Source: Bloomberg

Author: Gregory Korte

U.S. President Joe Bayeng has recently become elastic in the support rate in the key battlefield polls, because voters have hit his reputation for the deep pessimism of the country's economic trajectory.

Bloomberg News/Morning CorSult's April poll found that in the seven swing states that are most likely to determine Bayeng with Donald Trump's duel, he only led 2 percentage points in Michigan.Biden's support in Pennsylvania and Wisconson was slightly lost to Trump, while in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and North Carolina, they were more behind.

These results indicate that the two parties basically returned to the situation before the State of the National Love Consultation.Biden's strong speech seemed to help him achieve his best performance since the start of the poll in October last October in the March survey.

The response responded to the respondent's view of the recent economic situation, and this has always been the most concerned issue in the election.Most of the voters in the swing states are expected to worsen in the next few months, and less than one -fifth of interviewees believe that inflation and borrowing costs will decline before the end of the year.Although the job market is full of toughness, only 23%of respondents are optimistic that the employment rate will be improved at the same time.

As far as the voters have not decided to support anyone, it is expected that the percentage of these economic elements will be improved by only one digit, and this group of people is the key to Biden catching Trump at the support rate.

"The glory of Guoqing Counseling has faded," Matt Monday, a senior manager of Morning Consult, said, "People really associate Biden Economics with their views on the economy with inflation."

More than three -quarters of the respondents said that Biden responded to the current performance of the US economy, and nearly half of the interviewees believed that he should be "negatively responsible."

This poll was carried out from April 8th to 15th, and the overall error rate of the above seven states was positive and negative.During the inquiry, the United States announced another higher than expected inflation report, which strengthened the reason for the Federal Reserve to postpone interest rate cuts. It also showed that voters could not see the cost of borrowing in the short term.

Biden has always wanted to remind voters in the most severe situation of the United States to get rid of the epidemic, but he also acknowledged that "there is more work to do."The White House often boasted that boasted employment growth, industrial investment, and inflation from the peak of 2022 to cool down.