Source: Hong Kong Zhongtong News Agency

Among the well -known science fiction novels written by Chinese writer Liu Cixin, the protagonist accidentally mastered a special electromagnetic signal transmission method, so she used the sun as a signal amplifier and used the transmission power of "star" to the universe.The first "greeting" of human civilization.In reality, Chinese scientists have recently verified the feasibility of this operation.

China Science and Technology Daily WeChat public account reported on the 24th that recently, Yuan Ding, a professor at the Institute of Space Science and Applied Technology, Harbin University of Technology (Shenzhen), and his cooperative researchers for the first time observed the dynamic transmission of electromagnetic waves (light waves), confirming that the solar crowns of the sun coronaSpecial structures and large celestial bodies such as planets can be used as electromagnetic signal amplifiers, or can realize interstellar communication or energy transmission.Related research results are published in the natural journal of important scientific journals in the world.

Yuan Ding's team discovered that the outbreak of the Sun Yao spots triggered a large -scale magnetic flow dynamic wave. Before the waves, the sun was spreading to the four weeks, and the magnetic flow dynamic wave path passed a huge crown.

In areas with low temperature in the daily crowns, low plasma density, and low magnetic field strength, radiation is weak in the extremely ultraviolet band of the space telescope, so it is called a coronation hole."Crown holes act as the role of 'convex lens', and the magnetic flow dynamic waves have gradually focused from the turbulence to the focus." Yuan Ding introduced that according to measurement, the magnetic flow dynamic wave increased by three times the fluctuation amplitude increased by three times.The energy flow of the carried is seven times, which indicates that this phenomenon has the energy focusing effect.