inevitable that it is inevitable that it is soaked in the air -conditioned room to avoid summer heat.It is conceivable that hawkers need to work in high temperature environments at least four to eight hours a day. There is no air conditioning, and they need to wear masks. It is really heated.

A survey conducted in social media a few days ago found that most public believes that although the crown disease epidemic has subsided, but for food hygiene, the catering industry still hopes that the catering industry will continue to wear a mask.If you care about food hygiene, you can understand that hawkers must maintain hygiene.However, after all, they are not the same as restaurants, and their operating space does not have air conditioners.Imagine that before the epidemic, do hawkers do not need to wear masks and provide customers with a plate of foods of a plate, a bowl of food?

The author is not a hawker, but there are some fixed -like hawker booths, patronizing for many years, and have known the stall owner for decades.Occasionally we can chat, from which they can understand their hard work. Some need to get up and get up to prepare. Several people are working in the stalls, running endlessly, cooking for a long time.Stop.Push yourself and think about it, and think about it, the daily operation of hawkers for many years is not easy.

Perhaps, we can consider using the "invisible hand" proposed by British economist Adam Smith's theory to make market demand and supply driving force to develop a balanced point.In other words, we let the stall owner choose and decide whether to wear a mask and indicate at the stall, but we must keep food hygiene, just like the way of operation before the epidemic.As for customers, you can make your own choice according to whether the booth hawker puts on a mask, you don't have to push everything to the stall's shoulder.

In the long run, the gravity of the market is promoted by themselves, and everyone can achieve a balanced effect under the drive of maximizing their interests in economic life.If wearing a mask is a strong requirement for most diners, those hawkers who choose not to wear a mask will have a certain impact.They can choose to continue to earn reduced income, or put on a mask in exchange for better returns.On the contrary, if the Chinese do not care if the hawkers are wearing a mask, then let the hawkers breathe a breath and cool a little bit.

A shallow opinion, hoping to achieve the effect of two whole beauty.

The author is the head of the medical part manufacturing company