In the trend of scientific and technological progress, we are quickly entering the era of unprecedented informatization, a new scene called a "zero privacy society" is quietly forming.In this world, personal privacy protection is facing unprecedented challenges. Personal information is like the water in a transparent glass bottle, which may be observed, recorded and used anytime, anywhere.

The previous instant communication application WhatsApp was required to authorize the user to share the data with Facebook, which caused the concerns of everyone and turned to the Telegram or SIGNAL platform.With the higher education level, privacy issues have also received more attention.However, can people really enjoy privacy and even control their privacy?

During the Facebook founder Zuckerberg, he had "black" into the Harvard University database, retrieved photos of Harvard female students, and made public beauty selection in the school.This news is widely circulated on the Internet, not a secret.Facebook companies often sell user data, and they also frequently involve legal lawsuits in the United States and the European Union that attach importance to privacy countries.When Facebook mentions the problem of user privacy, it is often lightly described.

Messenger and WhatsApp and other communication applications are a major difference is that we can view the chat history a long time ago without being affected by mobile phone replacement.This shows that the recording of people's communication content is always recorded.

My friend once shared his experience. After searching for skin care products on Taobao, when he exited the page, Facebook pushed related advertisements.Network service providers, social media platforms, and advertisers use Cookie, IP address, user behavior records, etc. to track user online activities in real time to provide a basis for personalized advertising.Precision advertising has become the main source of income for Internet giants.However, behind the precise advertising, it actually violates the privacy of users.

Palantir, a star big data company in the United States, was founded by Silicon Valley godfather Peter Thiel.The company has assisted the US military to accurately grasp Osama's whereabouts and show the ability of big data.In zero privacy society, everyone's whereabouts may be accurately grasped, but whether the government chooses to use it.

In this era, we cannot get out of the application of social platforms, but using these applications, our data will be transmitted to the background.Anyone who knows the code knows that if you add a piece of code, you can record user data at all times.In this era, we have no privacy, and all information can be intercepted.Moreover, in general, the Internet platform will require users to agree to let the platform record their data, otherwise users will not allow users to use services.

With the development of the Internet of Things, mobile Internet and artificial intelligence technology, various types of information such as daily life, consumption habits and social relations have been massive data. Countless sensors, cameras and smart devices are always captured by our behavior trajectory.

Big data analysis makes personal privacy nowhere to hide, and almost everyone's life has become a data story that others can interpret.With the emergence of a large amount of data, many Internet crimes have emerged endlessly.The phenomenon of personal information has been stolen and sold, and it has repeatedly banned. The dispersion of identity and fraudulent cases are frequently threatened by people's property security and personal safety.In zero privacy society, everyone may become potential goals.

Although technology has greatly improved the convenience and work efficiency of life, the status quo of privacy exposure is worrying, and it has also increased the public's awareness of privacy protection.This is not only related to the maintenance of the basic rights and interests of citizens, but also puts forward higher requirements for social governance models and laws and regulations.

The author is a graduate student in Malaysia of Tsinghua University